Event Post and some changes to the rules (again)

Jul 18, 2009 18:11

Our first event is finally here! Sorry for the late start, but next time we'll make sure to begin it on time.

This post will contain three important things. First, an announcement about the event which hopefully everyone can participate in, aside from those on hiatus. Then, some changes regarding the rules for application and reservations, as these were a little shaky when we first started. Lastly, a poll! S yes, this is going to be a lengthy post. Now, let's divulge into details:

Event: Don't cry, Poyo!

We're starting off the event with something that's hopefully easy for everyone to follow, seeing as this is the first one the community has. When your character wakes up on the second day (which is estimated to be today), their rooms will disappear and be replaced by fields. So expect yourself to be surrounded by vegetable stalks, grape vines, corn, rice fields, and whatever you think you'd find on a farm land. This will include some livestock like goats, cows and the likes, though if you try to ask them a question (whether you're being strange or not) they will start singing "Mary had a little lamb" off-tune. If you tell them to shut up, they'll sing louder, and if you tell them to sing louder, they'll shut up. Toto didn't want them hanging in his room, so he's dumping them on you.

The actual event is when you find the Poyos up there. They can appear just about anywhere, and they come in at least a group of ten. At first, they'll be cute, lovable, and try to stick to you like some strange little jelly koalas. One hour, two hours, think of them as cute, behaved little children who adore you like crazy.

Now, when the third hour strike, they start crying simultaneously for no reason. Crying = Shouting, screaming and basically trying to break your eardrums while bringing in the waterworks. Even if you try to comfort them, it will be to no avail. Doing certain things to them will result in interesting outcomes, but the main thing you need to do is calm them down and stop them from crying, or at least keep the noise to a minimum.

Feed themThis results in them growing 1.2x their size. It'll quiet them down for around 30 minutes before they start crying even louder than before. Feed them again and they grow again, thus even louder crying.

Rocking them to sleepIf they had grown in size, they'll return to normal.

StorytellingAs long as you're speaking, they'll be quiet. However, once you're done, back with the waterworks, though the volume is a little softer than before, though it's not noticeable at first. Repeat this, and it'll be a little softer again.

Slicing them in half (You cruel person D:)If you cut them in half, expect there to be two Poyos in place. This means twice the crying and more waterworks to deal with. They will also stick to your body, and aren't removable.

Making them explode/smashing them to pieces (B| You need therapy, man.)Depending on how many pieces there are, there will be that many new Poyos! You can either start a crying family of Poyos, or figure a better way of preserving your sanity. If it's any consolation, their crying volume is now 95% of what it was before. You will have a bunch of Poyos sticking to you like koalas though, and they'll be considered a permanent attachment to your body until the end of the event.

Beating them upThey're indestructible. Sorry. Next!

Sleeping spells/MagicThis will work for an hour before they start crying again, though you can't exactly run away as they will attach themselves to your body when they sleep. They aren't exactly removable. They will be at least a little softer when they cry, and less waterworks.

Anything elseHas absolutely no effect.

What is the meaning of this? Toto wants to test the patience of everyone in the Tower. If you guys can pass this test, he wouldn't worry about you guys in the upcoming rounds. No, he's not going to leave hints, so your characters will have to figure this out for themselves. Also, all weapons and powers are back, but even if you try to destroy anything, they'll return to normal. As for anyone who wants to hunt, you can eat the livestock if you want. Just make sure to hide the evidence. Any questions?

Also, there will be no major post in the thetower_rpg or thetower_logs about it, so just feel free to assume your characters are already in the field/flooded by Poyos.

Now, onto the rest of the rules! These are only minor changes though, so don't worry!

Applications and Reservations

It was only during this round that we opened Applications from the 1st-15th of the month, seeing as the community was only new. However, starting the August round, applications will be from 1st-10th of the month only. The reason for this is due to the fact that events should start around the 15th, so the moderators and the new (and old, for those who still aren't used to the game) players will have to get settled during the five days in between. This is also to make sure that events will not be disrupted by people suddenly coming in the middle of it, or else they'll have to stay in the living quarters while the rest are running about doing quests.

Also, in the Application section, we will give the option for a Q&A rather than a first person sample if required. We know there are characters who do not speak a lot, so it's tough to stretch out their speech without making it sound awkward. You can request a Q&A instead if that is the case, so that it'll be easier for you to answer according to how your character would react to a situation instead. Hopefully this will benefit anyone who wishes to apply for other characters.

Reservations last from the 20th-30/31st of the month. This one is pretty self-explanatory.

Also, since this might cause of confusion for applicants/players/mods in the future unless stated clearly: The timezone that we will follow is AST or GMT-4. Just so we're clear, though there hasn't been any actual confusion yet.

Now, we also need you guys to answer two polls, since there's not really a lot of us in this community for now.


Do you guys want to still have two different events as stated in the rules (The second being there in case you lose the first event), or would you agree to having just one event with the option of either Winning or Losing only? The first set-up was originally planned so that if you have castmates, they can catch up to your level and you'll see each other. However, since we already changed the set-up of the living quarters so that you'll see your castmates regardless of what level you're in, it'll be strange to keep that set-up. We do understand that some people might not want to drop a level though despite doing a challenge.

Poll Event Question #1

Also, would you guys prefer different events depending on your level, or do you want to have one whole event that affects all the characters regardless of level? You'd still level up or level down, but this will be easier for the moderators since we'll only be thinking of one event per month instead of say... 10 (once someone reaches level 10, that is) each month. This is also to avoid confusion since there will be chances that the events might end up overlapping everyone's posts.

Poll Event Question #2

I need everyone to make a decision, so just two options will do. Sorry for the inconvenience.

That should wrap up everything that needs to be said! If you guys have any questions, ask away.

!event post, !mod post

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