I go around a time or two, just to waste some time with you

Sep 14, 2010 15:31

My brother's wedding went off without too many screw ups, I've managed to trick Louise into living with me (or maybe the other way around), and through the constant application of cheap alcohol have managed to resign myself to paying the enormous fucking flood damage bill. All that's left is to move the rest of my possessions into the house, and ( Read more... )

utena, diving, books, aim conversation, tom daley

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Comments 54

kaitou1412 September 14 2010, 19:45:44 UTC
I think I know the knitting pattern Kadrin needs.


thorne_scratch September 14 2010, 20:08:20 UTC
I'm terrified to ask-- is there a whole wang suit pattern to go with the wang socks?


kaitou1412 September 14 2010, 20:55:28 UTC
No, I meant the wang socks. Though there IS a matching pair of vulva socks. There's also a wide array of willy warmers, breast shaped pillows, penis shaped chapstick cozies, pasties.... the 'mature' section of Ravelry is fun to look through!


thorne_scratch September 15 2010, 01:35:45 UTC
...see, I'm not even surprised that there's such an extravagance of genitalia-related knitting projects. What really made me doubletake there were the words "chapstick cozies". Seriously, people make chapstick cozies? WTF, mates.


aphelion_orion September 14 2010, 20:08:54 UTC
*follows you on DW very quietly* I'll be staying here for the time being. I just have a migratory account in case things go really bad.

LOL I remember that fanfic wank. I've never read the books, but those sound hilarious in an awful way. Kind of like that awe-inspiringly terrible "Silk and Steel" book by Ron Miller. (I've got a helpful picture reading, in case I haven't linked you that before.) And I agree about the sex scenes. Just straight-out author-fantasy porn doesn't do anything for me... it's like rubbing two blow-up dolls together and leaves me vaguely embarrassed for the characters. Same goes for movies, of course.


thorne_scratch September 14 2010, 20:24:41 UTC
I don't think I even have anything there because I totally suck at remembering to crosspost; this is why I never bothered to make a fic journal.

They really are! To me, anyway. I'm sure there are lots of people out there who absolutely love that sort of thing, and God bless 'em, but not for me. You should totally link me the S&S thing; it sounds familiar but I could use a good laugh. I mean, if I want to read about authorial inserts, I can do it on ff.net for free, so-- farewell, Outlander!


aphelion_orion September 14 2010, 20:55:09 UTC
I'm bad at remembering stuff like that, too. The only reason that I have a fic journal is because I felt kind of uncomfortable having my fics and my personal entries so close together. Dunno why.

Oh, I agree. Everyone's free to enjoy what they want, but... same here. That sort of stuff just doesn't do it for me. I like seeing what being together means for the characters, what it does in the grand scheme of things, how they react to each other, etc. I mean, some author fantasies are kind of hilarious, like "And then they had sex fifty times in a row from dusk till dawn" or "his cock was a foot long and just as thick" where I can only laugh. But... yeah. It's hard to describe what makes author-fantasies... obvious author-fantasies. *headscratch*

Silk and Steel by Ron Miller. With helpful visuals. I'd call it NSFW, but the prose is so amazingly tortured and ultraviolet that you'll have NO idea it's about a naked woman.


thorne_scratch September 15 2010, 01:38:58 UTC
Oh, I can understand not wanting to have fandom and real world mix. I just avoid having anyone from real world read this journal; totally different emails and so forth. Well, except for Louise and one discreet high school friend. I figure if anyone from the real world ever did dip into this, I'd just lock the whole mess down.

Hee! Yes. I'm all for well-written smut, I am just a very picky reader about-- well, not reader, exactly. I will read a lot of horrible stuff, if only yo try and learn what not to do. I am a very picky enjoyer.

Oh God, that video. ROFL.


soranokumo September 14 2010, 20:50:34 UTC
More on the wedding to come later, including a stop at a McDonalds that was decorated in a very peculiar and specific theme of "The Lady of Shalott." I kind of wondered if I'd accidentally slipped into Faery Land or something.

...I have to admit, I am bewildered and intrigued by this all at once!

Glad to hear the wedding went well and that things are, more or less, working out--even with the flooding damage bill. >_<;; I am sure Louise will help you weather through it. Potentially with fires ( ... )


thorne_scratch September 15 2010, 01:53:55 UTC
I kept sitting there, looking around and becoming more and more bewildered. I wish I'd thought to take a picture; it had all the different famous paintings of her, including the Waterhouse one, and lines from the poem winding around the top of the wall. I didn't even know McDonalds could do that ( ... )


soranokumo September 15 2010, 02:25:51 UTC
I know some McDonalds apparently have "themes"--there was one the Mews took me to out West of here that had a UFO theme? Or something. I'm not sure!

Whenever I hear of cinderblocks I tend to think of my family's golden retriever back in Texas and how he would roll them down the hill. This was after it was discovered using just bricks to cover up the holes he dug to get out of the yard would not work. Apparently, cinderblocks didn't work either. That admittedly has nothing to do with furniture, unless you plan on getting a friendly golden retriever.

You've probably seen my "ARGH WRY" posts and things, so I won't go into all of that here... it's just more of a question of how many more times do I have to go through one big scare or mass account deletion or another before finally throwing my hands up in the air and leaving? In any case, they get no more money from me, and as little content as possible.

I know some people are comfy here and so long as they're happy here, that's okay. I just don't fall into that group anymore.


thorne_scratch September 15 2010, 04:36:41 UTC
Weird. It just seemed like such a random theme, you know?

Aww, I remember you telling me about him. And no dogs for me, right now; if I ever do get a pet that doesn't live in a bowl, it'd probably be a cat.

Oh yes, and I can understand that. I thought your post made sense. I... just don't feel the same way, I guess, because I can't bring myself to care that much. Of everything going on in my life, livejournal and its issues fall far, far down the list.

(I don't direct this at you personally, but I think if you [general you!] fear something you've said on the internet will get linked back to you and affect your life-- don't put it on the damn internet to start with. It will save you a lot of stress in the long run! Which is where your exclusion from livejournal is fine, because you're choosing to remove your content from a site that might not secure it. That makes sense. But seriously, people, it is not that hard to figure out anything you say online can be linked to you, goddamn. This is not rocket science.)


tochira September 14 2010, 20:55:22 UTC
M-my mother loves the Outlander series... she tried to get me to read it when I was like thirteen, and even then I thought it read like a bodice-ripper... XD XD XD

Although really my only other experience of 'historical fiction' at that point was Sharon Kay Penman, and it hasn't broadened much over the past mumblesomething years.

Everything you said about sex in fiction - yep, I feel pretty much the same way. I was always vaguely grateful towards Anne McCaffrey for her tasteful fade-outs... which, now that I think about it, probably had a lot to do with her own attitude towards fanfiction. Charlaine Harris's vampire series (my own recent guilty addiction) is surprisingly short on sex scenes for the number of volumes she's written... they're standard romance-novel fare but tend to be mercifully short (and short on purple prose). Otherwise I'd probably have been too embarrassed to read past the first novel.


thorne_scratch September 15 2010, 02:05:26 UTC
Hee hee, you should have seen my twelve year old face when I read The Thorn Birds for the first time. Better written, but still, I was all, "is THAT how sex works? wow."

I forgot to include the Anita Blake series in my mention of books where I can almost hear the author masturbating. (With were-everythings! If it's an animal and can shapeshift, Anita can nail it, apparently.) I've never read the CH books, because they sounded silly to me (well, SOOKIE sounded silly to me, on her name alone, not to mention everything else about her), so I'm glad to hear they're not as bad as I thought.


chickpea September 16 2010, 18:04:40 UTC
Re: the CH books, they're actually pretty good. The thing I like best about it, though, is that when left alone, Sookie is pretty self-sufficient and likes to lead a simple life. I remember reading some passage where she had a day off, so she, like, did laundry and painted her toenails and sat in the sun on her porch. And that was SO anathema to how other books are always GO GO GO ACTION, that I was quite pleased with it. Later on, when her life gets more and more tangled up in supernatural events, it gets a little weirder, but the early books are unlike most fantasy/sci-fi books in that way.


thorne_scratch September 16 2010, 21:17:49 UTC
I suppose part of my kneejerk reaction (well, aside from the name. Seriously? Sookie? This is like how I didn't watch Buffy for a long time because the name itself sort of irked me. I am weird) is from True Blood. Which has a lot of awesome stuff to it, but when the main couple annoys me that much, I just-- eh. Though I should give it a chance, because of course, BtVS turned out to be really fun and cool.

I think I've just never had a hard-on for vampires. Anne Rice burned me when I was young, and I've never been the same since!


m_steelgrave September 15 2010, 00:07:19 UTC
Agreed about the creepy sex. And sometimes I want to be all high-minded about it and appreciate the well-written bad sex scenes that enhance characterization, and then sometimes I've had a really shitty day and I just want to see that somewhere, someone (even if they are fictional) can get what they want.

As for LJ, pretty much what Catt said. I think I'm a little more paranoid about it than is necessary because I teach, and the last thing I need is for my not-even-really-that-smutty fan fic to find its way onto my students' computers. It was bad enough trying to explain it to my college friends when they found it. "So, what, you think Harry Potter is gay?" *sigh* I'm around, and checking my flist for people and communities that haven't made the switch.


soranokumo September 15 2010, 00:32:03 UTC
You know, speaking of fanfic, a really crappy thought occurred to me. If you posted some creative endeavor to LJ, and accidentally crossposted to Facebook, does that mean Facebook, by way of its craptastic terms of service, actually owns said creative endeavor? I know LJ recently changed how much content actually gets posted, but still.

I know at some point Facebook claimed to have changed that, but in reality they just rewrote their TOS to make it harder to find that they were still saying the same thing, just differently. I don't know if they've actually changed it since then. The chances of them using such a thing against you isn't likely, until you happen to become popular. And then... well, bring in the lawyers.

To me, it's just... I'm all up for sharing the creative content, but I'm not handing it over to some social networking site, whether it's fanfic or photos or anything else.

(Apologies to Thorne for jumping in, here--but M's comment made me think of that.) Edited for typo.


thorne_scratch September 15 2010, 04:27:33 UTC
I've no idea. (Ironic as it may be, I'm sure there's a law-focused livejournal comm out there that may have the answer.)

I never update my damn facebook either; I use it for double-checking birthdays and making one sentence comments to people from high school so I don't have to see them in person. Handy.


thorne_scratch September 15 2010, 04:24:52 UTC
Sometimes I just really want to read about Ringo drumming on Draco's ass. Or Paul in a Catholic school girl outfit. DIANA GABALDON HAS HER NEEDS, AND I HAVE MINE, OKAY? Heh.

I can totally understand the need for paranoia, and like I said, I don't judge anyone for vacating. I just will stay here until I'm forced out, I suppose. It may happen; I left my pita, after all. But I'm also not in the position you are with the teaching and so forth.


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