Seize the Day - NaNoWriMo Attempt - Chapter 13

Nov 22, 2013 12:37

Hit 40k today. I don't think I'll be writing much more, and I have like.. 3 more chapters to post. I'll post a second one later today, and another two tomorrow. I'd rather not flood my flist. :)
Previous Chapters:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

The next week passed Savin by quickly. The background check, fingerprinting and everything else to earn clearance for working within the Palace had taken almost as long as Casio’s recovery. Sighing, Savin stepped into the plush office, his personal effects all clumped together inside one single brown box. A desk sat at the opposite end of the room, big and far beyond his personal taste.

Casio had offered him a room inside the Palace. “The Palace has plenty of living quarters available for all who work there,” Casio had said as he dressed to return home that afternoon. “You and your father could share an apartment, even, if you so wished.”

Savin had managed to keep his expression neutral, then, but now, he scrunched his face up in distaste. Him? Live with his father? At the time, he had flatly refused the offer to live in the Palace. While it would make it easier to see Jazz every day, it would make seeing Mari and his other friends from the hospital that much more difficult. He preferred to have them come to him, after all, which would be unwieldy for them to do if he lived at the Palace.

Sighing, Savin put the cardboard box down on the desk and looked around the room, yet again. The walls were blue, a calming color that he was sure was picked on purpose. A famous painting here and there hung on those same walls, some he wouldn’t be surprised if they were the original paintings themselves.

A knock sounded on the door, causing him to jump. “Come in!” Savin called once he recovered, putting a hand to his chest to still his heart.

The door made no noise as it opened. Savin had to turn to his side in order to glance at the door. A wide grin swept across his face as he noticed Jazz standing inside his office. “I didn’t think you’d come by to see me,” he said, dropping his belongings back into the box. He approached Jazz slowly, slipping his hands inside his pockets. “How’ve you been?”

“Of course I’d come by,” Jazz murmured, closing the gap between himself and Savin. He leaned up, kissing Savin softly, one hand curling lazily in the hair at the nape of Savin’s neck. Savin smiled to himself as the kiss continued on for a moment, every bit as soft and hesitant as their very first one, the night they met. “I haven’t actually been able to see you since the hospital,” Jazz finished as they broke apart.

Savin nodded, his own smile growing wider as he noticed the faint blush on Jazz’s cheeks. He brushed his fingers along Jazz’s cheek. “You could have come visit your dad again while he was there, y’know,” he said, a teasing lilt to his voice.

“I dunno about that,” Jazz said with a sigh, pulling away from Savin some. “I’ve been pretty much on the move non-stop for the past week, after getting back from the Western colonies.”

“Ah,” Savin breathed, watching as Jazz circled the office much like he had when he first walked in. Jazz’s exhaustion was evident in the way he carried himself. The way he walked -- as though his legs were stiff, unable to bend like they normally should. Jazz’s shoulders were slumped, too. But it was the bags under Jazz’s eyes that betrayed him the most. “Are you sure you should even be here?” Savin asked quietly, partially sitting on the edge of his desk and crossing one leg over the other.

“I have about an hour or two of downtime before the next Council Meeting starts,” Jazz said, settling into the big, leather computer chair in front of Savin. He closed his eyes, a soft sigh escaping his lips. “I didn’t want to stay in my room -- Mitchel’s been looking for me.”

“Shouldn’t you be getting some rest, then?” Savin asked, raising an eyebrow. “When’s the last time you slept? -- and I mean, actually sleeping for more than an hour or two at a time?”

Jazz snorted, opening his eyes as a wry smile broke out across his face. “I think the last time I slept in my own bed was like -- a few days ago. When I came back from the Western Colonies. Other than that, I’ve done all of my sleeping while traveling...”

Savin nodded, frowning to himself. “Then why are you here? You could be taking a nap back in your room, couldn’t you?” he pressed, pushing himself away from the desk. He climbed into the chair on top of Jazz, straddling the younger man and towering over him a bit. He leaned down, capturing Jazz’s lips with his own as he tilted Jazz’s chin back with his fingers.

This time, the kiss had a little more energy to it, Jazz’s tongue sweeping across Savin’s eagerly. Jazz broke away first, again, offering Savin a sly smile. “I wanted to see you more than I wanted to nap,” he said, trailing his hands down Savin’s clothed chest. His smile faded somewhat. “I also know I wouldn’t have been able to nap,” he continued, his exhaustion creeping into his voice.

“Why not?” Savin asked, pressing his lips against Jazz’s jaw and down the side of Jazz’s neck.

“I haven’t -- I think I made some things in the Empire worse,” Jazz murmured, a quiet gasp escaping him as Savin sucked on the junction between neck and shoulder. Jazz wrapped his arms around Savin, pulling him closer.

“It can’t be any worse than going to war with United,” Savin said, trying to sound reassuring as he grazed his teeth along Jazz’s clothed shoulder. He then pulled away, cupping Jazz’s face in his hands. “This was what? Your first week or so trying to run the Empire?” he asked, offering Jazz a reassuring smile. “Look, if I had been you, the Empire would have fallen apart in a matter of days -- so I think you did a fucking good job of keeping it together, you hear me?”

Jazz managed a quiet laugh at that, a partial smile gracing his lips. “I guess...” he said with a sigh. He then leaned forward, burying his face in Savin’s shoulder and nuzzling him. “D’you think we could -- go back to my room?” he asked. “I don’t feel comfortable talking, here.”

Savin’s eyebrows bunched together for a moment, but he slowly climbed out of Jazz’s lap and nodded his head. “Sure. Just let me get some of my things put away. I have to go check on your father in a little bit, too, so we can’t take that long.”

Jazz nodded as well, biting his lip as he, too, climbed out of the chair and stretched. “Okay,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. He then looked away from Savin, who raised an eyebrow at that before shrugging to himself.

Savin unpacked his box quickly, finding homes for every little knick knack, as well as his paperwork and diplomas. Once he finished, he slipped an arm around Jazz’s waist. “Lead the way, Jazz,” he whispered in the other man’s ear. He could feel Jazz shiver under his arm, which just encouraged Savin to press a quick series of kisses along Jazz’s neck.

Jazz just shook his head, a slight smile gracing his lips. “Now, we can’t be too physically close walking down the hallway to my room, alright?” he asked, approaching the door to Savin’s office slowly. “While I’m out to the whole Palace, I don’t think it’d be a good idea for anyone to know we’re together, just yet.”

Savin nodded, frowning slightly to himself. “How long do you think we need to keep this a secret?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets as Jazz opened the door and entered the Palace hallways.

Jazz blinked, his lips twisting downward in thought as he looked away from Savin. “I don’t -- I don’t really know,” he answered, keeping his voice low as he and Savin began walking down the hallway together. “At least until my dad’s recovered,” he added a few moments later, looking up at Savin. “If that’s -- if that’s okay with you, of course.”

Savin pursed his lips together, keeping his hands in his pockets in order to keep himself from reaching for Jazz’s hand. “I dunno... I don’t want to sneak around. And I’m pretty sure you don’t, either --”

“I don’t,” Jazz said vehemently. “I hated that about my relationship with Mitchel -- all the secrecy, even though it wasn’t much of a fucking secret. It’s just -- I dunno. I don’t want my father to find out just yet. I don’t want him to think that his treatment was compromised by our relationship. I don’t want hear his fucking lecture, either, on going out and finding a woman...”

Savin nodded. “I guess that makes sense,” he said after a while, sighing. He studied the hallways, noticing how wide and well-kept they were. Staff milled about, each giving Jazz a slight bow when he passed them by. “I guess you don’t want him thinking that we kind of planned for me to join his medical team, either.”

“Exactly,” Jazz said. He sighed himself, running his fingers through his hair. “It’s not like it really matters, either -- I’m sure the rumors have already started, if Mitchel knows you and I are dating.”

Savin’s shoulders tensed at the mention of Mitchel’s name. “What’s the deal with him, anyway?” Savin asked, despite himself. “I know you said he was your ex, but -- why did you even date him, in the first place?”

Jazz didn’t answer and avoided Savin’s eyes as they continued to walk down the hallways. Everything, Savin realized, was a shade of that same blue, perhaps in an effort to invoke a calming environment. After a while, Jazz bit his lip and looked over at Savin. “I was tired of sneaking out of the Palace in order to get laid. He was obviously interested in me. I just -- we kinda fell into bed together.”

Savin raised an eyebrow at that. “You used to sneak out of the Palace?”

“How do you think I managed to do it the night we met? I’ve had plenty of practice doing it,” Jazz said, smiling sheepishly at Savin. “Dating when you’re the Emperor’s son is really fucking difficult, okay? And for a while, sex was all I was after, anyway. I didn’t want to get attached to anyone. Didn’t even expect to get attached to Mitchel, either, but...”

Jazz stopped mid-sentence, his soft footsteps no longer resounding off the walls of the hallway. Savin blinked, stopping as well before following Jazz’s gaze, which had hardened. Just down the hall, Mitchel stood in front of a door, arms hanging at his sides. Before Savin could turn on his heel and walk back the way he and Jazz had come, Mitchel faced them both.

“Bringing him home already, Prince Jasper?” Mitchel asked, his voice as smooth as always. Savin could see his slight smirk from where he was. “Isn’t that a little fast?”

“What’re you doing here, Mitchel?” Jazz snapped, glaring at Mitchel. He reached for Savin’s hand, his fingers clasping around Savin’s tightly. Savin thought he felt Jazz give them a slight squeeze. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the meeting?”

“I could ask the same of you,” Mitchel said, his smirk dropping from his face. Savin could see his eyes drop to their hands, where Jazz’s fingers still clung to his reassuringly. “Don’t you have notes and the like you need to be going over before you inform us of the ongoings of your father’s Empire?”

“I’ve gone over my notes a thousand times,” Jazz answered, lifting his chin. He continued closer to his apartment door, never once letting go of Savin. “I just wanted a few minutes to relax with my boyfriend.”

Savin choked on his own spit, swallowing back his response to that as Mitchel glared at him openly, eyes narrowed to slits. “Boyfriend, hm? Isn’t he on your father’s medical team? Is your father aware that you’re in a relationship with another man, already?”

“My father doesn’t need to know who I’m dating,” Jazz said. Savin could hear the slight undercurrent in his words, how his voice just barely shook. Jazz then cleared his throat and swallowed thickly, turning to look away from Mitchel and towards his apartment door. He pulled out a set of keys from his pocket, finally letting go of Savin’s hand in the process. “And it’s none of your business, either, Mitchel. So please, leave. Before I call the Guard on you.”

Mitchel frowned, his fingers already closing around the knot on his tie. Savin waited for him to say something else, but found himself inside Jazz’s apartment before Mitchel could say anything else. His mouth fell open at the size of the living room itself, which had to be at least twice the size of his office in the medical wing of the Palace.

He didn’t take long to take in his new surroundings, however, as Jazz collapsed onto the nearby couch and put his head in his hands, groaning into his fingers. “I can’t stand him when he’s like this,” he growled, running his fingers over hair. “Why can’t he just leave me alone?”

“Because he’s an asshole, that’s why,” Savin said, trying to sound reassuring as he sat down on the couch beside Jazz. He leaned back against the cushions, one arm draped over the back of the couch as he crossed one leg over the other. “Don’t let him get to you, Jazz. He’s just jealous that you’ve moved on, already.”

Jazz snorted, shaking his head and sitting up straight. He then turned to Savin, a partial smile on his lips. “He should be,” he said, moving in close to Savin and resting his head on Savin’s shoulder. He then tilted his head back a bit, pressing his lips to Savin’s neck. “You’re hotter.”

Savin chortled at that, a wide grin spreading itself across his face. He shook his head, resting his arm around Jazz’s shoulders and holding him close. “I’m glad you think so,” he said, leaning forward and pressing his lips against Jazz’s own. As he pulled away, he asked, “So we’re boyfriends, now?”

Jazz’s face flushed, turning a brilliant shade of red in a matter of seconds. “I didn’t -- I wanted Mitchel to think that --”

“That things were more serious between us than they are, just yet?” Savin finished for Jazz, raising an eyebrow. He then smirked at Jazz, positioning himself so that he pushed Jazz back down against the couch, straddling him. “Unless, of course, you want this to be a little more serious than us just fooling around...” he breathed against Jazz’s neck. He then trailed his lips along Jazz’s neck and up his jaw before kissing him again.

Jazz met this kiss with equal enthusiasm, his hips rolling upwards to meet with Savin’s as his arms pulled Savin even closer. Savin obliged, grinding his hips against Jazz’s, feeling himself grow hard in a matter of moments. “I do,” Jazz gasped as they broke apart, throwing his head back against the couch as he groaned. “I want this to be more serious -- than that.”

“Good,” Savin murmured, not hesitating to slide his hands underneath Jazz’s shirt and removing it from the smaller man’s body. “Because I do, too.”

Jazz smiled at him, the happy expression lasting only for a moment before it was replaced with one of pleasure. Savin grinned back before quickly shucking off his own shirt and pants and removing the rest of Jazz’s clothing, as well, his hands roaming all over Jazz’s lithe, muscular body.

How the hell did Savin get so lucky?

Next Chapter

character: mitchel, original fiction, trigger: language, the tomorrow trilogy, character: savin, rating: r, pairing: jazz/savin, character: jazz, character: casio, novel: seize the day

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