LJ Idol Season 10, Week 9: Trolley Problem

Feb 21, 2017 08:56

A little bit of warning with this entry -- there's a heavy mention of head trauma and gore as a result. If blood makes you squicky, you might wanna steer clear.

Ten days isn’t all that long, you tell yourself. Just a week and a half, no more, no less. Yes, it’s the longest the two of you have ever spent in each other’s spaces, but --

Ten days out of a nearly five-year friendship still isn't much... )

literary nonfiction, creative nonfiction, personal, lji: season 10, trigger: gore

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Comments 16

n3m3sis43 February 21 2017, 16:12:35 UTC
This is so perfect. <3


- I told you this already, but your hair is not drab. People who have naturally amazing curls don't need to dye their hair blue and shave half of it off. I mean, it's fine if they do but your regular hair is awesome.

- The way you pulled in all of the work/Bob parts is fucking flawless. I guess I already told you that, too, but. Idk, I repeat myself a lot? Plus, it is and you're so goddamn talented and you should hear that a million times.

- Um. I feel awkward and naked commenting on the rest, but she's very lucky you love her so much. Especially because otherwise, you definitely would have smothered her with a pillow by now.


(see, if I were still there, I could've just shoved them in your bag)


theun4givables February 21 2017, 18:15:27 UTC
<3 <3 <3

My regular hair is boooooring damnit xD But everyone loves curly hair and it's like -- I can't even do anything with this shit xD

I wouldn't have thought to pull those things together if I hadn't written the Super Shitty Version first. xD Because you told me you'd like to see me bring those things into it. So thanks, that helped a lot <3

<3 <3 <3 I don't know if I would've actually smothered her with a pillow by now but maybe. xD



rayaso February 22 2017, 01:02:31 UTC
This was a fascinating balance between your love for your friend and the events at the bank which was very well told.


theun4givables February 22 2017, 01:15:47 UTC
Thanks. This took several tries to even get down right and I'm glad it finally came together, because I wanted to balance the two somehow and wasn't sure how, at first. :)

I found myself cracking jokes earlier today about my AHT's reaction to everything that happened last week. So I guess I'm handling that fairly okay.


halfshellvenus February 22 2017, 06:00:43 UTC
Oh gosh, that poor woman. I hope she was okay-- it's brutal to witness something like that, but all the more because you know what it might cost.

It's amazing to think that you and Sarah met back in S8 of Idol, and that this incredibly strong friendship grew out of that. You've both been so good for each other. :)


theun4givables February 22 2017, 11:19:04 UTC
I hope she was okay, too. I keep telling myself that head injuries bleed a lot. But even my manager was like "O_O" when he came back in and saw the blood, and he's -- well, he's my age (we graduated high school together, even) -- former military. And we don't really know who she was -- the paramedics took the checking withdrawal slip she was filling out.

Sarah's honestly the best thing to come out of Idol, for me. :) Just a sign that this game's a little more than that, you know?


dmousey February 22 2017, 19:46:53 UTC
I love you both. <3 Oh kiddo- you did incredibly well. It's ok, there was nothing more you could've done, other than keep her still, place pressure on the wound, and dial 911. Sounds to me more like you assessed the situation, and then stayed clearheaded enough to direct those who weren't. Please don't beat yourself up over it. If you need to feel more comfortable in assissting/dealing with future crises, and can ever find the time for it, find out if one of the hospitals offer a first aid course. Many times it's free, if not cheap. With the munchkin it might be a good idea.

I also hate to say it babygirl, but you do need to find out if she is HIV/Hep C positive, if not for yourself-for Bobbers. ( I can see the eye roll and feel the glare from here, LOL, but I had to be Mom.)

I wish I could hug you, I love you lots and lots. I'm very glad she was with you, and came to help, I worry less when she's there. Hug her for me too. Squish and Mwha..... <3 <3 <3


theun4givables February 22 2017, 23:55:57 UTC
It might be a good idea with the Bobbers, yeah. He hasn't managed to really hurt himself bad since he was younger, knock on wood, or myself instead of him, so. =p

Oh, no, I'm waiting four weeks before going and getting tested -- that way an HIV test would pop positive if in the event I was really fucking unlucky. There's just not a point in doing the tests now; it's too soon.

<3 I will when she comes back up next. xD She went home on Sunday, unfortunately...


eternal_ot February 24 2017, 13:39:48 UTC
*Hugs* I think you handled the situation the best way you could and it surely wasn't a pleasant situation to be in. I don't blame you for feeling jittery after the experience.
I am glad that Sarah was there with you :) You two really make a great team together <3 Take care.


theun4givables February 24 2017, 21:25:04 UTC
*hugs back* Thanks. It really wasn't, but the branch has more or less gone back to normal so that helps a lot.

We really do. <3 I couldn't be more grateful to have her, really. Thanks for commenting! :D


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