fic: with such a sky to lead him on (ST: Reboot)

Nov 01, 2009 21:46

With Such a Sky to Lead Him On

Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Rating: teen
Ship: McCoy/Kirk
Summary: A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk.
A/N: For lilyrose_fic, who made the request. I think I got all the required elements. With heartfelt apologies to William Wordsworth. (Jim gets his lit!geek on.) The quotes are from "Tintern Abbey," "I traveled among unknown men ( Read more... )

fic: 2009, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: pairing: kirk/mccoy

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Comments 83

mrasaki November 2 2009, 04:12:19 UTC
This fic made my evening. You have hit SO many of my...I guess you would call it kinks? litgeek, quoting Wordsworth, schmoop Kirk/Bones, Joanna-involved fic! and I loved the Lake District when I visited and I would love to go back one day. (And there are a lot of sheep.)


thistlerose November 2 2009, 04:38:17 UTC
*g* I might have drawn on my own adventures in the Lake District some years back.

Massive storm? Check.
Hot, Wordsworth!obsessed husband? Alas, no.
Sheepy sweater? Alas, yes.

Thank you so much!


cadenzamuse November 2 2009, 05:10:22 UTC
This may be the best reply ever. Although I originally read it as "Hot, Wordsworth!obsessed husband? Check" and then was really disappointed when that turned out not to be the case. Hee.

I love that Jim and Bones are such boys. They get married and what do they do? Catch cold, talk incessantly about blow jobs, and make really terrible dick jokes. It keeps making me giggle out loud over here. :D


thistlerose November 2 2009, 05:30:25 UTC
Yeah, no hot guys. But I was with good (female) friends. And the scones with the rum butter and the clotted cream were delicious. :)

I love that Jim and Bones are such boys.

Oh, thank goodness! I always worry a little when I drag poetry into a story, though ... a man wrote all those poems! Thank you so much! I'm so very glad that you liked this.


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prongsy November 2 2009, 05:48:39 UTC
I concur on Jim as a dusty, tweedy English Lit professor... it'd be glorious!


thistlerose November 2 2009, 05:51:05 UTC
He'd still contrive to save the world; I always thought my English professors were pretty heroic. Can you imagine how popular his classes would be? *g* A friend and I once speculated that if Jim did go into an academic field, it would be anthropology.

Thank you so very much!! :)


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roseandheather November 2 2009, 05:04:00 UTC
Let's see what kinks of mine you've managed to hit tonight.

England, poetic descriptions of? Check.
Fluff, Kirk/McCoy? Check.
Poetry? Check.
Kirk, Jim, literary? Check.
Humor, gentle? Check.
Humor, cheeky? Check.
Kirk, Jim, correct characterization of? Check.
McCoy, Leonard, correct characterization of? Check.
Romance, unadulterated and pure? Check.

I'd keep going, but then we'd be here all night.

Well done!


thistlerose November 2 2009, 15:43:40 UTC
Oh, thank you!! I'm especially glad the characterizations worked. I'm always a little nervous about taking them off the Enterprise, for some reason. Thank you!


secretsolitaire November 2 2009, 05:13:03 UTC
Love, love, love this. I like the way you use the postcards to Joanna as bookends (and such charming missives they are too!). The way you write Jim and Bones is just perfect. And a major hee for the sheepy smell coming from Bones's sweater. :-P

He's having a wonderful honeymoon. Never seen him scowl with such insincerity.

"I see. Saw those clouds, and figured you'd better get your dramatic moment in before we got drenched?"

"Bones, Bones, Bones." His hands dropped to his sides, but the wattage of his smile went up, and Leonard's heart sort of stuttered against his ribs.

I love Bones attempting to snark his way through his honeymoon when he's so ridiculously happy and in love. *smooshes them together*


thistlerose November 2 2009, 15:47:27 UTC
He is completely happy. *g* Thank you SO much!! I'm so glad that you liked this story.


vicki_rae November 2 2009, 05:32:27 UTC
"You know, kid, you don't have to impress me. You got me." But even as he said it, he knew Jim's recitations hadn't been for him. Not altogether, anyhow. Leonard was as well read as the next man (unless the next man was Jim) but he didn't care if words were pretty or whether or not they rhymed. He was in it for the meaning, the emotion behind it all. Jim's true audience was the universe at large. (Look at me. Let me show you what I can do.) It wasn't an ego thing. At least, not all the time. The universe presented Jim with a challenge (gravity, for instance) and he had to respond. (I'll see your idyllic landscape and raise you these lines of poetry. Never mind the fact that he hadn't written them. He made them his.)

It was one of the reasons Leonard loved him, one of the reasons he was sometimes scared to death for him, and would follow him to the ends of the universe.

Love this fic. Yes. Married and still so very them.


thistlerose November 2 2009, 15:48:42 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


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