Part 1 Countdown: 17 Days Left

Jan 23, 2011 09:54

So...this morning, I woke up, fully loaded. I was going to go, and drive around, for a bit more. I am not sure where I would go...if anywhere. Just riding around, on the scooter, is way fun. Then, I would come home, and crochet.
I was having my first cup of coffee. And, that was when the plan shut down.
There are high wind advisories, in my area. (They showed a deisel flipped over, on the news.) Sure enough...the trees outside were being tossed about, at violent speeds. scooter, today.
But, that is cool. I have a bunch to do, anyway.
I had my second cup of coffee, then started my day, as usual: A nice, warm bath, complete with bubbles, bath salts, and a book.
And, while in the bath, a thought came to me. It just popped in my head, from nowhere.
I thought about my stash.
'Something has got to be done, about it,' I thought. Sure...I have untangled, and balled a FEW different yarns. But, I still have a long way to go. (I really wish there was some sort of Fiber Godmother, who would come, while I sleep at night, and ball, then organize my yarn. Yes...That would be wonderful!)
After my bath, I went to my yarn cabinet, in my room. I looked inside.
The yarn just looks sad. 'You deserve so much better, than this.' So much is still tangled, or unwound. (It looks like a yarn-bomb went off, in the cabinet. Yarn, of different colors, all crumpled together. )
I then went to my chaise. I looked in the full, reusable shopping bag, at the foot of the chaise. More of my stash. Just the same, as what is in the cabinet. Just as tangled. Just as miserable looking.
As I looked at my stash (which DESPERATELY needs organizing), I felt like a TERRIBLE yarnie. I mean, seriously, Michael! What fiber friend would allow his/her yarn, to be so neglected? (Again, I am thinking that someone should contact The Yarn Gods, and request a Fiber Godmother.)
So...I will be diligent, today.
I will empty my cabinet (and the reusable shopping bag), onto my bed. Then, once the 'Oh my GOD!!! What a mess.' shock has worn off (I will allow a 15 minute shock time), I will climb up on my bed, and start balling, and organizing.
I expect today will be a stressful day. But, in the end, I am sure I will be happy, over the work I am to do. (I know the yarn will be MUCH happier.)
Yesterday, after riding around, and 'feeling all cool', I came home, and parked, on my chaise.
One pillow is COMPLETELY done. It looks so cool. I am very pleased with myself. I started working on the second V-Day Pillow. The granny square is done. Those are easy enough to do, though. And, I have also finished just over half, of the single stitch panel.
I crocheted, last night, until I blinked, and discovered that my 'blink', lasted for half an hour. It was bed time.
My plan for today, is as follows. I will be attacking the messy stash situation. Then, I will resume work, on the pillow.
Chances are, I will not finish this pillow, today. I will get as far as I can. But, I am officially out of fiberfill. And, as the wind advisory is high, I will not be leaving the house, today. Therefore, I will do everything, but the part of adding fiberfill, and stitching the last side shut.
After this (if I have time. I think yarn organizing will fill my day.), I plan on making a little ghost keychain, for my lanyard. It should be a quick enough project. And, as I LOVE Halloween, it is rather suiting.
Well...I should get going. God knows I have a bunch of work, ahead of me, today.
Here is to organizing yarn!
Happy crocheting!

organize, stash, 8 months, messy, fiber, workbooks, crocheted, pattern, yarn, blog, timeline, yarnie, crochet, 2 years, memoire, time span, books, timeframe, crocheting, project, deadline, part 1

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