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Comments 366

APARTMENT COMPLEX A theoldcoots September 14 2010, 03:55:34 UTC
A-1 theoldcoots September 14 2010, 03:56:24 UTC
notlookingdown September 14 2010, 04:30:17 UTC
[with a sigh, Alice looks up from the device in her hand, looking up at Hatter]

Looks like we got some new arrivals. A lot more new ones.


hereinthisstyle September 14 2010, 04:35:09 UTC
[he rolls his eyes from their fabulously fashionable sofa]

You'd think they'd learn to keep it down.


APARTMENT COMPLEX B theoldcoots September 14 2010, 03:55:45 UTC
B-1 theoldcoots September 14 2010, 03:57:13 UTC
likedillinger September 14 2010, 04:16:37 UTC
It was difficult to know where the act of dying ended and hell began.

Dean had been through the wringer time and time again: been beat up, bitten, shot, clawed, and worse.  But being ripped shred to fucking shred, by vicious teeth of unearthly strength, knowing this was the absolute end of all things: that moment itself was as much hell already as whatever he was about to go face.

Knowing he was leaving Sam alone, to who knows what kind of fate?  That was the worst of it all.

One thing was for sure, though: he hadn't accepted the pain to end when he got to hell.   Hadn't expected to feel so whole again.

Hadn't expected to be sitting up on the floor of some extra-clean looking room, in his freaking boxer shorts.

Must be some kind of mind game, he figured.  Make him think it was over, make him doubt where he was, before throwing the fiery torment at him.  He could still hear the growls of the hellhounds ringing in his ears, as he got to his feet, and made his way cautiously towards a window.

Well.  He certainly didn't expect ( ... )


B-2 theoldcoots September 14 2010, 03:57:25 UTC

APARTMENT COMPLEX C theoldcoots September 14 2010, 03:55:56 UTC
C-1 theoldcoots September 14 2010, 04:01:31 UTC
intuitivelyapt September 14 2010, 05:55:58 UTC
[When Sylar wakes up, instead of freaking out about waking up in his underwear, he finds his datapad and starts yelling at someone named Candice at it, like she can hear him. Spoiler: she can't. It's... not even on. When he doesn't achieve the desired result by yelling at her, he throws his datapad across the room in a huff because he is five and throwing a temper tantrum.]


doeswhathemust September 14 2010, 06:08:20 UTC
[Draco's quietly pleased that he's learnt enough in the last four months to keep the bloody thing from hitting him. Irritated by the yelling, he looks up from his book.]

Are you done?


APARTMENT COMPLEX D theoldcoots September 14 2010, 03:56:08 UTC
D-1 theoldcoots September 14 2010, 04:02:55 UTC
playinmygarden September 14 2010, 04:24:48 UTC
[Nana is a little shocked at her lack of clothing. Needless to say, as soon as she realizes that all she has on is her bra and panties, she quickly grabs some sheets off the bed nearby to cover herself up.]

What the fuck is going on?!


lol sob I had this half written in prose already ;; /will switch to quicklog after bamfbubbles September 14 2010, 04:37:54 UTC
She woke slowly, carefully; like rising from the depths of a very deep pool. The return of awareness and light was gradual, enough to make her almost impatient for the moment when she finally did open her eyes.

When she did, a plain white ceiling greeted her.

It wasn't exactly the dramatic silver sky she had been expecting.

And this wasn't chill grey sand beneath her, it was... a bed. Or something like one, although the mattress was not much more comfortable than the ground. She sat up slowly, taking in her surroundings, and immediately realized something else.

Her clothes were gone.

Well, sans a matching pair of dark blue panties and bra. Still, this was definitely a lot less... covered than she was used too. A startled curse from her right distracted her, and Aqua made a small eep sound as she spun around, torn between the urge to cover up and the instinct to call for her keyblade.

"I..." She began slowly, looking the other woman up and down. "...I don't know. Who are you?"


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