Characters: EVERYONE 8D
Location: Apartment Complexes
Planet: Coruscant
When: Week...1!
What: Meeting the new their underwear!
Rating: Varying; S for Silly
Notes: Prose or quick!action is fine!
As if waking up in a galaxy far, far away in the middle of a war wasn't bad enough, you now have to deal with new roommates who show up in nothing
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The third thing he noticed was that his armor had been completely stripped away, leaving only the padded grey undersuit. A quick check confirmed that his Z-Saber was gone as well, and attempting to change one of his hands into its arm cannon form got him nothing but a whine of protest from his elbow servos.
This caused Zero to leap to his feet, his gaze sweeping suspiciously over the other beds in the room. Were they the ones who had done this to him? Or fellow prisoners? The Maverick Hunter immediately stomped over to the nearest bed and kicked the frame. Hard. Hard enough that the metal buckled from the impact with a low squeal. Unless the occupant was dead they'd surely feel that. "You. Get up."
Granted, he wanted to sleep. But he couldn't shake the subconscious feeling in the pit of his gut that something was wrong. And it was bothering him too much to actually let him keep sleeping. So with a soft groan, Gohan finally sat up from the comfortable bed, stretching his arms out and yawning...
... Before his eyes shot wide open, his ki senses stretching out to find... nothing familiar. ] ... I can't sense anyone. [ No Dende, no Piccolo, no Vegeta. And then finally, he got a look at the apartment room, and came to the very obvious conclusion: ]
This isn't my room either.
[ He needed to trust his gut instincts more. ]
... Where am I? Okay, I can hear your heartbeats, so I know there's people in here.
So, without knowing where she was, he simply called out: ] Who are you and where am I??
Kara. And I have no idea where we are. You?
Um... Gohan. And neither do I... I just know it isn't home.
Well, that makes two of us away from home.
You woke up here too?
... Where are you from?
With a yelp of surprise, she stumbles out of bed. Until now, Elena was fully unaware of her lack of clothing, which she tries to hide by using the sheet off the bed and wrapping it around herself.
Once she is... well, less displeased than she was a few moments ago with her dignity spared - she looks up and around, clearly still not thrilled.]
Alright. What the hell is going on here?
... And where are my clothes?
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