We're on another planet, Charlie! [OPEN]

Nov 06, 2011 18:00

Characters:  Becky Rosen and YOU!
Location: All over!  The streets, stores, apartment complex (and room B-3!)... anywhere a nosy person may end up.
Planet: Coruscant
When: Sunday 11/6 to Thursday 11/10
What: Exploring and meeting new people
Rating: PG-13
Notes: I default as prose, but action is totally fine!  Also make sure you hit up the permissions Read more... )

☄supernatural: becky rosen, fringe: olivia dunham (alt), star wars: luke skywalker

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sand_wormie November 7 2011, 01:26:12 UTC
Rather to his displeasure, Luke was finding himself... was homesick the right word? He wished he could go back and visit, have a meal with his aunt and uncle, see his friends again, but he did like being off Tatooine.

Maybe it was just Coruscant. That time on Dac had reminded him what it felt like to be surrounded by great open spaces with few people. Space was a luxury here, and people were always packed together. He could feel it - maybe it was the Force, maybe it was just the knowledge and he was imagining it - but so many things just seemed more compressed and rushed here.

It was a little better in the parks and gardens, the upper-level ones which got some tending anyway. They were very artificial, but so had the hydroponics sections back home, where they grew their food off the water harvest.

But these weren't like the plants from back there, all utilitarian. So many of these were grown for no reason beyond beauty. His hands in his pockets, Luke looked up at a stiff branching entity that boasted shocks of translucent flat ( ... )


sand_wormie November 14 2011, 02:31:28 UTC
"I wish," Luke scoffed. "I'm thirteen. No one gives kids pilot licenses, let alone enough money for starships! I got offworld to Dac, and back, on charity." People - a lot of people, it was shaping up to seem like - knew him when he was older. This was creepy. He wasn't going to dwell on it. "Other than that there's always public transport, shuttles and so on, but with the war on travel's more restricted. Also I think they need identification, and Outworlders don't tend to have much."

It was frustrating.

Luke spoke slowly, enunciating more carefully than usual. "Cherek, Cresh-Herf, 'ch'. Onith, Esk-Osk, 'ae'. Krill-Herf, 'kh'. Then there's Orenth which is just Osk-Osk in an "oo" sound. Sometimes people do write or type them out as Trill and Herf instead of Thesh, I don't get why."


spncrazyfan November 15 2011, 03:45:30 UTC
"Well, I'm twenty six. Totally adult and can like, figure out how to do it. But I wouldn't want to go alone. If you can help me get the stuff to travel, I guess I can find a job or something to raise the money."

Conspiring with a 13 year old to get off planet and explore? Nothing wrong with that at all!

She kept taking the notes, smiling all the while. She loved learning new things. "This is just awesome. You ever want me to teach you Earth english, I can totally do it. It's the same verbally, but we have totally different written characters."


sand_wormie November 15 2011, 06:52:49 UTC
Twice his age exactly! But she seemed a lot younger. You didn't meet people quite like that on Tatooine. Luke shrugged inwardly. There were a lot of kinds of people you didn't meet on Tatooine.

"It might take a while, but... sure, deal." Starships were expensive, but it never hurt to have a goal, did it?

"I wouldn't mind that. There's a lot of Outworlders using slang I don't get."


spncrazyfan November 16 2011, 04:00:17 UTC
And technically, Becky had a few strings she could pull. Two, named Winchester. But she wasn't sure if they actually would talk to her right now. She may have to pull the whole damsel in distress act to get them back to not avoiding her.

But that's a Ewok of a different color. Heh. Ewoks.

"I have to figure out how to get a job too. I don't know what I could even do here, but I don't think it's too hard. Especially since I'm learning the language and all!"

She reached into her pocket and grabbed a piece of paper... no, it's flimsy here... and wrote down her name. In both English and Auberish. "You can reach me here anytime. We can chat and any words you hear that you don't know, I'll tell you. But until I figure out how to text with my language, we'd have to do it on paper or something if you want to learn how to read it."


sand_wormie November 16 2011, 05:35:08 UTC
"Nah. I didn't have much trouble, but I don't work anything like full-time." Something which honestly bothered him a little. It had been too easy to get used to not working so much. Not wanting to get soft - he prided himself on not being like the city kids, though he'd never say it - Luke had been looking into other ways to be useful. "Sometimes they advertise on the datapads. It's best to work for another Outworlder. A lot of people here don't like us much."

Luke took the scrap of flimsy and folded it up. "I'd like that! You know, I think you could re-code the datapads to show a new language, but I'm not sure how you'd go about that. I could ask around."


spncrazyfan November 19 2011, 06:43:39 UTC
Her eyes lit up. "Yeah, I will! That will make talking to people from home so much easier. Too bad there's no such thing as twitter. Totally would make things a lot easier."

Don't ask her what Twitter is, Luke. You don't need to know.

"But I guess that's where I'll start. Keep my eyes glued and talk to people who mention jobs. I'm sure I'll find something. I mean, I'm pretty good at a lot of things. That has to make up for something."


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