you're flesh and blood, but what's underneath?

Nov 22, 2011 00:08

Characters: Sylar and Brennan, Tron, Leia, Simon, Anders, Lion-O, Elle, Cordy, and Carver.
Location: All around Coruscant
Planet: Look up, ho.
When: At any point from roughly 11/21 to 12/7.
What: Sylar will be killing all the special people. :') Part one. THERE WILL BE A NEW THREAD FOR YOU WHEN IT'S YOUR TURN TO DIE.
Rating: Somewhere between PG-13 ( Read more... )

heroes: sylar, tron: tron, thundercats: lion-o, ☄mutant x: brennan mulwray, star wars: leia organa, dragon age: anders, ☄btvs: cordelia chase

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Comments 77

BRENNAN -- 11/21ish intuitivelyapt November 22 2011, 05:17:11 UTC
[So, here he was. Alone in the world with jack shit to his name and nowhere to go. It burned inside him, the pain that came with being thrown out of his Enterprise family. And, as if that wasn't enough, he got his ass handed to him by Peter. There was a desire to improve himself, to finally reach for the opportunities in front of him and seize them. If they wanted a monster? He could give them one.

The first step was to start severing ties. That, and to take something that was actually useful. Brennan made as good of a stepping stone as any. Maybe part of him felt a little guilt over targeting him, but he would get over it. It was becoming easier to ignore things like that.

So, in conclusion, here Sylar is, in front of his apartment and knock-knock-knocking on his door.]


seneca November 23 2011, 02:21:16 UTC
[Brennan was still unwinding from his trip, and conveniently enough he had the place to himself when Sylar comes-a-knockin'. So convenient, I know right. He's a little confused when he answers the door because he and Gabriel haven't really spent any time together since he turned over custody to Jo, but it's not like he was some stranger either so it's dismissed easily enough]

Hey, man. [Brief pause, because part of him is afraid that Gabe is here asking for a place to crash at all over again] Is everything alright?


intuitivelyapt November 23 2011, 06:54:55 UTC
[Totes. He jams his way past Brennan to the inside of the apartment, because he has no respect for other people's property. Also he kind of lived here for awhile.]

You have no idea. [He places a hand on his shoulder.] What do you do? What can you do when life has left you with nothing? It's all so ... desolate. Hopeless.


seneca November 23 2011, 17:48:35 UTC
[Well, come on in. >/ Brennan closes the door after Gabriel moves inside, then turns toward his uninvited guest just as that hand goes to his shoulder and Gabriel starts talking hopelessness. He immediately assumes that this is about Jo turning him down again because ... hasn't that happened a couple of times already now?]

Did you guys get into a fight or something? [He won't mention Jo specifically because Gabriel is a delicate snowflake (aka homeschooled) and he doesn't want him to start crying or anything. He'll do his best to be sympathetic though]


TRON 11/22ish intuitivelyapt November 24 2011, 04:48:29 UTC
[One day after taking out Brennan, and Sylar's still left with a ~hunger~ in his soul. Ever since Claire, it had been building, And Brennan had only been fuel to the fire.

So, for his next target, he'd done a little research. Scoped the guy out. And set up shop in a darkened corner hidden along the way to the apartments Tron typically took. It wouldn't be long now, he calculated.]


tronja307020 November 24 2011, 05:52:25 UTC
[A lack of sleep can do strange things to a User's body. Tron has only recently begun to understand that. Even now, the slowing of his senses is something that he hasn't yet learned to recognize or deal with properly.

So when Sylar comes for him, it takes him far too long to detect the man's presence. He's only thinking about getting home, making sure Axel is safe, that none of the remaining rabble from the riots have broken in, and waiting for Flynn to come safely home. He always did have a one-track processor.]


intuitivelyapt November 26 2011, 08:50:51 UTC
[With the raising of one hand, he sends Tron flying against the wall of the nearest building.]

So. You ... what's your name again? Well, I suppose that doesn't matter. You've got something I need.


Posting from my phone, 'cause my computer's acting strange. tronja307020 November 26 2011, 16:02:16 UTC
[He gives a startled cry as he finds himself thrown against the wall, and the force of his head hitting the surface scrambles his processor for a good few seconds before he pulls himself back together.

Suddenly, all of his senses are focused on the User in front of him, and the malicious intent he feels coming from instantly makes his anger flare. He almost answers the question before his survival instincts overide his sense of propriety, and he snarls in reply, pulling himself off the ground.

So. Sith? He thought he'd seen the man on the datapads before, but he can't be sure. It doesn't matter much, anyway. He throws his own Force Push at his attacker, stalking forward where he'll be able to attack properly in close range.]


LEIA 11/23 intuitivelyapt November 25 2011, 01:19:41 UTC
[Picking off a couple outworlders was fun, but now he wanted something a little more. Something that could make a statement. He wasn't stupid enough to take on every Jedi in the temple yet, but if he could get even a handful, it was enough of a power-boost to make him happy ( ... )


nonerfherders November 25 2011, 18:13:47 UTC
[Leia had put some distance between herself and what was happening as soon as she'd realized what was happening, finding cover and pulling out her blaster. Though a blaster in a lightsaber and whatever-he-was-doing fight was something like throwing a pebble at a rancor and hoping it'd have an effect. She got in a few shots, she was sure they'd hit, but not only was he not stunned, he didn't even seem to notice them.

And then, after a bare few minutes, it was over. He was gone, and Leia was left in the suddenly all-too-silent gardens with several bodies.

After another minute of staring and processing, she reached for her datapad]


SIMON 11/25 intuitivelyapt November 27 2011, 14:08:39 UTC
[After acquiring Tron's super-hacking abilities, Sylar decided to make use to them by sifting through all sorts of posts on the network, new and old. Especially the private ones. Most of his discoveries were boring and not skipped over after a minute or two, but eventually he found this gem. It was love power-hunger at first sight. After that, it took a relatively short amount of time to go through the apartment records to discover where Simon lived. And to wait there beside the door. ]


invisiblemisfit November 27 2011, 14:25:36 UTC
[Luckily for Sylar, Simon did leave his apartment on occasion. He gave Sylar a funny look when he found him standing outside his door. He supposed he could have been there to see one of his flatmates, but it seemed strange that he wouldn't have knocked.]



intuitivelyapt November 28 2011, 04:40:45 UTC
You're ... [He snaps his fingers a couple times, like he needs a moment to remember it.] Simon, right? Simon Bellamy? [Which is then accompanied by a huge fake smile and a] I've been waiting for you.


invisiblemisfit November 28 2011, 06:13:01 UTC
[Being naturally suspicious, Simon takes a step back, hand firmly on the door. He's not sure he likes that smile. He eyes him warily.]



ANDERS (moving to) 12/1 intuitivelyapt December 3 2011, 09:05:45 UTC
[Simon's power opened up a ~whole new world~ to Sylar. Sure, he has to ... act like a seizure victim to become invisible, but that's just details.

Next on his list was Anders. Sure, he'd been a swell guy, but he had ~powers~ and at the end of the day, that was what was really important here. Besides, this way, he'd never even have to know it was him. 8) Provided Anders didn't have some weird invisibility Force sensor thing. Whatever. As soon as Sylar sees him trying to be ~inconspicuous~ down the street, he follows until he's close enough to be able to telekinetically blast him into an alleyway and follow after. Invisibly. ]


LMAO ~inconspicuous~ abominable December 4 2011, 23:51:38 UTC
[Anders was having a grand time of minding his own business and living his life when suddenly he found himself stumbling into an alley- well, if by stumbling you mean being thrown by presumably nothing and landing on your face.][Is all he has to say at first, a little shellshocked before he's standing up and snapping some lighting around his fingertips, trying to look fearsome and not to be messed with by.... nothing. He stares, glancing around a few times. Yup. Nothing.]

... Hello? [He tries, hands still raised and sparking defensively] If something is trying to kill me I'd just love to chat about it, preferably to explain how much I love not dying.


totes. man i used a lot of tildes in that tag intuitivelyapt December 5 2011, 01:58:55 UTC
[Instead of clamping on and draining like he had a tendency to, this time he went long distance, using one raised hand to make swirly shiny force sparkles come out of Anders and over to him -- which, in turn, made him visible again because multitasking is hard.]

I'm sorry it had to be this way.


lmao wtf did html do to my tag back there.... abominable December 6 2011, 23:42:23 UTC
What? [this was.... new. When he sees Sylar he sort of stares.]

This is a practical joke, right? [...] Right?


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