fic: A Show of Strength (Star Trek: AOS)

Apr 09, 2011 17:29

Title: A Show of Strength
Fandom: Star Trek: AOS
Rating: teen (language, violence - see below for details)
Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy
Contains: (highlight to reveal) Violence and related injuries are alluded to throughout. One scene contains an actual beating, but it isn't gratuitous, IMO.
Notes: Written for givemefever for thepurpledove project. Also inspired by this promptRead more... )

fic: 2011, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: pairing: kirk/mccoy, fic: favorites

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Comments 77

secretsolitaire April 10 2011, 00:15:47 UTC
Gah. This is so beautifully put together. I love how these lines...

His tone has taken on a desperate edge, and it touches something deep in McCoy’s core. This isn’t just Jim, his captain, his friend. This is a soul in pain, and McCoy can’t keep his mouth shut. the strength Jim has always recognized in Bones, echoing back to their earlier conversation. I love how they end up in the shower, taking the cleansing, pain-easing water shower that Bones didn't get to have earlier. I love that once Bones stops beating himself up, he is able to fix Jim the best that he can.

You write such lovely dialogue too.

As I said, Spock concurs with--”

“Oh, well, if Spock concurs…”

“Bones,” Jim cuts him off sharply, “shut up.

That part just sounded so them to me. :-) I also liked the scene with M'Benga, and how he tells Bones that his staff all care about him just a little bit more than the other patients. ♥

So glad you finished this!


thistlerose April 12 2011, 01:30:29 UTC
Thank you so much!

Would you believe I wibbled on the shower? They were just standing there, wasting water! But it as symbolic! *headdesk*

I'm so glad it worked for you. Thank you SO much for the lovely comment! ♥


seanchaidh April 10 2011, 00:20:01 UTC
Ooh, I like that. This makes a lot of sense, and it's really well done. :)


thistlerose April 11 2011, 20:56:02 UTC
Thank you!


(The comment has been removed)

thistlerose April 12 2011, 19:56:05 UTC
My poor Bones. *cuddles him* He's so messed up. If it were anyone else, he'd be able to say "You made a mistake, but it isn't your fault." But his empathy doesn't always extend to himself. (Or maybe extend is the wrong word.) Oh, BONES.

He's so strong, and usually he can see it, but when he's put in a vulnerable position like that, when he thinks he's disappointed Jim and jeopardized the mission, he becomes full of doubt.

Thank you so much, bb! I was hoping you would like this one, and your lovely comment made me so happy. ♥


jachelle0627 April 10 2011, 01:59:00 UTC
Words almost fail me now, but this was so beautifully well done - the slow reveal of the true events on Paraesa. I kind of suspected that Kirk might have been forced to participate in McCoy's beating to show his strength. But the way you wrote the story, I was never totally sure (and secretly hoped I was wrong). When it finally came out, my heart just broke all the more for the boys. The resolution for them - forgive each other, and more importantly forgive themselves was perfect.


thistlerose April 12 2011, 22:50:43 UTC
Thank you so much! ♥

To be honest, I wasn't sure for a while if I could bring myself to have Kirk hit McCoy, so I wrote almost the entire story without making my decision. Then I got up to the end of the dream and decided to go for it. My poor boys.

But even if they don't always understand themselves, they understand each other, and that's really going to help them heal.

I'm so glad you liked this!


avictoriangirl April 10 2011, 03:11:02 UTC
Oh, my heart. I really cannot come up with words to do this justice. I was hurting for them both throughout the entire thing. Brilliantly done. ♥


thistlerose April 13 2011, 17:42:07 UTC
Thank you so much! Oh, my poor boys.


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