well, I'm lost and I'm found and I can't touch the ground

Oct 04, 2005 13:36

Final Fantasy Seven and I met, like, way after it had been released, back in something like 1999 or 2000. I used to write it notes and shove them in its locker, of the "Dear FFVII. I like you. Do you like me? Please check yes, no, or maybe" persuasion. So, I should preface this by saying that because I love this fandom best and most of all my ( Read more... )

ff7, advent children, aim conversation

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Comments 72

powercorrupts October 4 2005, 18:58:33 UTC
Oh. Oh GOD. The complab people are going to KILL me. I have to have one hand over my nose to keep from the gigglefits that keep consuming me - I took that hand off for a second, and ended up snort-laughing. They're going to sacrifice me to the printers in hope of getting them to work again if I laugh one more time, I know it.

Oh /GOD/.


thorne_scratch October 4 2005, 19:29:20 UTC
I am so terribly glad you like it! Although really, human sacrifice to printers is what keeps the complabs going. Sometimes you can fool them by just giving them a bucket of fried chicken, though.

Also! This is terribly forward of me to ask, but if I write you a drabble, would you be willing to make a matching icon of the one I swiped from your icon journal for this post? From the same picture, same pose and type of crop and song, just Cloud facing with other way? It begs for a matching pair.


powercorrupts October 4 2005, 20:42:54 UTC
Not forward at all. I've been declared the icon wench too many times to take note. xD

How does this look? It's a pretty simple change, unless there was something else you wanted done to it, I can do that too. No need for a drabble, but the whore that i am, I'd love anything. xD http://www.panic-button.org/imaginary/icons/Ravages2.png

I was beginning to suspect that that is what keeps the UTSA printers running, it makes sense. They're far too fast to be using ink, after all. Majick symbols and circles and stuff probably also explain why they make you type your login 4 times. It's a secret ritual.


thorne_scratch October 4 2005, 20:53:40 UTC
My God, that is exactly what I wanted. You are glorious. Unless you really want to change just one small bit, which would be to use slightly different lyrics from the same song. You totally don't have to, but if you did, could I stick "Every moment marked with apparitions of your soul" in to pinch hit? And Jesus, I forgot how very them that song is.

Sephiroth/Cloud okay for a drabble, then?

Totally. The printer is not actually out of toner, it requires its thirst to be slaked by blood.


prism_eclipser October 4 2005, 19:51:13 UTC
Hi! This is just one of your new friendly stalkers telling you that you have been friended. Mwhahaha.

Anyways, hi, and thanks for sharing that. I almost fell off my chair at the last part.


thorne_scratch October 4 2005, 21:08:09 UTC
Well, thank you! That's awfully sweet of you to say.


vwl October 4 2005, 19:58:06 UTC
Argh, my email hasn't been working right in two weeks, so I will talk to you here.

Do you still want a copy of AC on CD or do you have it now? My email's been retarded, like I mentioned, and I only got your address out of it recently. Also, my computer has been whimpering and clutching his privates whenever I come near the CD burner, so I'll have to hijack my brother's computer to get it on CD for you. It's not a big deal, I'm going over there tomorrow morning, I just need to know.

X_x Sorry it's taken so long.


thorne_scratch October 4 2005, 21:10:08 UTC
Oh, man, I hope your email and computer recovers. I hate having those troubles. That said, it's okay, Catt gave it to me on CD and I wouldn't want to put you to the trouble of having to burn it again. But thank you so much for offering in the first place!


vwl October 4 2005, 22:05:08 UTC
Honestly, I think it's my computer that's eating the email. Or possibly my extremely lousy Internet connection. Cid here is definitely in his later days. ::pats computer:: Well, if there's anything else I can do for you, let me know. You have Last Order? :>


thorne_scratch October 4 2005, 22:51:28 UTC
Which Cid is he supposed to be now? Heh. And I do have Lost Order, thanks! I'll probably write you something anyway; I'm sure I owe you something from some time. I usually do.


emeraldus October 4 2005, 20:14:42 UTC
Another stalker to pipe up and say, I liked the bit about driving the planet best. I can picture Sephiroth whipping head around, silver hair flying, to glare at the two boys in the backseat and threatening to turn the planet around.


thorne_scratch October 4 2005, 21:12:06 UTC
Oh my, well, thank you! Although Twig totally came up with that bit so all credit goes to her. I mean, Sephiroth wanting to be a space pirate-- who among us has not also felt that desire?

I imagine there would have to be backseat sex midway there, to shut up the "He's poking me! Make him stop poking me!" cries.


emeraldus October 16 2005, 01:54:57 UTC
LOL! Poking in a GOOD way! Snicker snicker


jen0va99 October 4 2005, 20:17:55 UTC
>>If I ruled the world, there would be a law against unwittingly clicking cuts and getting hit in the face with pairings that bug me.<<

I'd vote for you. Oh god, would I vote for you. But only if you give me a set of those SOLDIER dolls with the amazing buttsex action.

>>I stand by my claim that AC made Sephiroth/Vincent even more unlikely than it already is.<<

Pretty much every Sephiroth pairing is unlikely considering the amount of time he spends focusing on no one other than Goldilocks over there, but Sephiroth/Vincent is especially dumb. One time I made the mistake of telling a S/V fangirl that I hated didn't like the pairing because I thought it made no sense. Apparently I can't construct yaoi pairings the right way and am a bad fangirl since I can't see that Sephiroth and Vincent "look good together BECAUSE both r sexy and to make a sexy pairing, you simply take the sexiest guys! *shrug*". Yeah... to hell with that whole never-meeting-in-canon thing, who needs basis when TEHYR SO PRITTY OMGEee!1111sdf!


twigcollins October 4 2005, 20:26:17 UTC
Nice icon. X D


jen0va99 October 4 2005, 20:39:17 UTC
Thanks XD I shamelessly stole the line from the AC parody script.

*offers Nanaki a baby* Can't deny him his one joy in life, can I?


thorne_scratch October 4 2005, 21:35:37 UTC
See, I originally wrote that as "pairings that I hate the everliving shit out of" but I figured that was a tad hostile, if true. And I'd give you a full collectible set of the dolls. The Clouds tend to wear out. MPFT, aside.

I mean really, you're quite right. If anything, the movie just plays up every single Cloud pairing there is. Dude, everyone's trying to get their hands on his ass, even random children. I was really trying to play down my sheer loathing for a lot of fangirlism that the movie has brought on because it makes me sound like an elitist bitch, but, uh. Yeah. I'm not so good at that. I mean, I kept expecting to see things like,



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