
Jun 12, 2011 20:11

WHO: Lynne+Anyone (Open)
WHEN: Tuesday, October 9
WHY: Demon research and whatever will be

Something was only scary until you knew enough about it, at least that's what Lynne figured: her grandmother's Mysterious Green and Goop cookies? Only creepy until she found out how ordinary the ingredients were, that the green was just food colouring, and they still tasted great. Lights in the dark when she was trying to sleep and the light shouldn't have been on? The last catches of light the retina caught that occasional messed with something in the brain. The scratching against her window? The wind pushing the tree against the window. The shadows that scared her enough to attach a flashlight to her wrist at night when she was a kid? They were the same things that were there when the lights were on, they just looked different and couldn’t do more than stub her toe.

Except, she'd discovered, the scary shadows and the creepy noises just might actually be demons. So when she caught herself unconsciously eyeing dark corners and feeling paranoid at the noise she couldn't immediately place, she figured she'd give the usual coping method a try, which is why she was in the library flipping through a book on European mythology. Occasionally, she'd stop and note a creature that stood out until she eventually found one that looked familiar.

'AFANC: A lake monster from Welsh mythology. It is said to resemble an crocodile, dwarf, or beaver (that last one was right)-like creature. The afanc was a monstrous creature that, like most lake monsters, was said to prey upon any foolish enough to fall into or swim in its lake.'

Not so scary on paper, are you? She thought, absently tracing the picture that appeared way less scary than the real thing. The gym was a far thing from a lake though, even when the fact Abaton was a coastal city was taken into account...

lynne, 2012

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