We've all got jackboots now

May 06, 2005 01:56

Well, that's twenty pages worth of paper writing done. Around five in the morning, I was blinking at my computer screen and trying to think of an elegant way to phrase the conception that angels were too holy to properly shit.

m_steelgrave suggests using all of them as one long victory cry. Supposedly, several strong victory cries combine to make an even stronger cry, much like the transformers combine to make the big Transformer that stomps around and blows shit up. So, it would go something like, "Eight seconds! I'm Billy Fuckin' Idol! I vomit squirrels! Stick a fork in it, it's done! Bork bork bork! Moose cock!"

Eh, I think it needs something.

The thing about the papers, actually, was that since I was writing on a topic relating to Milton's angels of Paradise Lost, I kept getting the totally mixed in with twigcollins's angels from K&P. Which is kind of silly, because they're nothing alike, but it's kind of funny also, considering how Milton goes about describing angel sex. The other great thing about Paradise Lost is that if you're a Good Omens fan, it spawns all sorts of cracktastic ideas for Crowley and Aziraphale origin and early history stories.

I am extraordinarily lazy tonight and so you get nothing but recent conversations with flidgetjerome and twigcollins about FFVII. Because Flidget made me laugh until I couldn't breathe. And because there really should be a Ukes Anonymous, except they need a catchier acronym. I'm taking submissions.

I wanted to include a whole bunch of things kadrin and soranokumo said over AIM as well, but I reckon those have their own subjcts and should go in separate entries.

FlidgetJeromeEsq: I always had this image in my head of the Soldiers and Turks being rivals. Special Forces vs. Intelligence Services. Something of overlap, there

thornescratch: Do they have a prank week where they do horrible stuff to each other? Or an annual football game?

FlidgetJeromeEsq: I think they have this contest who can kidnap the best lab specimen from Hojo, and then take the best picture of it somewhere perverse. Heidigger's car is a classic but overused. However, bonus points if you manage to include it somehow without actually making it the focus of the picture.

FlidgetJeromeEsq: So like… you can have the specimen dolled up and seducing the Don, while in the background you can see the car in the distance, upside down and being used as a hotdog stand in the picture

(I laughed very hard right about here)

thornescratch: See, the Soldiers have the manpower. But the Turks have the connections.

FlidgetJeromeEsq: Also, a bathroom on the lab floor, unlike SOLDIER who have theirs on Scarlet's floor. The whole ritual is like… part of your induction


thornescratch: Sephiroth's orgasm face looks a lot like his regular face.

twigcollins: Not a hair out of place. He and Akio, man. They could have some sort of competition.

thornescratch: Even if Akio won, Sephiroth could just kick his ass.

twigcollins: Touga would sneakily try to take off with his car.

thornescratch: Only to find Zack's already done so.

twigcollins: Went to go crash it into Palmer's car.

thornescratch: Meanwhile, Cloud and Miki are sharing molestation stories.

twigcollins: Man, there's a pairing.

thornescratch: They would never do anything. They'd just sit there and stare shyly at each other. Uke Coalition.

twigcollins: Cutest and most highly secret society. The semes would be going nuts trying to locate it.

thornescratch: Cloud and Shinji and Miki and folks like that. There's a secret handshake and everything.

twigcollins: A motto in Latino. Group song. It would be like AA, a support group. UA.

twigcollins: "Hi, my name is Shinji. It's been about... 17 minutes since the last time... er... yeah... Kaworu's parked outside waiting."

twigcollins: "Hi, my name is Cloud... why are you all looking at me like... oh dear god..."

twigcollins: "Hi, my name is Miki and I hope to god none of you are my sister in drag."

twigcollins: "Hi, my name is Zack... heyyyy, this isn't Gongaga Singles Night!"

thornescratch: You get special tokens, based on how often and by how many people. Cloud is in so much trouble.

twigcollins: Cloud could make a frigging chain mail suit out of his

thornescratch: Every now and then there are raids. And the ukes have to escape through a secret tunnel

thornescratch: Miki: The symbolism of this is not lost on me

twigcollins: Quatre helps them do group crafts. And the uke macrame project is making me crack myself up

thornescratch: Quatre has a special token since he occasionally goes all batshit Zero System

twigcollins: Cloud should have one too.

thornescratch: Even Shinji. They all have at least one crazy moment. When you have it, you get your token

twigcollins: Hee, awww, even Miki goes crazy. It's a new cliche. Uke with rabies.

thornescratch: "Ukes Gone Wild." Zack films it, sells it, and semes everywhere beat off to it.

twigcollins: Zack: It's a public service

thornescratch: Cloud: I will slay you

twigcollins: Zack: Not through my protective suit PADDED with GIL

twigcollins: Dude, his currency exchange must be a bitch. Gil for FFVII. Sex for Utena. Yen for Evangelion. Gundam wing... sex again. Or hair gel. Lube-based economy

thornescratch: But he'd do it anyway as a service. And as a birthday gift for Sephiroth.


Volume 7: Cloud In Shower.
Volume 8: Cloud Beating Up On Poor, Undeserving Cameraman.
Volume 9: Clothes Blown Off

twigcollins: Seph: an entire volume?

twigcollins: Zack: Nibelheim seams are shoddy.

thornescratch: Zack: I got you some extra durable tissues, too. I dunno how strong your jizz is.

twigcollins: Zack: If we ever run out of bullets can you maybe...

twigcollins: Seph: ... *throws him into wall*

thornescratch: Cloud: What'd he-- ohhh, the jizz thing again?

thornescratch: There are so many "again" things with Zack. He never learns.

twigcollins: That's probably Cloud's second-least-favorite thing to hear. "No, Cloud, this time I know it'll work."

Who the hell was it that gave me Sufjan Steven's "The Transfiguration"? twigcollins, was it you?

Also, kadrin mentioned to me that when I put up Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box" for the second Utena music post, it was actually Garbage's "Malibu." Y'all gotta tell me these things, you know? In any case, I'm quite sorry, and so here is the correct song.
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