like cavemen fear thunder / i still have to wonder / can you really hear me

Dec 09, 2011 18:23

Characters: Sylar, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, and Castiel
Location: Out and about around Coruscant
Planet: See above
When: December 9 to December 11
What: Sylar's going for the boss round of his killing spree. Best for last. :')
Rating: Uhhh probably not anything much higher than PG-13

i bring you pain / the kind you can't suffer quietly )

heroes: sylar, heroes: nathan petrelli, supernatural: castiel, ☄heroes: peter petrelli

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Comments 30

NATHAN 12/9 intuitivelyapt December 9 2011, 23:25:18 UTC
[ Peter had been at the center of it all. Getting his ass kicked by Peter was what goaded him on. So, if he could do this, if he could beat the shit out of Peter, that would make it okay somehow. That was the arbitrary goal he'd set for himself. All the people were stepping stones. He was leveling up, basically.

But Nathan, that was a personal matter. It wasn't enough to make Peter dead, he had to make him dead inside first. :) And since he couldn't (and wouldn't) make Claire the horsehead in his bed, he had to settle for second best -- Nathan.

Tron and Simon's powers were still proving to be incredibly useful grabs, enabling him to slip into the Senate Chambers undetected (again) and make himself comfortable in Nathan's office until he decided to grace him with his presence. He might be rifling through his shit, too. Sylar can't be left alone with anyone's personal belongings.]


senatorinspace December 10 2011, 00:41:49 UTC
[De ja freaking vu. Nathan freezes when he walks in to see this. Why is his life so hard]

... You've got two minutes to clear out of here.


intuitivelyapt December 10 2011, 01:40:06 UTC
[Nope. Sylar takes a seat on his desk like a sexy internchan coming to seduce him even though he is the opposite of that.]

Before I kill you I want to have a little chat, Senator. Because I just don't understand it. You were given everything. You have so much, but you try to hide the part of you that makes you the most special. I saw the broadcast, when everyone was projecting their thoughts. You were ashamed of what you let slip. Why?


senatorinspace December 12 2011, 00:43:34 UTC
[But... the button to call for security is on that desk 8( Fuuuuuu

W/e keep the crazy man talking]

Other people don't see 'different' as special. They see it as different, and different's something very few of them trust.


PETER 12/10 intuitivelyapt December 11 2011, 03:52:39 UTC
[ Well, now that that whole thing was out of the way, all Sylar had to do was wait for Peter to get all outraged and set on killing him. At a time like this, where would Peter go? Or where would he go on a regular basis. Hell, he'd probably run around the entire planet in search of him, so why did it matter?

He'd decided to sit out on some benches near the hospital and enjoy some ice cream. Well, what looked and had roughly the same consistency as ice cream. He'd decided not to put too much thought into it. It was getting dark at this point. Disappointing. What was taking him so long? ]


aboutdestiny December 11 2011, 03:57:51 UTC
[ After insuring that Claire was okay and taking a minute to throw a hissy fit, cry, and then get pissed appropriately mourn his brother, Peter knew exactly what he needed to do. Where he needed to go, what this had come to.

It was Kirby Plaza all over again, but this time, he wouldn't lose control. He'd been training just so that he wouldn't.

Searching the planet should have been hell, but the Force made it easier. It helped him direct himself to where he needed to be, helped him sense Sylar's growing power. Near the hospital, he realized. Sylar wanted to be found. He wanted this to end, and Peter was more than happy to oblige.

As he approached, electricity crackled from his skin as he lost his grip on his emotions just seeing Sylar. His powers were haywire already. He raised a hand to knock the ice cream out of Sylar's hand with telekinesis, throwing him back with a raise of his other hand.

They were past hellos. ]


intuitivelyapt December 11 2011, 04:07:15 UTC
[Since Sylar is pretty much the Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer of force energy right now, that couldn't have been too hard.

When he sees Peter, he flashes a smile that quickly turns to an annoyance -- yep, only annoyance -- as his ice cream gets tossed. Along with the rest of him.] Really? I was enjoying that.

[Electrocuting him was his first instinct, but given the way he was going haywire, he figured it'd be about as effective as a Magikarp. So he used a brief window of reaction time to hop back up on his feet, hold one hand out, and blast Peter with fire. Thx Anders.]


aboutdestiny December 11 2011, 04:12:00 UTC
[ Peter didn't particularly shy away from the flames. They tore through his skin, but a combination of adrenaline, fury and single-mindedness were making his pain threshold jump up. Even as the assault charred his skin, he advanced forward, Claire's ability helping his body to replenish the skin as it was eroded. ]

Enjoy this. [ He brought both hands forward in a crackling, out of control blaze of blue electricity that charged towards Sylar. However, with Peter's emotional state the way it was, the electricity also webbed out in different directions, taking out a street light and sending chunks of molten metal and broken glass hailing around them, as well as the bench that Sylar had been sitting on, which exploded into metal chunks as well. ]


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