Title: All Summer Long
jamie_love13jamie_love13Beta-Edited: I don't know her LJ, but her name is Madison ♥
Pairings/Characters: Main Pairings: Jared/Jensen, Jared/Tom, Jensen/Jeff. Side Pairings + One Nighters: Go
here to see them all.
Word Count: 50,000-51,000 Words.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst, Romance, Somewhat Humorish?
Spoilers: None.
Status: Complete, needs to be posted. Here's the schedule of posting for
December and
Summary: Jared and Jensen are ex-boyfriends with a horrible past that split them apart. When they're friends decide to lock them all in a cabin for the summer, will disastrous results appear or will everything between the boys become fixed?
Disclaimer: I definitely do not own these boys, their friends, or anything else mentioned in this story. Unfortunately.
Warnings Hurt Jared through physical and emotional ways, Asshole Jensen, Jackass Jeff. For more detailed warnings, go
Notes: Written for my second Nanowrimo. Was definitely a tough cookie to get into, especially the last 10,000 words. However, it's become my baby and I love it! If you comment, leave anything. Any kind of criticism is welcome ;)
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014 PDF - Coming Soon.
Soundtrack - Coming Soon.