[fic] Something Nice Happens to Felix Gaeta (BSG)

Jun 02, 2008 20:49

Something Nice Happens To Felix GaetaFandom: Battlestar Galactica ( Read more... )

fic: 2008, fic: battlestar galactica

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Comments 24

raletha June 3 2008, 02:17:51 UTC
Oh, that is perfect. I am slipping it into my own personal BSG canon. <3

I am always, regardless of the fandom, impressed with just how gosh darned well you capture character's voices. Romo and Dee are exactly right, as is Gaeta. I see the actors and hear their voices when I read your fic. It's such a treat. Thanks for giving Gaeta some happiness. <3<3


thistlerose June 3 2008, 14:55:15 UTC
It's my canon, too. Whatever happens, Jake chooses Gaeta. *g* And, I mean, who wouldn't? For a guy whose name means happy, he doesn't get a whole lot of it.

Anyway, thank you SO much!


yllobll_incidnt June 3 2008, 02:28:45 UTC
Oh very nice! I really hope something like this happens. Poor guy.


thistlerose June 3 2008, 14:02:16 UTC
Whatever happens in the series, this is my personal canon. *g* I'm so glad you liked it. Thank you!


surly_sue June 3 2008, 05:57:41 UTC
This was great! I like the descriptions of the songs he sings. You capture these character's voices perfectly.

You should(if you feel so inclined)write a story about Boomer. I'd like to read something from her point of view.


thistlerose June 3 2008, 14:13:47 UTC
Thank you so much!

Hmmm, Boomer. Actually, I was thinking of writing a fairly romantic story about Helo and Athena. Why they decide to get married, how she convinces Adama to let her out of prison, whether or not Lee will consent to be Helo's best man. I don't usually do wedding stories, but I think this one could be interesting and bittersweet, especially considering what's going on on New Caprica.


surly_sue June 5 2008, 07:40:32 UTC
That'd be good, too. Hell, any Battlestar story would be wonderful.

With Boomer, I'm the most curious about the moments leading up to her shooting Adama. How did she get triggered? Did she realize what she was doing?


thistlerose June 5 2008, 13:05:43 UTC
Mmm, that's a thought. I remember finding that part where she's on the base star really striking. Maybe... :)


lls_mutant June 3 2008, 12:30:16 UTC
Awww. That was sweet. I love Gaeta, and this needs to happen.

Canon question: was Jake the same dog whose bowl they tipped over for a signal? It would be kind of funny if it was.

Also, you know my Gaeta is a Cylon theory. Wouldn't it be rather interesting if he was both gay and a Cylon? With all the reproductive emphasis they put on it....

I think too much :)

But lovely ficlet!


thistlerose June 3 2008, 15:23:18 UTC
Thank you! I love Gaeta too, especially since the episodes on New Caprica. But he's the only character to whom nothing good ever seems to happen. I mean, even Starbuck gets to have fun (and sex with Sam).

Yes, Jake was the dog from New Caprica. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what Lee said.

Gaeta could be the Last Cylon. Right after Roslin and Baltar jumped away with the hybrid in the episode before last, I listened really closely to what Gaeta was singing, because I thought that if he said anything prescient... But I didn't catch a word. Oh, well. We'll find out.


lls_mutant June 3 2008, 18:30:38 UTC
Thank you! I love Gaeta too, especially since the episodes on New Caprica. But he's the only character to whom nothing good ever seems to happen.

This thought makes me want to write a crossover where they find Earth, Gaeta finds out he's a wizard (or not, but given how lonely he seems, it would be interesting), and he meets up with Remus Lupin and they get drunk together. And maybe even have sex, but only because I'm about to write smut so I'm in the mood for gratuitous smut.

I thought that Jake was the New Caprica dog. ::sniff:: Now he DEFINITELY belongs with Gaeta.

I'm wondering if they're getting close to revealing the last Cylon, and that's why they had Gaeta singing. (Either that or it's like Giles singing in Buffy- as much a "wow! this guy has a great voice, let's find a way to use it!" as any sort of plot point.) I've got myself so convinced it's Gaeta, although for no real reason. (Zarek is my other guess.)

In a way, it sucks being caught up. Now I have to wait till Friday to find out what happens next!


lls_mutant June 3 2008, 19:52:36 UTC
Heh- and just for a little irony... the name Felix means happy, chosen of the Gods, lucky.


millari September 7 2008, 01:50:56 UTC
Just found this while perusing your journal for other BSG fics. Gaeta is my favorite character, and it was so satisfying to see him get something nice for once! When I realized you were bringing Romo into the story to give him Jake, I was like, "ohmigod, she's read my mind!" :) This fic is serious wish fulfillment for me. I always wanted Romo and Gaeta to have a conversation, and I was mildly pissed when Romo got Jake and didn't even want him; meanwhile Felix was in sickbay in pain with absolutely no one coming to see him except his stupid jackass snake oil preacher ex-boyfriend who didn't even have the guts to actually show his face! ;) Felix deserves Jake!

Btw, squee aside, I really liked the characterizations of Dee and Felix here, especially Dee's aggressively meddlesome bedside manner and Felix's restrained politeness hiding under private bitterness. Very them.

This one is totally going into my memories.


thistlerose September 13 2008, 20:05:36 UTC
Felix totally deserves Jake! And I like to think Jake would prefer Felix. (I mean, who wouldn't??)

I'm so glad that you liked this. Thank you!!


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