
Apr 15, 2007 00:13

Woot! The story is posted and I quite like it. I even like the title. You know, these past few weeks, while I was working on my story, I completely forgot that we were getting stories in return. What a nice surprise!

I got another surprise this evening: faire_weather just posted a gorgeous illustration of a scene from my story She Will Have Music. The ( Read more... )

recs: fan art, tv: buffy

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Comments 22

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thistlerose April 15 2007, 15:15:27 UTC
She sneaks up on you. She starts out pretty, but kind of mousy. Then slowly...slowly...BAM. *sigh* I spent most of "Family" going "Oh, wow...oh, wow..."


secondsilk April 15 2007, 06:06:03 UTC
I love some episodes on season four. But I do like season five better. For Tara and for Dawn.

Amber Benson does get lovelier with every episode.

Um, Giles was very, very bored during season four. I think he's gone a bit stir crazy. At the end of the season he is so cool. (At least according to me.)

The kitten is called Miss Kitty Fantastico, but we never learn her true name.

Art. And Buffyfic recs, woohoo! I tend to forget my Buffy fandomness.


thistlerose April 15 2007, 15:19:54 UTC
Maybe S5 is more coherent as a whole. Though S4 had some excellent episodes, like "Hush," and the ones with Faith. But right away in S5, there's a lot at stake and there aren't many lulls. Which is good.

I think S4 also suffered from the attempts to weave its timeline with Angel's. Maybe it worked better when the shows were first aired, but unless you're watching the two seasons together, it's kind of off-putting.


secondsilk April 16 2007, 07:51:08 UTC
I love Restless.
And Joss Whedon's commentary on it, so I think I've seen that more times than the ep itself now.
But the plot with Adam, and the trying to play a plot arc through two shows, does let it down.

Season five is set up deliberately to tell one specfic story. It has some great stand alone-ish stories, like Family. It's not just that the overall structure is better, because season four had an ongoing story, too. I think it's more than Glory and Dawn are more interesting than Adam and Riley.


thistlerose April 19 2007, 15:57:52 UTC
The only time I really found Adam interesting was during "Restless," when Buffy asked him who he'd been and he said he didn't remember. I found that poignant. I wish there'd been more of that throughout the season. There could have been an exploration of what it is to be human and what it is to be demon, or something.


moonlight69 April 15 2007, 06:16:55 UTC
Season 4 has always been my least favourite, while 5 is pretty much tied for favourite with 7 for me. *G*


And I love love LOVE Dawnie.


thistlerose April 15 2007, 15:22:34 UTC
Heh. I missed most of S7 because I was bored. But I'm going to give it another shot. I've actually never seen the entire series finale. The ONE time I tried, someone interrupted me and started making fun of it. ARGH PEOPLE. :P

S3 is my favorite, with S2 currently in second place.

Oh, Dawnie. I remember liking her friendship with Spike. It's been ages since I saw this season or six, but I remember it being sweet.


moonlight69 April 15 2007, 15:28:00 UTC
For me it's S5-S7-S2-S6-S3-S1-S4. :D


thistlerose April 15 2007, 15:30:45 UTC
For me, it's (so far): 3, 2, 5, 1, 4.

I'm reserving judgement on 6 and 7. :)

I should probably reserve judgement on 5 until I've seen all of it.


beckaandzac April 15 2007, 13:49:18 UTC
I have this personal loyalty to s4 because of the weirdness of my sophomore year of high school, but s5 does have a lot of good stuff in it.

I liked Dawn a lot better when I rewatched s5 than I did when it originally aired. She's basically a nice kid, and she's in a very tough situation (or several).

Amber Benson is just gorgeous. End of story.


thistlerose April 15 2007, 15:24:03 UTC
I like the way they introduced Dawn in S5. It totally worked for me. I love the way she makes Buffy crazy and overprotective. Oh, sisters. :)


flyingcarpet April 15 2007, 13:56:39 UTC
Season 4 is definitely my least favorite of all the seasons. But then that is just me. And I'm a big fan of Dawn. :)


thistlerose April 15 2007, 15:26:36 UTC
At the moment, S7 is my least favorite, but since I never saw the entire thing (I dropped it out of boredom) I can see myself revising my opinion. S4 lacked cohesion, I think. There were some very good bits, but it felt uneven. I never really cared about the Big Bad, or even the Initiative.

It used to be my favorite, but that was only because it was the only one I'd seen almost all the way through for a while. :)


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