Harry Potter and the Movie Length Action Scene

Jul 20, 2011 10:59

I originally posted this to softly_me 's journal post, but since it pretty much sums up my feelings on the whole thing I thought I'd just copy it here and add a few other things.

I actually find that I've grown in to one of the 'accept the movies for what they are' fans, but only because since the seventh book came out I've sort of accepted that the books weren't perfect either and gained just a smidgen of objectivity. That doesn't mean that I didn't have thoughts about the movie, but it definitely wasn't the big cathartic END OF POTTER for me, that honour is solely reserved for my epic first and tearful read of the last book. This movie was fine but it was more of a nostalgic reminder of what was than the finale. Lets just say that there were no tears. Partly because I realised that I needed the loo half way through the film but also because it wasn't that kind of movie. I mean goodness me that was an action movie and a half. Seriously was there any conversations that weren't exposition? Obviously they just made an executive decision to have all the emotional stuff in the first part.

Anyway, actual thoughts...

I liked the Malfoys. Even though Cissy was dreadfully miscast they all managed to be completely wonderfully broken and brave and just out for themselves. I adored them all walking away from the battle at the end. As much as I love that image from the books of them all sitting awkwardly in the Great Hall ("We were totally on your side, well, sort of... um, we're just going to sit here and not bother anyone, ok?) but movie wise I'm more than happy with the way they chose to end it. It's just Cissy being like: 'Oh fuck this shit, we are out of here.' Also as some people have pointed out, it is really awesome that Draco blatantly wasn't going to walk over to receive The Most Awkward Hug tm until his mum called him over too. Also LOL that hug! Voldy: 'I've seen other people do this, I think it works like this. *pat pat*. Draco: If I stand really still and just pretend this isn't happening then maybe I will only need therapy for a year. So yeah, Malfoys, awesome. And well done movie for making the whole Draco totally knew it was Harry absolutely explicit.

Um... the teachers were fantastic. Neville was Epic, but then if he hadn't been then the movie would have stopped playing in protest.

And speaking of Neville, onto the stuff that I was less keen on. I mean I get that you want to have this whole 'Will they kill the snake in time?' tension thing, but seriously movie I guarantee that every single book reading member of your audience was waiting for Neville's Crowning Moment of Awesome, they knew when it should have come and they were bloody well disappointed when it didn't happen there and then, right in front of that audience and with the certainty that Harry was dead. I mean why even draw the bloody thing if you aren't going to use it right then? *Sigh*

Also, way to be even worse than the books (and I didn't think that that was possible) when it came to that whole pesky business of Slytherin house. I mean, lock them up in the dungeons? Really movie? Are you really going there? Are you really fully committing to the fact that a quarter of the population is just to damn evil to help themselves? And that this evilness is decided at eleven. At least in the book there was some sort of 'Stay or go with the underage kids' choice.

Actually that is my main gripe with the film because actually when it comes to things like that you should damn well change it . You should step up where the author failed and go, actually no it would be better, morally and thematically if we changed that.

Personally I'm looking forward to the TV series...

ETA: In terms of the continuing saga of What on Earth Should We do With Ron Weasley, well there were so hits and some misses. Both him and Hermione were mostly regulated to the background while Harry gathered exposition and in terms of previous movies he got a lot more 'useful' moments than usual, although these were accompanied by the Hermione seal of approval. I also liked that they actually showed them going off to destroy the cup and, if they had to move Neville's CMoA, at least it then allowed Ron and Hermione to team up to try and kill the snake. However, again, Ron just didn't have even a share in the emotional 'Trio' moments. I don't know whether this is a Hollywood culture thing of not wanting the guys to get too emotional (seriously, not one bloody hug!) or just Kloves giving all the good lines to his favourite but either way it jarred. Oh hell did it jar. 'Oh look Ron, your best friend is going off to his death, I guess that one silent look from several feet away will adequately convey all of your feelings for him at this point.' Bah, I say, bah humbug to the lot of you.  

harry potter

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