
Jul 10, 2009 11:10

It's early morning--- or at least, it feels like that--- as the sun shines through the curtains, bathing you with the unwelcome dose of sunlight. The room you're in is definitely not the last one you've slept it, as the unusual sight of misshaped furniture (is that closet leaning to the side?) and strange colors (really, a green toy elephant with ( Read more... )

sirius black, roger smith, sialeeds falenas, level 1, !mod post, humphrey mintz, yosuke hanamura, superbi squalo, kuchiki byakuya, futch, gokudera hayato, raiden, luke fon fabre, bat, asch the bloody, meander

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justacityboy July 10 2009, 04:11:29 UTC
There are two ways to wake up: you can pleasantly draw yourself from a deep slumber, possibly from a nice dream or by slowly coming out of a REM cycle into wakefulness. Or, you can be hit in the face and jarred awake by some outside stimuli, disrupting your wonderful eight hours and bringing you face-to-face with consciousness like being hit in the face with the floor. In Yosuke's case, I mean this quite literally- for as nice and pleasant (and possibly raunchy) his dream was, nothing breaks it like being catapulted from your bed to the floor, sprawling out in a mess of blankets and limbs.

For a while, he merely laid there, pressing his cheek up against the ground and grumbling to himself incoherently under his breath. It was with a groan that he pushed himself from the floor, sheets falling off and away from him as he did so, bringing a hand to his eyes to scrub the sleep out of them and glance around the new room.

--insert the screeching sound of tires here. New room? It really only took a second for him to register that this wasn't his own bedroom. It took him a second longer to register that that meant that he wasn't at home, in his bed, where he'd gone to sleep the night before. So. Where was he? A quick glance down supplied him with even more questions: it wasn't as if he wasn't prone to doing so (because he had before), but he was almost positive he hadn't fallen asleep in his school uniform.

Not at home. Not in what he'd fallen asleep in. He'd never seen this room before in his life, and, it really didn't look like someplace you'd find in Inaba. So then where? Well, that was a possibility, and it was one that made him fumble around his clothes for his glasses and slide them over the bridge of his nose- just in case. "Inside the TV?" He finally managed, pushing himself up off of the ground. He was even wearing his shoes.

The Midnight Channel had never done anything like this before- usually when they came in, they came in together, and if he'd been pushed in, technically, wouldn't his Shadow be around somewhere? He definitely wouldn't have woken up alone. Well, maybe not, since he already had a Persona. It didn't make any sense, even for a world inside a TV. It wasn't like he couldn't still feel Susano-O, either. Maybe that was proof that he was inside the TV? "Ugh. I don't have time for something like this right now!"

Kicking the sheet away from himself, he moved for the door, only patting his pockets and realizing he was unarmed once he'd opened it. "You're kidding." Had whoever pushed him in taken away his weapons? That had to be the case. This was getting more and more frustrating. And it didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

((ooc: Sorry for TL;DR! I had most of this already written. OPEN to anyone who wants to play!))


yourfleshoneday July 10 2009, 06:45:27 UTC
To say that Bat was angry was like saying thrusting your hand into an open fire would tickle. There were a number of reasons he was bordering on rage right now, the main being that he was unable to change. The atma brand on his arm still remained, still burned and Camazotz was still writhing in his soul but his other self seemed trapped that way.

And they took his blades!

Though, logically, it would be foolish for captures to leave their prisoners with weapons. But he was too hungry to care and too focused on figuring out where he was to properly pitch a fit. That would come later as he was tearing the throat out of that damn woman!

It didn't matter who it was, the first person Bat came in contact with became the current object of his attention. He reached out to grab the boy by the back of the neck and shove him face first into the nearest wall. "Where am I? And where is the Embryon!"


justacityboy July 10 2009, 07:03:09 UTC
Well that wasn't exactly expected. Yosuke turned his face when he realized he was headed towards the wall, cheek colliding with it hard; but at least it wasn't his nose, right? His eyes were wide and he was trying to get a look back at whatever had just attacked him. Of course when he heard the voice, he almost calmed down. It wasn't a Shadow, right? Because in the position he was in, he definitely couldn't summon his Persona.

Raising his hands up in the air, as if in surrender, he shouted over his shoulder the best he could: "D-dude, calm down!"


yourfleshoneday July 10 2009, 18:33:05 UTC
There was a growl, and the man pressed his body up along Yosuke's back to keep him pinned. He put his face close to the wide-eyed young man's, but not so as to obscure his features. Angry lavender eyes glared back, framed by matching hair and a blood red star. "Lets make this simple."

Bat chuckled cruelly, voice taunting. "Tell me what I need to know or I'll devour you right here~"


justacityboy July 11 2009, 00:13:59 UTC
"I don't know anything, I don't know anything!" Devour? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?! He'd just woken up, how the hell was he supposed to know anything about what was going on here? He didn't even know where he was, let alone any of the crap he was being asked! On top of that: pressing another dude against the wall? How creepy can you get?

It was really getting hard to resist the urge to start flailing right now.


yourfleshoneday July 11 2009, 18:15:50 UTC
Creepy? Yosuke has absolutely no idea how creepy he can get, but he's definitely going to get an idea.

His captive's desperation only made him smirk, and he dug his fingers into the side of Yosuke's neck. "Then give me a good reason why I shouldn't make you my next meal, hmmm?"

Bat grinned an evil sort of grin, close enough to sink teeth into flesh and tear it away.


justacityboy July 12 2009, 03:01:04 UTC
Ow. Ow ow ow ow. "Dude, I'm no expert or anything, but I'm pretty sure I'd taste terrible." Well, at least he couldn't imagine people tasted very good. Maybe this guy was of unpopular opinion, but- that doesn't mean he can go around just eating people.

Catching that grin in the corner of his eye, Yosuke banged his fist on the wall, and the flailing commenced- pushing back with his legs, his torso, anything- to get himself from in-between the wall and this psycho.


croutonpupil July 14 2009, 02:02:58 UTC
When Meander blinked his eyes awake to the surreal, faint glow of sunrise, he recalled his dream at once and thought the visions atypical of him, bizarre. He'd never seen or thought of anything he'd just dreamed through in his entire life, but then again, Quintet always told him with a sour expression that he had a little too much imagination. Still, there were a lot of alien things about those visions. Perfect, crisp shapes for doors? Colors he'd never seen? Getting hurled out of that into the light? He really needed to get that checked with his cat friend as soon as he could...

Well...as soon as he could...

Meander's puffed eyes soon shot wide open, alert, and his ears towered erectly over his maned wolf head. As soon as he could! Last time he'd done anything...he remembered, he remembered he was fighting his old teacher because of the wrong things he did to those coyotes, and then-!

Then what? Mr.Rule had done something to him, hadn't he? In fact, as he looked around, Meander began to notice the strange and intricate ornaments of the space, the not-outside area he had ended up in. Was this a dream, too? The whole place had the familiarity of a Kinkajou's room, but this was far more enormous, far more grandiose. Furthermore, some odd furniture lay underneath him, as soft as a bed of feathers and...

Meander's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a distinct thud! from the wall next to him. Knowing nothing had occurred on his side of it, but suspicious and frightened of some of the objects surrounding him nonetheless, Meander abandoned some of his confusion for a heavy dose of fear. Reluctant but wondering if the thud was from Quintet, Meander trotted in a slow, unsteady gait out of his room, exiting to the hall. This place was completely unfamiliar to him, too, but curiosity and his sense of looming justice fixed Meander so that he rushed around the corner, almost bumping straight into two large humans.

Now, Meander had seen the rare human in his short lifetime in his home, but only from a distant. They were elusive, mysterious, and complex, and furthermore, they had the authority to intimidate him. They intimidated him now so that he, at once, bent his legs to duck down against the cool, cave-like flooring...but at soon as he saw the pain of the lighter one and the violence of the long-haired one, the accountability in the pit of his stomach stirred.

He hesitated for what felt like forever, but he recognized that look in the purple man's face, the look of hunger, of a predator having captured its prey. Meander remembered the bugs he refused to eat for their ability to live, and some aggressive part of him clicked, one that started to grow clearly at the predator. His eyes narrowing, the maned wolf approached one gradual yet firm step at a time, preparing to extend his slug style.


yourfleshoneday July 14 2009, 03:30:31 UTC
Bat just chuckled at the blond one's pitiful retort, and took a moment to eye him up like a piece of meat. His clothes where odd, where was his armor? What he did notice was the splash of red in places and it made his eyes narrow even more dangerously. Red was the Maribel's color, being the former second of the tribe he knew it's members and this little runt wasn't one of them.

It didn't anger him exactly, he sent the lot of them to their deaths and and he cared little for any who had survived. But this was a stranger in his tribe's color when he could see no reason for such deception. No matter, the brat only had moments to live anyway.

"Wrong answer, dumbass!" Bat chuckled again almost playfully, grinning crazed like a hyena as he bared sharp teeth and leaned in to take a big bite out the kid's throat, teeth grazing flesh just as that growl resounded through the hall.

Lavender eyebrows raised and he turned his head to catch sight of the creature approaching. It wasn't a demon he recognized, so he didn't know what it could do. He wondered for a moment if the brat was the same sort of thing. Not that it mattered to him, considering he was obviously to frightened to even change forms and defend himself.

"Awww, how cute." Bat eyed his meal again, then at the creature. "So quick to be devoured? Run and hide, maybe I'll forget I even saw you."


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