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Comments 9

STEEL BALL RUN ESSENTIAL INFO: [spoilers] thinkin_arbys May 30 2011, 02:22:33 UTC
Dramatis personae as it applies to this application:

-Johnny Joestar: Up and coming jockey with a legendary attitude problem, who was paralyzed from the waist down by a gunshot. Our protagoist, and the "JoJo" of the series. Expy of Series 1's Jonathan Joestar, to an extent. He is in the race to try to find the secret to walking again. Joined after meeting Gyro Zeppeli, whose steel ball rotation ability made his legs work briefly. The first character to discover her identity as a female; Johnny challenges her identity as a nun as well, asking if she's ever loved a man. She, in turn, helps him defeat the Stand.

-Gyro Zeppeli: Modeled after Will Zeppeli from series 1 of JoJo's, he's a roguish mentor sort of character, on a crusade to recover some unknown items by order of the Neapolitan nobility. In exchange for this, he would keep an innocent boy from being executed. His activities are directly opposed to Hot Pants, though he isn't aware of their connection.

-Lucy Steel: 14 year old wife of race coordinator and promoter Stephen ( ... )


ADDENDUM ONE, part one: Backstory questions thinkin_arbys May 31 2011, 20:32:11 UTC
[Araki leaves a lot of clues to the background and motivations for Hot Pants, but ever states them explicitly. He's very heavy-handed with clues in SBR, though, so thanks to Spazzy, Freshy, and Kiros, here is a take on her backstory that ties up a lot of loose ends.]

Gyro Zeppeli is the motivating factor. He is on a personal crusade, opposing the nobles he works for, to have a young boy's life spared ( ... )


ADDENDUM ONE, part two: Filling the plotholes thinkin_arbys May 31 2011, 21:14:22 UTC
Let's play the inference game!

Who is backing Hot Pants?
-The Neapolitan Nobility Explains the saddle bag, for one, but also explains why she knows so much about so many people. Like Gyro, a benefactor has her kept in the loop--she couldn't possibly have come in with that much fore knowledge of the other participants--and helped keep her alive.

How did she actually get involved in the race?-She signed up on whatever insane thing the nobles were offering to take Gyro down. This makes the most sense because it also explains why she'd be dressed as a man and so adamant about not being female. A woman would have a hard time gaining status and a hard time getting the go-ahead to do this, especially when we consider that the Stand users in SBR for the most part developed their Stands in the US, during the race. So, she must have pretended to be a man to get hired, and her tough-as-nails "Hot Pants" persona got her where she is. Her background is a complete mystery to the other racers from day one, meaning she did an excellent job of ( ... )


CANON REVIEW NOTES: thinkin_arbys July 20 2011, 03:10:18 UTC
- The Vatican seems to be using the nobles as a source--Gyro mentions that the Vatican AND the "benefactor" aren't asking him weird questions and are acting like nothing is going on.

- I still believe she would have gone directly to the Vatican and not through anyone else. Salvation is serious business.


PENDING UPDATE thinkin_arbys August 31 2011, 22:09:37 UTC
Some of this was clarified in the last few volumes; will update soon


ADDENDUM TWO: aliases used in Gargleblasted thinkin_arbys June 22 2011, 03:05:34 UTC
"Sister" name: Sister Maria Donata

"Real" name: Guistina de Facia

Alias: Donato Rossi


NOTES thinkin_arbys July 13 2011, 07:38:50 UTC
Fugo Pannacotta: Informed of all three names as of June 2011 **DROPPED**

Castiel: Informed of "Sister" name as of June 2011

Ezio Auditore da Firenze: Informed of "Real" name as of June 2011; informed of alias as of July 2011

Sho: Informed of alias as of July 2011; informed of "Real" name as of August 2011

Atem: Informed of alias as of July 2011; informed of "Sister" name as of August 2011 independently of other identity (known as Maria)

Erik: Informed of "Sister" name as of August 2011 (Maria)


ADDENDUM THREE: Stand powers in more detail thinkin_arbys July 13 2011, 08:12:23 UTC
Cream Starter is a corporeal Stand, meaning that it is always present and visible; it manifests as a metallic canister she carries in a holster at her hip. As a Stand, only Stand users can strictly see its use. Those with various psychic or supernatural ability may be able to sense things such as duality of soul/spirit, a transfer of energy, or other vague notions of the nature or existence of the Stand.

The basis of the Stand is what she calls the "Meat Spray": A fleshy substance sprayed from the top of the canister and used for various purposes. It is frequently used on others. Uses in canon are as follows:

- Against Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar ("The True Man's World"), she reveals that it can be used to cover or smother people's face and orifices with a fleshy patch. It can also be used to remove or capture their body parts.
- Against Ringo Roadagain ("The True Man's World"), she reveals that Cream Starter's spray can be concentrated into a stream that can cut flesh and bone- Against Ringo Roadagain ("The True Man's World"), ( ... )


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