I thought it would be nice for us all to get to know each other a bit more, and even branch out to get some new members, and what better way than a friending meme!?
In the comments, please fill this out:
ME ME ME!Name: Age:Preferred Pronouns:Location:Goodreads: BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS!If you were on a desert island and could only take 5 books to last you the rest of your life, what would you take?:Do you have a preferred genre?:Who are your favourite authors?:Do you have any favourite franchises/series?:Do you have any authors/books/genres you just REFUSE to read? Why?:How do you feel about books-to-movies? Do you have any favourites? Least favourites?: STUFF STUFF STUFF!Favourite...
TV:Movies:Music:Podcasts: YOUR JOURNAL!Friending policy?:Locked/Public?What do you normally post about?:Do you comment often: Anything else?: It would also be super awesome if you could share!
http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/aweeghost/76747881/1232599/1232599_original.jpg" alt="" style="">
A Bookworm Friending Meme!