
Jul 10, 2009 11:10

It's early morning--- or at least, it feels like that--- as the sun shines through the curtains, bathing you with the unwelcome dose of sunlight. The room you're in is definitely not the last one you've slept it, as the unusual sight of misshaped furniture (is that closet leaning to the side?) and strange colors (really, a green toy elephant with ( Read more... )

sirius black, roger smith, sialeeds falenas, level 1, !mod post, humphrey mintz, yosuke hanamura, superbi squalo, kuchiki byakuya, futch, gokudera hayato, raiden, luke fon fabre, bat, asch the bloody, meander

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Comments 77

omgwtfdragonboy July 10 2009, 03:43:15 UTC
Futch yelped as he crashed against the floor, having been rudely woken up from his sleep by his mattress tossing him out of the room. He groaned in annoyance as he rubbed his head, sitting up from the awkward mess he found himself on the ground. Since when did anyone set a trap on that thing?

... In fact, why was he even on a bed? Weren't they in the middle of a war?

He immediately became alert as he realized that he didn't recognize his surroundings, and the lack of his spear was making him wary. Where was this place? It didn't look like L'Renouille, or even any place he's been in.

"Hello?" he asked cautiously, out loud, as if expecting someone to answer him. He did hear voices earlier, and he was sure he hadn't been imagining it at that time.

[OOC: Replies will be slow as the mun is in the middle of a midterm. Feel free to reply in action post format though, if you want!]


lone_sakura July 10 2009, 05:49:46 UTC
Being woken up by getting tossed out of bed by the mattress was not a good sign. Picking himself up from the ground, he automatically reached for his zanpakuto only to find that it was missing. Before the loss set in, he heard a voice calling out further down the hallway. Glancing in that direction he noticed a boy further down. Byakuya approached him.

"Who are you and where are we?"


omgwtfdragonboy July 10 2009, 06:32:20 UTC
It took him a second to realize that he was being addressed to, and he looked up from his seated position at the man approaching. He quickly got on his feet, eyes trained on the other man a little warily, like an animal ready to bolt at the sign of danger. He knew he still had his rune about, but he wasn't as confident with his magic as he is with his attacks. He wasn't about to let his guard down though, especially in such an unfamiliar territory as this. Lord Riou and the others were in the battlefield, he knew, and he had to find them immediately ( ... )


lone_sakura July 10 2009, 06:53:44 UTC
"Ah." So he wasn't the only one stuck in this strange place. After close scrutiny, he decided that the boy wasn't a threat at present. The boy seemed too wary of him and the lack of name given wasn't missed.

He quickly examined his surroundings and decided to head towards the dim light at the end of the hallway rather than check out the identical doors that lined the hallway. He began to walk away. Almost as an after-though, he paused before addressing the boy.

"You may come with me, if you wish."


justacityboy July 10 2009, 04:11:29 UTC
There are two ways to wake up: you can pleasantly draw yourself from a deep slumber, possibly from a nice dream or by slowly coming out of a REM cycle into wakefulness. Or, you can be hit in the face and jarred awake by some outside stimuli, disrupting your wonderful eight hours and bringing you face-to-face with consciousness like being hit in the face with the floor. In Yosuke's case, I mean this quite literally- for as nice and pleasant (and possibly raunchy) his dream was, nothing breaks it like being catapulted from your bed to the floor, sprawling out in a mess of blankets and limbs.

For a while, he merely laid there, pressing his cheek up against the ground and grumbling to himself incoherently under his breath. It was with a groan that he pushed himself from the floor, sheets falling off and away from him as he did so, bringing a hand to his eyes to scrub the sleep out of them and glance around the new room.

--insert the screeching sound of tires here. New room? It really only took a second for him to register that this ( ... )


yourfleshoneday July 10 2009, 06:45:27 UTC
To say that Bat was angry was like saying thrusting your hand into an open fire would tickle. There were a number of reasons he was bordering on rage right now, the main being that he was unable to change. The atma brand on his arm still remained, still burned and Camazotz was still writhing in his soul but his other self seemed trapped that way.

And they took his blades!

Though, logically, it would be foolish for captures to leave their prisoners with weapons. But he was too hungry to care and too focused on figuring out where he was to properly pitch a fit. That would come later as he was tearing the throat out of that damn woman!

It didn't matter who it was, the first person Bat came in contact with became the current object of his attention. He reached out to grab the boy by the back of the neck and shove him face first into the nearest wall. "Where am I? And where is the Embryon!"


justacityboy July 10 2009, 07:03:09 UTC
Well that wasn't exactly expected. Yosuke turned his face when he realized he was headed towards the wall, cheek colliding with it hard; but at least it wasn't his nose, right? His eyes were wide and he was trying to get a look back at whatever had just attacked him. Of course when he heard the voice, he almost calmed down. It wasn't a Shadow, right? Because in the position he was in, he definitely couldn't summon his Persona.

Raising his hands up in the air, as if in surrender, he shouted over his shoulder the best he could: "D-dude, calm down!"


yourfleshoneday July 10 2009, 18:33:05 UTC
There was a growl, and the man pressed his body up along Yosuke's back to keep him pinned. He put his face close to the wide-eyed young man's, but not so as to obscure his features. Angry lavender eyes glared back, framed by matching hair and a blood red star. "Lets make this simple."

Bat chuckled cruelly, voice taunting. "Tell me what I need to know or I'll devour you right here~"


superbiemperor July 10 2009, 10:24:03 UTC
Rolling with the sudden movement of the mattress, though not without a lot of loud cursing, Squalo remained in a crouch on the floor for a few moments as he tried to figure out where the hell he was.

'VOII, what the fuck is this place?!' The strangely-shaped door was open but it didn't seem like there was anyone on the other side of it. Added to the fact that the fucking mattress had just tossed him out of bed, not even mentioning the screwed-up furniture, this was definitely not the cabin of the ship he'd boarded en route to Japan last night.

'Shit, where the fuck--?!'

He stood finally, sword hand held out in front of him, and kicked the door open violently. Stomping into the hallway beyond, he stopped and looked more about him, deliberating where he should go from now. The voices from earlier had disappeared entirely, without even an indication as to which direction the speakers had gone.

'VVVOIIIIIIIIIII!! If that's you, Millefiore bastards, come out and show yourselves!!'


smokin_b0mb July 10 2009, 11:55:08 UTC
A strange, undulating roll from the mattress threw the unsuspecting young man from his sleep-- and his room. Stuck landing in a rather unfortunate position-- face-first with his rear end in the air --Gokudera skidded across the floor, which was sure to leave a few scrapes on his face.

The jolt of the pain wasn't the worst of it, though. The yelling piercing his ears wasn't helping his current mood at all. The Storm promptly sat up and shot a glare around his new surroundings, pausing on the familiar Varia. His brain registered immediately that HE and everyone in that twisted little group had something to do with this. So, pushing himself up, Gokudera thrust a finger out in his direction, "You FUCKING shark! What the fuck did you do!?"

Throwing around accusations was probably not the best idea... Especially since Squalo himself was probably just as irritated as he was...



superbiemperor July 10 2009, 17:34:08 UTC
Couldn't be...!

Whirling at the sound of the other shout, to say he was surprised at the appearance of the Storm brat was an understatement. And then came indignation as it became clear that the other was under the impression that Squalo had something to do with this fucked up situation.

'ME?! VOII, shitty brat, you have to be fucking kidding me?!'

He strode forward a couple of paces and then paused, remembering that the kid used midrange attacks. Explosives in this small place?! Hell, no thanks.

'You think we came up with this--?!' He gestured all around him with his sword hand, lost for words at the moment for adjectives adequate enought to describe the... odd decor. 'This look like Xanxus' style, ah?!'

'Got no fucking clue what this is about. Must be that Byakuren motherfucker messing us around...!'


smokin_b0mb July 10 2009, 21:45:21 UTC
Gokudera himself kept in mind that using explosives in such a small area would backfire-- literally --onto him, so verbal attack was the best choice at the moment.

"I wouldn't put it past one of you Varia nutjobs to pull off something like this!" He snorted smugly. But, then again, the Millefiore were probably just as tricky. And while assuming that the Varia had done thing, Gokudera found Squalo being stuck here as a little odd... Though it could have been a diversion all at the same time.

Taking a look around, he found other people starting to bustle around and socialize with one another-- people he was unfamiliar with.

"Shit," he wrinkled his nose, turning his attention back to Squalo. Something popped into his head that he hadn't thought about until just now, "Where's Tenth!?"


pure_stealth July 10 2009, 20:36:35 UTC
"Shit, I'm hearing voices. That can't be good ( ... )


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pure_stealth July 12 2009, 17:05:43 UTC
Raiden began to relax his grip on his M9, as he hadn't sensed any danger in his new surroundings. He wasn't one to seek out trouble, but usually, when on a mission sneaking around somewhere he shouldn't be, trouble finds him ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

not_the_dreck July 10 2009, 20:52:05 UTC
He was supposed to be dead.

He had been just seconds away from it, after all; he could vividly remember the sword that had been pressed against his back... and then waking up, lounging comfortably (as comfortably as he could get anyway) in the top bunk of a bunk bed, his face pressed against an absurdly loud hot pink pillow. How he got there and why he felt so well rested after fighting for his life for so long, he did not even get a chance to ponder, as he felt himself hurled through the air a moment later. He didn't even get a chance to yelp as his back hit the door, knocking it clear off the hinges and flying out to impact against the opposite wall outside. He ended up tumbling to the ground, landing face up and staring at the ceiling high above... or at least he was until the door itself decided to step on his stomach on its way back to hooking itself back onto its hinges. His breath left him at the stomp to his stomach, and he curled up a moment, glaring at the offensive door as it shook its knob at him, before slamming ( ... )


not_a_twin July 11 2009, 05:38:40 UTC
Luke groaned in his slip when the room filled with voices. Who on earth would come into his room just to TALK, don't they have their own rooms to be noisy in?

Lifting his head off the fuzzy purple pillow he blinked at the brightly colored blobs around the room. This... wasn't the room he'd fallen asleep in last night. This looked like a child's coloring book just threw up all over the place. "What the hell..." The red head was cut off when his bed suddenly came alive. "H-HEY!" He yelled and was sent flying out of the room. Skidding a bit on his back he groaned just as a blue plushy cat landed on his face.

"What the hell is WRONG with this place?" He grumbled from under plushy that he kind of wished would smother him and save him from this humiliation.


not_the_dreck July 11 2009, 05:46:34 UTC
Asch froze solid. Oh you had to be kidding him... of all the people to end up in a strange place with, why did it have to be him? Slowly, he turned his head, just to make sure his ears weren't playing tricks on him, but there he was, laying under some ridiculous plush cat...

...and really, he was half tempted to make Luke's wish come true at the sight.

"You...!" he growled out, climbing to his feet and stalking over to his idiot replica. His hands snapped out, grabbing him by that ridiculous coat of his and hauling him up to his feet. "What the hell are you doing here, dreck?!"


not_a_twin July 11 2009, 06:00:09 UTC
All the sudden he was being moved again! Had the floor come alive to? In a flash of blue plush, black clothes and blood red hair he found himself face to face... with his face!


There was no mistaking it now. He knew just what he'd stumbled into. "A-Asch?!" He squeaked out. "You're... You're alive!" His anxiousness melted away into joy when he took in the very lively and angry face of his original.

"You... you were... this is great!" Ignoring the fist in his jacket he flung his arms around the other with a wide grin on his face. "Or are we both dead...?" He paused mid squeeze at that thought. Now he wasn't sure if he was dead but he KNEW Asch had died. He even felt the boy's life drain out of his own body and into his replica.


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