The Most Multi-Purposed Log Ever

Nov 04, 2011 12:33

Characters: Anybody on Mon Cal after the Krakana attack & then the Enterprise II crew and passengers
Location: The beach, after surviving the attack & then the Enterprise II
Planet: Mon Cal > Space
When: Tuesday through Saturday
What: A LOT OF THINGS IN ONE MULTI PURPOSE POST to avoid spamming the comm further ( Read more... )

☄star wars: zekk, btvs: spike, supernatural: dean winchester, btvs: andrew wells, btvs: buffy summers, star wars: jacen solo, supernatural: sam winchester

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Comments 694

TUES | THE BEACH | For Dean & Sylar, open to anyone who wants to watch/interfere likedillinger November 4 2011, 16:35:55 UTC
[While everyone's busy making sure the people dragged to shore, etc. are alive and all that fun stuff, Dean's going to be marching straight towards Gabriel, who he grabs by the shoulder and swings around to face him, looking pissed as all get out.]

We gotta talk.


intuitivelyapt November 4 2011, 18:32:01 UTC
[Sylar swivels and o-oh. Dean sure doesn't look happy. Just like he knew he wouldn't. Claire's criticisms of his life and poor choice of friends are replaying in his head right now, but he chooses to ignore it.

And play stupid.]

What about?


likedillinger November 4 2011, 19:17:39 UTC
[Dean's not falling for it] What you just did back there.


intuitivelyapt November 4 2011, 19:22:49 UTC
An act of heroism?


TUES | THE BEACH later that night | OTA - Jedi, civilians, alike. anyone on Mon Cal! likedillinger November 4 2011, 16:38:45 UTC
[Well, that was an exciting day, and Dean's going to head out all by himself to hack up that krakana carcass on the beach and take out a lot of his rage after his confrontation with Sylar earlier. Which means by sundown, you can all smell the delicious scent of something grilling down there, and when people come out of the hotel, they'll find all kinds of delicious krakana ready for eatin'.

Look, it's a Mon Calamari delicacy. If anything's going to help Dean's mood improve, it's food.

Spam beach shenanigans here. It's the last night on Mon Cal!]


ota soloing November 4 2011, 18:07:16 UTC
[Jacen's sitting up the beach on the rocks, watching the ocean. He's the best at parties. He is obviously thinking DEEP THOUGHTS]


slayerdom November 4 2011, 19:52:52 UTC
[ Buffy's hiking up behind him. She folds her arms over her chest and doesn't sit down quite yet, watching him and then looking out at the ocean. Finally, she drops down beside him. ] You know, generally, when one attends a party there's actual partying going on. Don't they teach you that at Jedi school?


soloing November 4 2011, 23:12:34 UTC
We managed to find plenty of occasions for fun and trouble back then, don't worry.


WED/THURS | THE ENTERPRISE | Closed to Enterprise crew & passengers likedillinger November 4 2011, 16:39:50 UTC
[GENERAL SHIPBOARD SHENANIGANS EN ROUTE TO CORUSCANT. Make threads for yourselves if you so please]


WED slayerdom November 4 2011, 20:09:03 UTC
[ Buffy has decided that since no one directly said "hey, blonde chick, be sure and babysit your vampire" that it means ... they're over him needing to be babysat and she can have personal space. So, she's taking some. She's curled up by a window, staring out in the vastness of space, being all thoughtful and deep. Nah, mostly she's just despondent about leaving sunny, beach-y Mon Cal in favor of a tiny ship and then Coruscant. It was a lot easier to fake thinking Mon Cal was California. ]


imnot_likeyou November 5 2011, 05:22:52 UTC
[is wandering by, and stops when he sees her. he ponders not saying anything and letting her think, but in the end, he can't help himself]

You know, the thing that really makes being on the road better than this -- the scenery actually changes. It's more than just -- stars that never really move.


slayerdom November 5 2011, 05:41:52 UTC
[ She glances back at him, surprised at first, then smiles. ] Yeah? [ She turns to glance out the window again, then shifts to make room on whatever she's sitting on for him. ]

I've never done a whole lotta the long-distance travel thing via road, either. Well, I mean, once. But that was ... [ She frowns. Killing Angel. The wound was made pretty fresh by Edward bringing it up, so she drops it and gives a smile. ] But, hey, bright side? Way less traffic.


FRIDAY - TURBULENCE | Enterprise crew and passengers likedillinger November 4 2011, 16:47:08 UTC
[This trip has been like living inside a living nightmare half the time. But we're finally in the home stretch, ready for everyone to get back to some semblance of sanity on Coruscant, maybe.

Too bad there's that mysterious and strange nebula that the Enterprise is passing through on Friday. At first, it just looks really pretty, but then the entire ship starts knocking, alarms going off, and it becomes apparent that something is really



But the crew and passengers don't have much time to work out what that is.

Because for some reason, they all pass out around the same time. Thank God for that Autopilot now, huh?

Around noon, they all begin to wake.

There's just one problem.

They don't remember one single thing about who the hell they are, or how they got on this ship. Or where it's going.

Congratulations, Enterprise. You've been Tabula Rasa'd. ... Again, for some of you. Whatever ( ... )


slayerdom November 4 2011, 19:46:05 UTC
[ Buffy's in the cockpit somewhere when she wakes up too. Why? Good fucking question. It's the Hangover, but without memories. She was probably coming in to ask what the hell the turbulence was about tbh. Either way, she's picking herself up off the floor slowly now, looking around in bewilderment. When she sees Dean, she jumps back, defensive. ]

W-Who are you? [ A beat, and then. ] What did you do? [ Even amnesia'd, Buffy knows everything is Dean's fault. ]


likedillinger November 4 2011, 19:56:36 UTC
[Two can be defensive assholes. And those two are usually Buffy and Dean, memories or no. He sits up straight, turning to stare at her as he wakes up a lot faster, looking at her with SUSPICIOUS EYES] Who am I? [Good question. But he has a better one] Who are you to think you can just come in here and jump down my throat? I just woke up here.


slayerdom November 4 2011, 20:03:55 UTC
Come in here? I woke up here, the same as you. A-And why should I believe that you did, anyway? You're looking pretty cozy for a guy of equal kidnappy ... ness. [ She huffs, scrambling to her feet and adjusting her clothes indignantly. ] You're probably the one who ... who ... got me here. [ She looks down, suddenly confused as she tries to figure out how that happened. ] However I got here.


FRI - TABULA RASA slayerdom November 4 2011, 20:12:08 UTC
[ After waking up and accusing Dean James T. Kirk of being a creepy date rapist or whatever, and meeting her sister Jo, Buffy Joan is now perusing the ship. Because they can't be the only ones on it. She's creepin' through the halls. ]


breakmychest November 4 2011, 20:20:40 UTC
[Spike stumbles out of his room with a groan. He has no idea who he is or where, but it seems like he's in space. He really hopes he's not the only one here. He's feeling lost enough as it is.

Oh, look, a cute blond girl. Maybe she knows what's going on. He walks over to her.]

Hullo, love.


slayerdom November 4 2011, 20:31:53 UTC
Who -- [ She looks around quickly, because surely he can't be talking to her like he knows her. She doesn't know him. Or -- Or maybe she should know him. And had he just called her? No. No way. There was no way whoever she was would be all love-y petname-y with some Billy Idol wannabe who forgot the 80s were over like ten years ago. ] Huh? Do I -- Uh. Hi.


breakmychest November 4 2011, 22:33:10 UTC
[...he's not sure why he called her love either, come to think of it, besides that it felt right. It seems to have thrown her off, though. Maybe whoever he is doesn't know whoever she is.]

Mind telling a fellow why exactly we're on a sodding space ship?


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