Health care.

Sep 03, 2009 20:31

I was just reminded why I don't understand some Republicans - or at least those of the gun toting, Palin loving, death to health care variety ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

hold_onhope September 4 2009, 04:00:51 UTC
I don't know much about politics in general, but what I really don't understand is how/why health care = communism/socialism. My family has been walking around comparing Obama to Hitler for days, and I'm very confused. D:

I was at the emergency room a few weeks ago on Worker's Comp, and they sent me a copy of the bill in the mail. I was there for a couple hours, had a few blood pressure tests taken (standing, sitting, laying down...), had my blood sugar tested, and they took three vials of blood to run a general diagnostics test. It cost $700. I was just shocked that it could possibly cost that much. And all of it so that the doctor could tell me I was perfectly fine. It's just ridiculous, I can't even IMAGINE what would happen if someone in my family was seriously ill.


threedaystar September 4 2009, 04:20:49 UTC
oops - I forgot to tell you - I am a Politics grad student. I tend to get worked up and you might find my journal full of rants on politics *sheepish grin* ;-) Not just horses or QAF here ( ... )


infinityshark September 4 2009, 07:52:16 UTC
Let's start acting like we are an evolved species please!

I've been asking, telling, and begging people this for years. No dice :(


pookah05 September 9 2009, 02:52:01 UTC
I don't think anyone believes that the way things are now are just fine. Our health care IS messed up, and it needs to be fixed. People just don't agree on how to do it. And not agreeing with Obama's plan does not make one lack empathy - it just means that have a different opinion.


pookah05 September 9 2009, 03:38:23 UTC
"think about a nation of fit and happy people. Isn't that something to be desired" Sounds wonderful. But all the wonderful health care in the world won't make people healthy who are destroying their own bodies through bad habits. THAT is what makes us such an unhealthy nation - our laziness and bad habits. The majority of common illnesses in this nation are at least partially preventable (heart disease, some cancers, strokes, Type II diabetes, etc, and even a lot of injuries caused by recklessness). Having he best health care in the world will not solve these problems. Treating the symptoms instead of the cause is not going to make things better, it just masks the problem.


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