Same here. I just don't see a majority of Americans voting for another social conservative who has the added bonus of being a Southern Baptist preacher. He can win big in the South and rural areas, but the majority of America is urban and in that grey moderate zone of political ideologies. My money's still on it ending up Hillary vs Rudy, but Obama's been picking up speed and could be the wild card. The best scenario for Edwards is to end up the VP nominee on the ticket again. In the Republican camp, Thompson's about to be out methinks, and Romney's not far behind. When it comes down to who's more electable in the general election, Rudy's got it.
Huckabee scares the ever-loving crap out of me -- for all the reasons you've listed and more. I don't even want to consider what will I will have to do if he becomes a serious option for our next president. I just... Ugh. Oh god, I can't think about it.
I don't think he's got a chance of winning the nomination, but the last couple of weeks have been interesting. I think when it comes down to it, the Republicans will realize that he would drive away more voters than he's bring to the table. Then again, I'm known for my crazy "rational, logical thinking."
Comments 5
No, but seriously, screw the Dems.
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