[fic] Something Nice Happens to Felix Gaeta (BSG)

Jun 02, 2008 20:49

Something Nice Happens To Felix GaetaFandom: Battlestar Galactica ( Read more... )

fic: 2008, fic: battlestar galactica

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lls_mutant June 3 2008, 12:30:16 UTC
Awww. That was sweet. I love Gaeta, and this needs to happen.

Canon question: was Jake the same dog whose bowl they tipped over for a signal? It would be kind of funny if it was.

Also, you know my Gaeta is a Cylon theory. Wouldn't it be rather interesting if he was both gay and a Cylon? With all the reproductive emphasis they put on it....

I think too much :)

But lovely ficlet!


thistlerose June 3 2008, 15:23:18 UTC
Thank you! I love Gaeta too, especially since the episodes on New Caprica. But he's the only character to whom nothing good ever seems to happen. I mean, even Starbuck gets to have fun (and sex with Sam).

Yes, Jake was the dog from New Caprica. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what Lee said.

Gaeta could be the Last Cylon. Right after Roslin and Baltar jumped away with the hybrid in the episode before last, I listened really closely to what Gaeta was singing, because I thought that if he said anything prescient... But I didn't catch a word. Oh, well. We'll find out.


lls_mutant June 3 2008, 18:30:38 UTC
Thank you! I love Gaeta too, especially since the episodes on New Caprica. But he's the only character to whom nothing good ever seems to happen.

This thought makes me want to write a crossover where they find Earth, Gaeta finds out he's a wizard (or not, but given how lonely he seems, it would be interesting), and he meets up with Remus Lupin and they get drunk together. And maybe even have sex, but only because I'm about to write smut so I'm in the mood for gratuitous smut.

I thought that Jake was the New Caprica dog. ::sniff:: Now he DEFINITELY belongs with Gaeta.

I'm wondering if they're getting close to revealing the last Cylon, and that's why they had Gaeta singing. (Either that or it's like Giles singing in Buffy- as much a "wow! this guy has a great voice, let's find a way to use it!" as any sort of plot point.) I've got myself so convinced it's Gaeta, although for no real reason. (Zarek is my other guess.)

In a way, it sucks being caught up. Now I have to wait till Friday to find out what happens next!


lls_mutant June 3 2008, 19:52:36 UTC
Heh- and just for a little irony... the name Felix means happy, chosen of the Gods, lucky.


thistlerose June 3 2008, 20:57:54 UTC
I was just mentioning that to someone upthread. *g* Poor, poor woobie.


thistlerose June 5 2008, 13:14:48 UTC
*g* I just know that I don't want it to be Starbuck, Roslin, or Papadama. (I don't see how it could possibly be Lee or Baltar at this point. Helo was out of the running until Tigh - if it was Tigh - got Six pregnant. Actually, scratch that. I think it was proven back in S2 that Hera is very clearly the child of a human and a Cylon, so Helo's safe. I don't have anything against Cylons, but I like the idea of an openly mixed marriage. I want to write more about them before the next episodes joss everything!)


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