(no subject)

Apr 15, 2007 00:13

Woot! The story is posted and I quite like it. I even like the title. You know, these past few weeks, while I was working on my story, I completely forgot that we were getting stories in return. What a nice surprise!

I got another surprise this evening: faire_weather just posted a gorgeous illustration of a scene from my story She Will Have Music. The picture is here, and even if you're not familiar with the story, I recommend taking a look because it's pretty guh-inducing.

- Weirdly, at the moment I'm liking this season better than 4. I can't explain it.

- That kitten is really cute. Does she have a name? How are Willow and Tara allowed to have a cat in their room? Or are they keeping her a secret?

- Okay, Adam and the Initiative never interested me, but I'm into all the Slayer lore that we're getting now.

- Is it just me or does Amber Benson get lovelier with each episode? By the end of "Family," I was almost ready to switch sides.

- I'd never seen "Family" before, but now that I have, loneraven's Morningstar (which I remixed last year) makes so much more sense. And is even more poignant. Poor Tara. That's like when girls hit puberty and their parents or religious leaders tell them that they're suddenly filthy and wicked.

- I like Buffy's hair when it's straight or in that cute ponytail. I don't like it in waves. It overwhelms her.

- Is it just me, or are the writers dumbing down Giles? Two seasons ago, he would never have worn that stupid purple magicician's outfit. What's up with that?

- Dammit, I like Dawn. As supernatural as she is, she keeps the whole thing grounded in familiar territory. I mean, we've got witches, goddesses, vampires...and Dawn, who's believably bratty, cocky, and uncertain. Besides, characters with close siblings tend to ping me.

- Harmony makes me laugh.

recs: fan art, tv: buffy

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