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Comments 14

hamsterwoman July 15 2014, 09:19:05 UTC
I'm skipping the spoiler, because I do want to read this book, but wanted to mention, on the lack-of-trilogy front, I know SBD has at least two other books out -- both my daughter and I have read and enjoyed Conjured (taking place mostly on Earth, but in a multi-world multiverse sort of thing), and I'm currently reading Vessel (second world fantasy), which was a gift from a friend who loved it.

The science-to-spirits thing sounds very interesting to me, since it sounds like it's done well -- I think I've only encountered it once before (Rampant, in the Killer Unicorns series), and I really loved it there.

Good luck with the continued weight loss!


thistle_chaser July 15 2014, 14:53:40 UTC
Good to hear! I want to read more by her, I was really impressed with Ice!

I'm glad you're skipping the spoiler. I'll be interested to hear what you think of the book, once you get a chance to read it.

And thanks!


voidmagus July 15 2014, 14:06:45 UTC
Well, guess I'll read Ice then. You haven't steered me wrong so far, Thistle.

On the note of last meals...after losing my gall bladder, there's a lot of stuff I can't eat. I live in the South. I miss true fried chicken. Popeye's is tasty, and I can eat it without getting ill. Their chicken fingers are close enough to what I crave, and 3 of them causes no ill-effects for me. I really wish I could've gotten some of the last meals...but by the time a problem was discovered (yay organ failure!), eating something that violates the new diet would have been excrutiatingly painful, if not outright dangeorous.

So - good work so far! And good luck!


thistle_chaser July 15 2014, 14:56:50 UTC
Good! I'll be interested to hear what you think! :D

Yeah, I'm really lucky when it comes to last meals. When I learned about the 10-15 pound loss requirement, I had thought I wouldn't be able to have any, so now I'm extra relieved for multiple reasons. I both can have the surgery and I get my last meals.

I'm going to have whole chicken pieces from them. I do like their fingers too, but it's the whole chicken with that amazing skin that draws me in. I'm glad the fingers work for you though!


tersa July 15 2014, 16:29:12 UTC
So that puts me at 8.5 pounds in five days.

*puts Mom hat on* I just want to make sure to note that you keep an eye on the rate at which you're losing. It's not unknown to lose a large amount of weight in the first couple of weeks of "dieting", but losing that much weight that quickly can actually harm you as well, and I mean things like "damage your heart" kind of harm.

If you're losing that fast, I'd actually suggest adding more calories to your diet. 1100 calories is ridiculously low, I just didn't want to say anything then because I don't know what your doctor advised (I know that was your initial goal, I don't know what it is now). I'm betting you should be closer to 1500-1600 per day. If you're already at that, maybe add another 100 or so.


thistle_chaser July 15 2014, 16:45:57 UTC
I'm betting you should be closer to 1500-1600 per day.

Yeah, I'm shooting for 1600-1800/day. I actually "had to" have a little ice cream last night to bring my total up to 1800!

I really, really do not understand how my body/brain is working or how things changed so much in a week. Previously, a yogurt did nothing for my hunger, it was more of a (sucky) snack. Now I spend about two and a half hours eating one yogurt (a spoonful per half-hour) and I feel fine. Toss in a piece of fruit around 11-13:30 and I'm good until lunch (150-200 calories for the morning).

Lunch is 4 slices of sandwich meat turkey (120 cal), plus pickles, a rice cake or a babybel cheese, and strawberries (~100 cal for all three) and I'm full before I get to the fruit.

It absolutely makes no sense. The nutritionist said your stomach starts to shrink after two weeks, so I'm not even halfway to that. If the timing of this had been different, I'd worry I'm sick in some way and go to the doctor. It's just really, really odd.


tersa July 15 2014, 17:00:30 UTC
It absolutely makes no sense. [...] If the timing of this had been different, I'd worry I'm sick in some way and go to the doctor. It's just really, really odd.

That is weird. :) But it may just be a cyclical thing, too, and your body will adjust after a week or two.

At the risk of sticking my nose in, you may want to consider front loading your calories more (earlier in the day, at breakfast and/or lunch) and eating lighter for dinner. It'll kickstart your metabolism in the morning, and allow most of the food to be digested before you're heading to bed.

With that few calories for breakfast and lunch, your body may be functioning in fasting mode and it might explain the rapid weight loss as your body is doing most of it's "awake time" with not enough calories.


thistle_chaser July 15 2014, 17:21:13 UTC
Your nose is welcome! :) This is so new and odd, I'll take any advice I can get.

you may want to consider front loading your calories more

Even though I don't want to (until I taste it), I make myself have a half-spoonful of peanut butter before I leave for work. Supposedly you need some protein within an hour of waking up to kickstart your metabolism. I don't know if that's enough though, so I might switch to some meat or cheese instead.

With that few calories for breakfast and lunch, your body may be functioning in fasting mode and it might explain the rapid weight loss as your body is doing most of it's "awake time" with not enough calories.

That could be...

I feel like I now know how eating disorders start. I feel so strong and in control! This problem I've had my whole life, which has always defeated me, I now have the upper hand on. When I do feel hunger, it makes me... laugh? Sort of. Like "You're not stronger than me, bwahahaha!". It feels good to not eat. (I don't think I'm really at risk for an ED, I just think I ( ... )


twissie July 17 2014, 19:44:32 UTC
I am glad your dieting seems to be working out, it certainly seems to be going well - I'm happy for you! :)


thistle_chaser July 17 2014, 19:55:33 UTC
Thank you! :) It is, yay!


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