{closed} // you remain selfless, cold and composed

Dec 03, 2011 19:17

Characters: Buffy Summers, Lindsey McDonald, Willow Rosenberg, Spike, Drusilla, Deadpool, Nico Minoru, Xander Harris, Riley Finn, Magneto, Charles Xavier, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle.
Location: All over the place.
Planet: Coruscant.
When: Following this post.
What: Series of meetings. Buffy interrogates Lindsey on Drusilla's ( Read more... )

☄btvs: willow rosenberg, marvel (films): charles xavier, btvs: buffy summers, btvs: xander harris, supernatural: sam winchester, btvs: spike, ☄marvel (comics): wade wilson - deadpool, supernatural: dean winchester, supernatural: jo harvelle, marvel (comics): nico minoru, ☄btvs: riley finn, ☄btvs: drusilla, marvel (films): erik lehnsherr, angel: lindsey mcdonald

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Comments 73

{lindsey} // a warning to the people, the good and the evil slayerdom December 4 2011, 02:26:30 UTC
[ Her first stop was an obvious choice. With the way Wolfram and Hart had been pulling everyone's strings, with the fact that he seemed so invested in Darla and Angel, and Buffy knew damn well how attached Drusilla was to the both of them.

She pushed her way through the streets back to the apartments that everyone wound up in when they arrived. She'd been there enough times. But for once, she knocked on the door instead of busting in. She could try and be civil. He didn't deserve it, but the fact of the matter was that she had bigger problems right now than Lindsey McDonald. ]


prodigaled December 4 2011, 03:27:35 UTC
[Lindsey's first thought when he came to the door and saw who was standing there was that he really needed to move out of this place and find more a more secure apartment. Letting out a muttered curse, he pushed the panel to open the door. Might as well save on the repair costs.]

I guess the restraining order hasn't been processed yet.

[Turning his back to her, he headed into the living area. The urge to pour himself a drink was a strong one, but he resisted.]

So, what do you want this time?

[He already had a pretty damned good idea what she wanted from him. But he wasn't in the mood to volunteer.]


slayerdom December 4 2011, 03:30:37 UTC
What, no "hey, long time no see, good job knocking?" [ Buffy raised her eyebrows, rolling her eyes and glancing up at the door frame, then stepping inside after him. She hit the button to shut the door, taking note of the way he actually turned his back to her. Huh. Trust. Fancy that. ]

Drusilla. [ She began to examine the apartment, walking around and looking at home. With as much time as she'd spent in there shaking him down, it might as well be home 2.0. ] Wolfram and Hart's so far up Darla's ass, I figure you must have some idea of what hole in the ground she calls home.


prodigaled December 4 2011, 03:39:14 UTC
Wolfram and Hart ain't here, Buffy. I thought you'd gotten the memo by now.

[He gives her a look over his shoulder and then moves to take a seat on the couch. He's a study in being relaxed and yet uncooperative.]

What makes you think I'd have a single clue where she's holed up?


{willow} // a warning to the prophet, the liar, the honest slayerdom December 4 2011, 02:36:48 UTC
[ Lindsey had been a bust, of course. Luckily, she hadn't put all her stock in him. She headed to Willow's letting herself in and finding her friend on the couch. ]

Will? [ It's a soft warning to let her know she's there. ] Hey.


uberwitch December 5 2011, 05:50:26 UTC
[Willow has been a bit avoid-y as of late but not on purpose, just by accident. Books, man. She finds so many books she wants to read about this place.]

Buffy! Hi.


slayerdom December 5 2011, 06:05:32 UTC
[ She gives a smile and goes to lean over the back of the couch to get in Willow's space and read over her shoulder. ] Studying? Will, we're out of school, you're supposed to rejoice in the break. Not be extra curricu-gal.


uberwitch December 5 2011, 06:07:50 UTC
School and studdying is what I know, I like it.


{spike} // i believe in nothing but the truth of who we are slayerdom December 4 2011, 02:40:48 UTC
[ Pissed was an understatement. But, Willow had gotten her a location, and Buffy was now arming herself, grabbing weapons from the closet and sticking stakes in her jacket to make sure she had enough on her. Bottle of holy water in her boot, the kind of preparation that made sure she accounted for everything.

She was trying to do her best to avoid yelling at Spike directly, but the slamming around was ... really making her sentiments clear. So, the second he came out of his room, she threw her sword down on the counter and confronted him, pulling out her datapad and displaying the video. ]

Did you see this? [ She says it in a sharp tone that makes it clear it's more or less rhetorical. Of course he did. She just wants to make sure he understands that it's his fault. Because if it wasn't his fault, that'd mean it was hers. ]


perspectiveguy December 4 2011, 04:16:04 UTC
[ Xander's couch/bed-ridden so he can't exactly escape the conversation happening. So, he watches it go down, ready to get a jab in if need be. He saw the terror, the murdering. It's time to put Drusilla down. ]


breakmychest December 4 2011, 04:25:34 UTC
[Spike had seen the video. And he was feeling pretty damn crappy about it without Buffy's help. He's almost gone for a drink several times, but he hasn't. He needs his senses sharp for the upcoming hunt.]

Yeah. I saw it. I know what I need to do.


slayerdom December 4 2011, 04:48:34 UTC
The only thing that you need to do is stay the hell out of my way so that I can clean up your mess. [ She throws the datapad onto the comfy chair that Xander isn't currently occupying, and turns in a whip of blonde hair to go pick her sword back up. She's already running down the list of people who she can trust to help, and Spike's not on it. Riley, sure. Nico, maybe. Sam and Dean and Jo, even. But not Spike. ]

So, you wanted to be the hero, save her soul instead of stopping her, and now I have to clean it up. I hope you're happy, Spike. I really hope you are, because someone should be, and it's sure as hell not me.


{confrontation} // the moment to live and the moment to die slayerisms December 5 2011, 07:16:40 UTC
[ After guaranteeing that Nico, Dean, Sam, Jo and Riley were on their way, Buffy made her way down to the NJO Headquarters where she'd appointed their meet-up.

Impatience was the word of the day, because she knew damn well that they were on the clock with this one. Deadpool and Drusilla wouldn't hang around for long, even if Willow had GPS tracked the datapad they'd used to make their transmission. ]

[ ooc; Group gathers -> Confronts Dru/'pool -> Xavier & Magneto intervene & mental-freeze the group to let Dru and 'pool get away -> Xavier loses hold of Buffy who chases Dru but still loses her because Magneto holds her up, meanwhile group deals with Xavier. I believe this is the plan? Correct me if I'm wrong, someone? ]


norepeatspells December 5 2011, 20:18:23 UTC
[Here is Nico with staff in hands. And also bleeding a little, but that's no big deal.] I miss the days when there were hopefully rabies-free dogs that could bite you and not take your hand off. [She examines her hand.] Thank God, there are always snooty old ladies with yappy things.


incaution December 5 2011, 20:57:48 UTC
[And here is Jo, with her wire and her sawed off, pointy chair leg. And also knives and guns, but you can't see those. She offers a nod to the other two girls that have already gathered.]

How many people are gonna show up for this? [That is Jo's nice way of questioning why Buffy invited some kid she's never met before along on a killing mission.

And what is that kid holding, anyway? She points at it with her chair leg.]

Nice...whatever that is, by the way.


like_dillinger December 5 2011, 21:28:34 UTC
[Dean's over here, checking on all his weapons or something equally manly. But that makes him look up and give Nico a skeptical look] You brought a stick? Did you misread the stake memo? Bludgeoning weapons aren't gonna get you very far, kiddo.


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