Do you want to jump through the hole? (Y/N) __

May 06, 2005 23:37

I have this hypothesis about my campus.

It's about how the campus is a damnably similar setting to a Silent Hill game. Bear with me while I try to explain this with blurry photographic evidence and wild conjecture.

The thing is, Silent Hill is a really pretty yet creepy place. So is the campus. We have suitable elements on this campus for a decently twisted plotline.

-A graveyard. Very important! Does your campus have a graveyard? I thought not. Plus, it has graves from, like the 1700's. It is old and creepy, but there are still spaces for new graves.

-An old church. Good for demon-raising, I guess.

-The Point. A small spit of land down on the water, with a big cross sunk into concrete. Good place to make out, get drunk, have bonfires, etc.

-A lake and a bay. Difficult, but not impossible to cross. They also get covered with fog quite easily.

-A children's playground. It has swings and stuff. To look dramatic.

-A belltower. It, like, rings. And stuff. It looks dramatic.

-Docks and boats. Again with the foggy ambience.

-Woods and other foresty areas. I think the largest thing you'll encounter is a fox, maybe a deer. Still, they're suitably thick in areas.

-Old colonial settlements. I don't know if we have ancient Indian burial grounds, but I sure as hell know we've got old colonial houses and excavation sites!

-Creaky elevators that make a lot of ominous noises and get stuck and you think "Oh God, I'm gonna be stuck in here and they'll never find my body!" and just when you're getting ready to flip out and scream the doors finally open grudgingly and spit you out of their maw and into the world again. Yeah.

-Buildings with dark sub-basement levels with a lot of exposed pipes. There's dust and puddles of unidentifiable liquid, too.

-Freaky apartments. The freakiest, baby. With cockroaches.

-Zombie-like citizens wandering about. More like stoned hippies, but they're not too different.

-Weaponry lying about everywhere. Pipe bombs even! ...okay, that was just for Twig's benefit.

Anyhow, the point is, I went through our apartment and took several photos of things that would no doubt affect the game. First of all, there would be tattered and strange photographs arriving in the mail, asking you to meet your loved one back on campus. Why don't we meet our possible candidates?

I'll take care of you four ever. It's my destiny!"

(Actual memo from the game. It fits so well.)

"She is an angel no one knows only I can see the lady of the Door they cannot walk along her Bridge of Thread they fall from the weight of their crimes. Like bloated and ugly corpses their sins she devours them sin and sinner alike she saves me she is an angel."

(Uh, perhaps less fitting, but it was this one or the one about the felon drinking ale.)

Anyhow, on the way to the place, you might run into people magically disappearing off the side of the road. Here we see someone fading away by the pond. Seconds later, a bicyclist crashed into the pond, startled by the ghost. Less dramatic than a car, but what can you do?

Then we come to the various apparitions and monsters that you might encounter in the apartment. Here's one of them. It's not quite a mannequin, but it seemed very startled upon being caught on camera. The lead pipe was enough to take care of it.

Run away! Run away! Run away!
Run away! Run away! Run away!
Run away! Run away! Run away!

This gruesome creature stalks the apartment but has been photographed without weapon. We're guessing it does have one, but we usually don't stick around long enough to find out. We don't know quite what it is, but it tends to lurch about without pants on, and with a big reddish platypus-shaped thing for a head. Sometimes it kills things, but only early in the morning when it is grumpy and hasn't had its breakfast yet.

Therefore, we can see by this picture that the apartment is pretty creepy and you would not want to be stuck here. I would have taken photographic evidence of the bathroom, but it's too frightening even for just photos. Suffice to say, wallets in the toilet are the least of your worries.

Just for fun, to finish this off. These are the original pictures that were tinkered with.

The original platypus bell, with dramatic backlighting. Actually, the original picture is just, like, the thing against the wall. With normal lighting. You must realize, this thing is hanging at the end of a stark, lightless hallway. Hanging right outside my door. It has been known to give me a fright. It is a sculpture of a platypus on a bell. The platypus has also been known to come off the bell at night and walk around.

The original Platypus Head. What you can't tell is that the wearer of the bell was fussing about spiderwebs inside it. Whenever someone in this household gets particularly upset (and it ain't me) he goes and hides inside the bell, like this. It is hilarious but it is also a fucking creepy thing to see, and it was what sort of sparked this whole thing.

"Go see if Mike is inside the bell." Words that will haunt my brain.

I was talking with twigcollins and kadrin earlier about how Silent Hill crossed over with Revolutionary Girl Utena would be great. Utena goes back to Ohtori to find Anthy or something like that. You'd have Castle Head, which is Akio with the upside down castle for his head. At the end of the game, Utena would cut him in half and the lower part of his body would stumble around the room bumping into things. Possibly, it would be trying to have sex with them too. Humping the couch and whatnot, you know. There would be a horrible section where you have to stab Anthy over and over, like the Maria thing.

Man, the guilt manifestations that the Seitokai would come up with would be epic. Better yet, Mikage goes to Silent Hill to find Mamiya and runs into Anthy!Maniya or something. Why has no one written this crossover yet? I don't want to have to do it myself. I'd have to play the game through in that case.

Then, you get the ending where it turns out that Chu Chu was behind it all.

And for the grand finale, all the Silent Hill fic I can easily round up at the moment. Most of it is for 2, and there's a limited authorship because I really just grabbed stuf from ljs I read, but that's because I don't actually go looking for most of it. Feel free to rec some good stuff to me. (If you'd like to be really nice, you could also give me an mp3 for Rain of Brass Petals. But don't worry about it.) It goes without saying that Kadrin and Baco just rock.

The Life Of A Woman Who Is Not Jack Davis by kadrin.

Save Point: Hell is Repetition kadrin.

Sadomasochism kadrin.

Untitled Pyramid Head/James Sunderland thebaconfat.

thief thebaconfat.

Mulder in Silent Hill thebaconfat.

Untitled by tsukikoushi.

Relapse by geekerypokery

Walter and Henry by hebiserpens

Super Happy Extra fun bonus! Have some music from the game.

There's Room 312 which is a lovely piece. And then there's There Was A Hole Here OC remix by The Wingless, which is a longer remix of Room 312. It was up a while ago, so you can grab it now if you didn't before.

In absolutely unrelated news, it's customary for our various sports teams to play music while they practice. Nothing unusual about that-- we hear a lot of mixes that the players have obviously made, some good and some bad. But for four times running now, I have been sitting at my desk and have heard through the window, the baseball team playing O-Zone's "Dragostea Din Tei." twigcollins was a witness to this once.

We have the gayest baseball team ever. It's wonderful.
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