163; Tomorrows

Nov 03, 2008 09:24

It's one thing to watch change happen here, it's entirely another to be involved in it... or be helping with it ( Read more... )

ou: mercury, disappearances, screened, leadership no wai, thoughts, call to arms

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Comments 32

poppingseeds November 3 2008, 15:13:27 UTC
I worry about it, especially recently. Mercury is another friend of mine in a string that's disappeared. I just wish there was some way to know that they're okay.

[Screened | Unhackable]

I haven't heard much about this Tomo before. What's going on..?

And Belldandy... She's kidnapped Skuld. I've been helping to look, but... nothing so far.


((And if Persephone isn't supposed to see the screened part, let me know, but I figured since she's part of Robin's team and all.))


thieveryofstars November 3 2008, 15:36:25 UTC
I'm sorry, Persephone. I know Mercury had a lot of friends here. I didn't mean it to sound badly on her.

I wish there was some way to know that too. There are so many people that I've...

[Screened | Unhackable]

Tomo I don't know much, it was Quatre who brought the information to Fayt originally. And I only know that the Joker is a dangerous person from Robin's world, so you'd probably know more about it than I would.

Kidnapped Skuld?? But aren't they sisters?

Jeez! Is this another round of people acting not like themselves, in the middle of everything else? Something must have started this, she wouldn't just suddenly... would she?


[Screened | Unhackable] poppingseeds November 4 2008, 03:47:19 UTC
He's... bad. Very, very bad and not stable and... Eurgh, even the thought of the Joker unnerves me, just a little.

They are, but to be honest? If they're anything like my pantheon, that wouldn't be out of the ordinary, at least from what I've read. It was my own father that tossed me to the pits of the Underworld, if that part is true, though I dearly hope not.

Er... I had a thought about healers, speaking of Belldandy. Have you met the Princess Mercury? Belldandy attacked me a while ago, hurt my hand fairly badly. The other Mercury fixed it up nicely.


Re: [Screened | Unhackable] thieveryofstars November 4 2008, 15:33:31 UTC
... if that's what fathers are like, I'm kind of glad I don't have one.

Princess Mercury? No, I haven't met her.

... Belldandy attacked you? I'm so out of the loop

Is she much like the other Mercury who disappeared?


phd_query November 4 2008, 00:34:12 UTC
If you need anything, let me know.

I've been trying to get my sonic screwdriver twirked up enough that it'll talk to the Indigeo without having to use so much blasted binary. Old programming language, obsolete, takes far too long to use.

... In fact. I need all of the information you can give me on the Indigeo. More we know, sooner we find out what's happened to the Warden.


thieveryofstars November 4 2008, 15:34:30 UTC
Thanks Doctor.

All the information? Well, it's not much, but what do you want to know?


Screened//Unhackable sheifa November 4 2008, 01:04:11 UTC
I can heal, but I'm still trying to get better at it. Fayt and Albel can, too, because of runology... maybe we can have them teach some of the others basic support runology? At least until we find a healer or doctor...

Jing, I really have a bad feeling about this. Like, one happening after the other. One bad guy shows up, decides to wreck havoc in the compound, and all the others follow. We just might have our hands full.


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 4 2008, 15:36:23 UTC
Runology? I'm not familiar with it, is that something that CAN be taught to anyone?

It'll be all right, Sheifa. People who want to help always have the edge over people who just want to make a mess. :)


Re: Screened//Unhackable sheifa November 4 2008, 16:27:20 UTC
Fayt and Albel say so. It involves drawing power from symbols called runes. There are different kinds of runes, each allowing one the use of a certain ability - or in some cases, certain abilities. You can draw runes on a notebook and use them, but the closer the runes are to your body, the more powerful your abilities become. Albel and I have our runes tattooed; it's the norm in their worlds, I've been told. Others, like Fayt and Maria, actually have them embedded on their DNA, thus making them more powerful.

Yeah, I guess you're right about that, Jing.


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 4 2008, 17:31:10 UTC
So that's what Fayt meant by living wea--


Uh, anyway.

It sounds really interesting, once we get things under control again we'll definitely put out the word for anyone who's interested in learning those runes.

Just don't give up before we even start, that's all. :)


Screened//Unhackable arrowofapris November 4 2008, 01:19:02 UTC
Belldandy is apparently the one behind the events of the ball. When some of the residents went, well, bad. Now she's kidnapped Skuld. Looks like I'm in charge of weapons development now.

What are we going to do, Jing? There's Belldandy's case on one side, and the Joker and Tomo on the other.

I've asked a few others to join, and there are those like Zuko who have volunteered to help. But for healers, all we got so far are Aerith and Sheifa, although the latter's still learning how to handle her new skills...


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 4 2008, 15:40:44 UTC
I remember that, but I wasn't affected...

We'll be smart about it, Fayt. We'll handle the biggest threat first, which for the moment would seem to be Belldandy. We need to rescue Skuld, and then we'll focus on Joker and Tomo.

Zuko too, huh? That's good, he seems like a responsible guy.


Re: Screened//Unhackable arrowofapris November 4 2008, 16:21:34 UTC
I wasn't either, but some of my friends were.

Belldandy it is, then. I'll fight if I have to, Jing, but I'm not running off on my own just because a friend of mine's in trouble. I'm worried about Skuld, but doing that would defeat the purpose of having this group established.

Yes, he is. He's strong, too. I fought him once, before.


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 4 2008, 17:29:14 UTC
I know, Fayt. Not so very long ago I would have been the one running off by myself if a friend was in danger. I understand what it feels like. This is really new to me, having a group of people you don't just leave behind when you want something done.

There's a few people here from his world, aren't there? I think I've only talked to him once or twice. Are they all planning to help?


[screened to group - hard to hack] darkrangerqueen November 4 2008, 02:41:54 UTC
I nominate John 117 as my second. Leon, if I am incapacitated, please support him.

I have contacted someone who sounds like he is a healer. He recently offered "first aid" to those who are interested. I await his reply.


Re: [screened to group - hard to hack] thieveryofstars November 4 2008, 15:41:56 UTC
Understood, Sylvanas.

[sounds relieved] Oh good. All the firepower in the world isn't going to help us if we're all limping around or missing limbs, as it were. I hope your contact gets back to you soon.


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