Book #34: The Flesh Cartel

Aug 08, 2013 08:31

The Flesh Cartel, "books" 1-8 by Rachel Haimowitz and Heidi Belleau.

I'm torn as to call these books a scam or not.

Recall when I previously posted about them, I mentioned they cost $3 per 50 page "book". I bitched about the price per page ratio. Later I realized it was actually $3 for a lot less. Let me break down the books for you:

Unlike other books, this one had THREE pages about copyright stuff. Most books have one page.
This book had one dedicated page telling people not to pirate stuff.
A multi-page review of the previous books (fair enough).
A multi-page preview of what would happen in this book.
After the story, a multiple page "about the author" section for each of the two authors.
For each of the two authors, a page about other books they wrote.
5-6 pages of advertisements for other books by this publisher.

I'm surprised there was room for story at all.

Unsurprisingly, when being paid $3/a few pages of story, the plot moved glacially slow. Around book three some progress was made, but by the end the characters all went through a backslide and things ended up where they had been. That same thing happened three or four times. It wasn't until book eight that some (real?) progress was made. Would the characters backslide once more? No idea; I wouldn't continue with this series even if I got the books for free.

In my original post, I mentioned loving the idea, characters, storylines, etc. However, in their assumed effort to keep things moving slowly, things stopped making sense. I started laughing at things the characters said or did, which is a bad sign for a book. (I also mentioned loving the writing, and on that point I can't change my mind. Good, straightforward style, very good grammar/editing.)

So, to sum up: If one bought all eight books, they would have paid $24 for 320 pages of story (assuming a very generous 40 pages of story per book). Story that goes no where, story where the authors have a financial interest in keeping the plot from making progress.

If you're familiar with fanfic writing, this was basically one big PWP. (PWP = Porn, what plot?) The authors seemed to have a laundry list of kinks, and made sure to cover at least one major one per book (including distasteful-to-me watersports and incest -- not exactly things I want to see in sexytime books).

So, all in all: Not recommended. If you're interested in slash/adult writing, there's just as good to be found online for free.

book review, 2013 books, book: the flesh cartel

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