163; Tomorrows

Nov 03, 2008 09:24

It's one thing to watch change happen here, it's entirely another to be involved in it... or be helping with it ( Read more... )

ou: mercury, disappearances, screened, leadership no wai, thoughts, call to arms

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Screened//Unhackable arrowofapris November 4 2008, 01:19:02 UTC
Belldandy is apparently the one behind the events of the ball. When some of the residents went, well, bad. Now she's kidnapped Skuld. Looks like I'm in charge of weapons development now.

What are we going to do, Jing? There's Belldandy's case on one side, and the Joker and Tomo on the other.

I've asked a few others to join, and there are those like Zuko who have volunteered to help. But for healers, all we got so far are Aerith and Sheifa, although the latter's still learning how to handle her new skills...


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 4 2008, 15:40:44 UTC
I remember that, but I wasn't affected...

We'll be smart about it, Fayt. We'll handle the biggest threat first, which for the moment would seem to be Belldandy. We need to rescue Skuld, and then we'll focus on Joker and Tomo.

Zuko too, huh? That's good, he seems like a responsible guy.


Re: Screened//Unhackable arrowofapris November 4 2008, 16:21:34 UTC
I wasn't either, but some of my friends were.

Belldandy it is, then. I'll fight if I have to, Jing, but I'm not running off on my own just because a friend of mine's in trouble. I'm worried about Skuld, but doing that would defeat the purpose of having this group established.

Yes, he is. He's strong, too. I fought him once, before.


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 4 2008, 17:29:14 UTC
I know, Fayt. Not so very long ago I would have been the one running off by myself if a friend was in danger. I understand what it feels like. This is really new to me, having a group of people you don't just leave behind when you want something done.

There's a few people here from his world, aren't there? I think I've only talked to him once or twice. Are they all planning to help?


Re: Screened//Unhackable arrowofapris November 5 2008, 15:55:11 UTC
He said he was going to talk to them. Let's just hope they will. But Zuko himself is already a great addition to the team.

... Perhaps we may need a name sometime, don't you think?


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 5 2008, 15:56:56 UTC
I agree. I'll thank him too, next time we speak.

A name, huh? Like what? :)


Re: Screened//Unhackable arrowofapris November 5 2008, 16:05:51 UTC
Oh, I don't really know. I'm bad at names.

Although back in my world, in my country specifically, we name our units as 'legions'. We have the Secret Legion, the unit in charge of information gathering and covert operations, which is further subdivided into the Spectral Legion and the Legion of the Void, pertaining to the regions in which they operate. We also have the Shield Legion, which is in charge of defense, further subdivided into the Demon Hunter Legion and the Chain Legion.

I guess all I really want to say is that it would be nice of we could refer to ourselves other than 'the group', 'the team' or 'the council'. If that makes sense?


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 6 2008, 14:10:07 UTC
Legions, huh? That's quite a lofty name, but fitting I guess.

No, I agree. I think a good name would inspire some people and make it seem more like an actual force rather than just individuals working together.

Unfortunately I'm not any better at naming things.

Maybe we should take a vote! That's how it's done, right?


Re: Screened//Unhackable arrowofapris November 6 2008, 14:40:21 UTC
Agreed. And yes, a vote is always the way to go when it comes to things like this. Well, you're the boss, so... :)

Right now my friends and I are just loosely referring to it as the 'alliance'.


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 6 2008, 14:47:32 UTC
Pfft, being the boss by process of elimination is like being the only one with an oar on a sunken boat. It's a little redundant!

Alliance... actually I kind of like that.


Re: Screened//Unhackable arrowofapris November 6 2008, 14:54:15 UTC
Nah, if we had a reelection now with all the new 'members', you'd win the post and not just be the 'boss by process of elimination'. I've spoken to some of your fans. [smirks]

It does seem appropriate.


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 6 2008, 14:59:21 UTC

Well, we can use it then. It's not flashy or dramatic, but it is what we are.


Re: Screened//Unhackable arrowofapris November 6 2008, 15:51:13 UTC
Oh yeah. One said you're a natural leader, just in denial. :)


Re: Screened//Unhackable thieveryofstars November 6 2008, 18:56:19 UTC
Is that so?

I don't know. There's different kinds of leaders, after all. I think people mistake being capable for being willing, and wanting to help for wanting to be in charge.


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