This was a fun music post to organize, but it's so meager, considering that I'm only pulling it from my own collection on this computer's hard drive. I know I've got so much more backed-up music lying around on a lot of data-discs, music that doesn't bring up the Beats. Ah, well.
That Is So Classy: Vaguely Literary Music Post )
Comments 43
I was going to mention this anyway but then you got around to matching up the Beat poets with Marvel superheroes and now my brain's just sorta dribbling out of my years.
Marvel's in the middle of a big crossover event called Civil War, which I've seen best described as "Captain America and Iron Man have a messy divorce and fight for custody of Spider-Man". Of course the first month out Marvel immediately compares this to the Japanese-American internment camps of World War II.
Apparently this wasn't quite enough to get the point across about what serious business this all is because by the third month they're quoting Wilfred Owen poetry.
I may actually need to buy that issue now. Or at least hold it in my hands and marvel.
>probably Wilfred Owen's first appearance in a comicbook shared with the Fantastic Four.
You say that like he's just casually in comics all the time. As well he should be! Seriously, goddamn. I think I might have to buy this as well, just to see if he has the stupid mustache. Man.
That's one he can look down on from the afterlife and feel proud of.
Marvel's in the middle of a big crossover event called Civil War, which I've seen best described as "Captain America and Iron Man have a messy divorce and fight for custody of Spider-Man"
Oh man, no prenup in the world could make this any less messy. As if Spiderman weren't messed up enough already.
Is it just me, or does he sound, uh, somewhat dead fossilised?
Mr Frost, sir, I didn't mean to give offence! Don't devour my brains!
Actually, I'm going to reconsider that voice- it could be his "I made a few million dollars already god so why am I stuck reading out my poetry to a bunch of ignorant seven year old phillistines who are all too busy thinking of lunch break to listen" voice.
*snickersnerk* Considering I was reading this post while drinking tea, I can truly say that I nearly died laughing. XD Where do you get these ideas?
Nah, just from having too much time on my hands. And from good friends, who are willing to funnel that into madness.
I'm not sure where Twig's ideas come from. Possibly a very dark and spooky cave of some kind.
I am trying to write some bits with Tessan and Izzy but they refuse to be at all interesting.
I say hit them with sticks. That usually gets something happening, and even if they don't get interesting, it'll probably put Mil in a good mood and maybe he'll cough something up.
In case you guys were being serious, pansexual = attracted to any gender or sex. Intersexed, transgender, no gender, etc.
If you weren't being serious, well! *fades into the mist*
I need a dolphin icon.
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