Part 1 Countdown: 17 Days Left

Jan 23, 2011 09:54

So...this morning, I woke up, fully loaded. I was going to go, and drive around, for a bit more. I am not sure where I would go...if anywhere. Just riding around, on the scooter, is way fun. Then, I would come home, and crochet ( Read more... )

organize, stash, 8 months, messy, fiber, workbooks, crocheted, pattern, yarn, blog, timeline, yarnie, crochet, 2 years, memoire, time span, books, timeframe, crocheting, project, deadline, part 1

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Comments 14

ext_236875 January 23 2011, 18:07:15 UTC
Good idea, staying inside with those high winds - you don't want to wreck your brand new scooter (and possibly hurt yourself in the process). Have fun winding your yarn - I find it mindless enough to do while watching movies or TV. Actually, I now feel guilty when sitting in front of the TV if I don't have some sort of yarn to work on/with :)

Happy organizing!!


theyarnproject January 23 2011, 18:20:32 UTC
That was my thought. I just got it...don't want to BREAK it (or me.)
I am sure today will be full enough, with the organizing.


kjerlandsen January 23 2011, 18:32:16 UTC
So about the yarn tangled mess...I know you didn't ask for my advice, but here it is. =D

I have 2 large plastic bins with lids but my yarn stash is threatening to overflow them and shutting the lid is getting challenging. So I put my yarn in baggies, gallon, quart, sandwich sizes. I mostly used gallon sized and combined miscellaneous like yarns together. And then labeled the baggie (worsted weight acrylic or DK silk/bamboo or whatever) so that I knew what weight yarn and type of fiber was in there. I've found that I can squish the air out of them and compact the yarn quite a bit and prevent it from getting all tangled up with everything else in the bin. Plus, when the lid doesn't get shut tight, it also keeps the yarn safe from dust and moths (if you have a problem with moths, which luckily, I don't). Anyways, if you're going to be balling up all that yarn, you might want to protect it from unwinding and tangling up again with the baggies. =)

Just a thought and what works well for me.


theyarnproject January 24 2011, 00:35:45 UTC
Thank you for the tip. I will have to try this out.


digmydreams January 23 2011, 19:10:54 UTC
Ooo, I love organizing yarn! It's absolutely best to make an event of it. Ball it, tag it, organize by color. I have four bins - one for warm colors, one for cool colors, one for neutrals, and a smaller one for novelty yarns. Once you get them all set up it's like being in your own little customized yarn shop. When you get sick of winding, just close your eyes for three seconds and envision how pretty it will be to see all of your displayed in such a practical manner. That should help you push through. : )

And YAY!! Congratulations on your scooter! That's so awesome. I love how things have a way of working themselves out.


theyarnproject January 24 2011, 00:39:55 UTC
I have been trying to make it fun. It hasn't been all that bad. But, I am not too thrilled, with it. But, it has to get done...right.


kae1crafts January 23 2011, 20:51:54 UTC
Wind + Scooter = OUCH!!! Glad you decided to stay in today.

We must be having the same yarn mess distress today. I just purchased some bins to help clean up my yarn corner and make it easier to find things and look prettier. Will see how it goes. Good luck with your organizing.

I agree with the ziplock bag solution for containing unruly yarn. It helps a bunch.

Hugs, happy winding and stitching,



theyarnproject January 24 2011, 00:37:50 UTC
Yeah...yarn is a blast to work with, but not so much fun, to organize. I swear, I will NEVER let it get this bad, EVER again.


goodjoan January 24 2011, 03:30:41 UTC
Sounds like your yarn fairy needs to leave you a yarn baller! I use a wooden spoon my daughter decorated in school like a nostepinne and reball my yarn when the center pull balls are starting to collapse, or when I'm done with a project and only have a small bit left. Right now, I keep my 'on hand' yarn in an over the door shoe organizer so I can see and grab what I want/need easily. Extra stuff for larger projects, or yarn I bought and then decided to postpone the project goes in a bag in a cabinet where it doesn't get bothered until I need it. Current projects are kept in my bag so I can take it with me. That seems to keep it from being all over the place all the time.


theyarnproject January 24 2011, 17:26:39 UTC
Yes, a yarn baller would be fantastic. (Make note to ask Fiber Godmother for one of these.)
Your wooden spoon sounds like a good idea.


goodjoan January 25 2011, 01:17:28 UTC
There are a bunch of you tube videos for how to use a nostepinne. You don't need the fancy turned wooden dowel, you can use any stick that you can hold comfortably, like my wooden spoon. It takes longer than a yarn baller, but once you get the hang of it, it goes pretty fast and is kind of relaxing. A $1 wooden spoon is also a lot cheaper than a $50 yarn baller!


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