Nutritionist: Apparently I'm ahead of the game. She said most people lose 15-20 pounds in their first month, and I've lost 30. She made the same suggestion most of us (me included) already knew: Don't weigh myself every day. She said to do it every two weeks, but I think I'd go crazy waiting that long, so going to go back to doing it once a week
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Comments 14
A few people are giving away dragons to newbies there.
I skipped the pictures for a couple reasons. To me personally, it feels like it would be more shaming the old me than to be cheering the new me. I know everyone is different and most people don't feel the same, that's just how it is for me. The other reason is that I'm not doing it for that reason (changing how I physically look), or at least not directly. I want to be able to fit in a seat on an airplane, yeah, but if it were just me personally with no outside interaction, I don't have an issue with staying how I am/was. Alas the world requires outside interactions. :P
Sort of health reasons. At my weight, I wouldn't be living to a ripe old age. I was half-expecting to be dead by 50, and I'm approaching 45 now... It'd be nice to get off the medicines I'm on, so that was part of it too.
It's a bad reason, but a big part of it was because my mother wanted me to. (And because I want to be able to fly to see her and not just make her fly here.)
So lots of little reasons, some of them not very good. I guess the biggest reason is "not dying soon".
This whole thing is a little harder because I had been comfortable in my own skin and in my life before starting this process. More than comfortable: I had been happy.
Sounds fun, no? :P
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