The Most Multi-Purposed Log Ever

Nov 04, 2011 12:33

Characters: Anybody on Mon Cal after the Krakana attack & then the Enterprise II crew and passengers
Location: The beach, after surviving the attack & then the Enterprise II
Planet: Mon Cal > Space
When: Tuesday through Saturday
What: A LOT OF THINGS IN ONE MULTI PURPOSE POST to avoid spamming the comm further ( Read more... )

☄star wars: zekk, btvs: spike, supernatural: dean winchester, btvs: andrew wells, btvs: buffy summers, star wars: jacen solo, supernatural: sam winchester

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FRIDAY - TURBULENCE | Enterprise crew and passengers likedillinger November 4 2011, 16:47:08 UTC
[This trip has been like living inside a living nightmare half the time. But we're finally in the home stretch, ready for everyone to get back to some semblance of sanity on Coruscant, maybe.

Too bad there's that mysterious and strange nebula that the Enterprise is passing through on Friday. At first, it just looks really pretty, but then the entire ship starts knocking, alarms going off, and it becomes apparent that something is really



But the crew and passengers don't have much time to work out what that is.

Because for some reason, they all pass out around the same time. Thank God for that Autopilot now, huh?

Around noon, they all begin to wake.

There's just one problem.

They don't remember one single thing about who the hell they are, or how they got on this ship. Or where it's going.

Congratulations, Enterprise. You've been Tabula Rasa'd. ... Again, for some of you. Whatever.

Dean wakes up in the Captain's chair, feeling like he has one hell of a hangover, and groggily looks around, the bridge slowly swimming into focus.]

What the--?

[[YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS COMMENT if you don't want to talk to Dean directly! You can keep spamming new threads below this point, and they can be dated anytime on Friday or Sat morning. Ship will arrive at Coruscant around noon, and someway somehow, the effect will wear off before they get off board, don't worry :) Oh! And if you'd like to opt out, just have your character remain comatose until right before landing!

Also for this one and a half day period, the ship is in a NO SERVICE ZONE which means datapads do not work and you cannot connect to entries old or new!]


slayerdom November 4 2011, 19:46:05 UTC
[ Buffy's in the cockpit somewhere when she wakes up too. Why? Good fucking question. It's the Hangover, but without memories. She was probably coming in to ask what the hell the turbulence was about tbh. Either way, she's picking herself up off the floor slowly now, looking around in bewilderment. When she sees Dean, she jumps back, defensive. ]

W-Who are you? [ A beat, and then. ] What did you do? [ Even amnesia'd, Buffy knows everything is Dean's fault. ]


likedillinger November 4 2011, 19:56:36 UTC
[Two can be defensive assholes. And those two are usually Buffy and Dean, memories or no. He sits up straight, turning to stare at her as he wakes up a lot faster, looking at her with SUSPICIOUS EYES] Who am I? [Good question. But he has a better one] Who are you to think you can just come in here and jump down my throat? I just woke up here.


slayerdom November 4 2011, 20:03:55 UTC
Come in here? I woke up here, the same as you. A-And why should I believe that you did, anyway? You're looking pretty cozy for a guy of equal kidnappy ... ness. [ She huffs, scrambling to her feet and adjusting her clothes indignantly. ] You're probably the one who ... who ... got me here. [ She looks down, suddenly confused as she tries to figure out how that happened. ] However I got here.


likedillinger November 4 2011, 20:42:39 UTC
I don't remember a freaking thing about how I got here, so don't go pointin' fingers at me.

[He's not very happy about admitting this but...] I don't even know -- [He cuts off, his pride still intact apparently, because he can't admit that he doesn't know who he is]

What's your name?


slayerdom November 4 2011, 20:46:46 UTC
I'm -- [ She stops short. Her forehead creases. ] ... That's really not supposed to be a stumper, is it?


likedillinger November 4 2011, 21:09:28 UTC
Not usually, no.

[Well, at least they're on the same page. Even if it's a blank page.] You remember anything? Period?


slayerdom November 4 2011, 21:12:08 UTC
[ She hesitates for a minute, looking thoughtful, then shakes her head. ] No. Nothing. Not -- Not who I am, or how I got here, or ... [ She looks up at him. ] What do you remember?


like_dillinger November 4 2011, 21:13:54 UTC
... Wakin' up.

That's it. More or less. [as in less. so much less]


slayerdom November 4 2011, 21:16:29 UTC
[ Hello deep frown to end all frowns. She looks around. ] Waking up here. So, where is here? [ She moves a few feet and glances out the windshield when she ... realizes that it's glass and not some big starry painting. Her jaw slowly slackens. ]

Uh -- Uh -- Guy. You. [ She turns toward him and then points out at the abyss of space. ] I think we have bigger problems than memory ones.


1/2 likedillinger November 4 2011, 21:21:11 UTC
[Dean walks towards her cautiously, giving her a wide berth just in case she's actually a dangerous psycho, but he glances out the window. And stares]

... Is that...


likedillinger November 4 2011, 21:22:43 UTC
... [glances slooowly around the bridge and then back at space

oh my god

it all makes sense now] Have we been friggin' abducted?


slayerdom November 4 2011, 21:28:52 UTC
As in alien abducted? [ There's concern, but then bafflement. She starts to laugh -- slowly at first, then she just busts out openly laughing at him. ] Don't be stupid. Aliens aren't real. There has to be a -- It's a test. An experiment-y test. [ She reaches out to touch the glass, poking at it. ] I bet behind this there's actually, you know, people. People-people, not tiny green people.


likedillinger November 4 2011, 21:30:39 UTC
Yeah, well if any not-real green people show up, you can be the first one to get a not-real probing. I'll be busy tryin' to find a way off this thing. [Like an... escape pod?? he doesn't know]


slayerdom November 4 2011, 21:33:34 UTC
[ There's a blustery huff of indignation at that. Because seriously, you can't just throw the lady under the bus to get probed. ] So, note to self. No chivalry in space. [ But, she's over it quickly. ] You don't even know what this thing is! What if there is no way off? What if you land on some -- some uninhabited planet. Ooh! Or -- Or the ape one! [ Sweetie, that was Earth. Way to miss the point of the movie. ]


incaution November 4 2011, 21:54:49 UTC
[Hey, guys? All of your bitching and arguing is getting on the nerves of this person that's right outside the doorway. She's just now waking up, and grunts in disapproval of life as she sits up.

... and sees nothing familiar. At least this Jo doesn't realize she has the capability of being incredibly violent, and when she hops to her feet and sticks her head in the doorway, she just gives the two loud idiots in there a clueless, confused look.]

I'm guessing from all the yelling, you two are gonna be useless in helping me get back home.

...wherever that's supposed to be.

[Huh. At least if she has no idea who or where she is, she can be trapped with attractive people. Both Buffy and Dean get a nice look over.]


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