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likedillinger September 14 2010, 04:16:37 UTC
It was difficult to know where the act of dying ended and hell began.

Dean had been through the wringer time and time again: been beat up, bitten, shot, clawed, and worse.  But being ripped shred to fucking shred, by vicious teeth of unearthly strength, knowing this was the absolute end of all things: that moment itself was as much hell already as whatever he was about to go face.

Knowing he was leaving Sam alone, to who knows what kind of fate?  That was the worst of it all.

One thing was for sure, though: he hadn't accepted the pain to end when he got to hell.   Hadn't expected to feel so whole again.

Hadn't expected to be sitting up on the floor of some extra-clean looking room, in his freaking boxer shorts.

Must be some kind of mind game, he figured.  Make him think it was over, make him doubt where he was, before throwing the fiery torment at him.  He could still hear the growls of the hellhounds ringing in his ears, as he got to his feet, and made his way cautiously towards a window.

Well.  He certainly didn't expect that either.

"Holy shit."   Dean stared out at the otherworldly cityscape, jaw dropped slightly, as he tried to reconcile why it looked slightly familiar.

"Did I take a wrong turn at Purgatory?" he asked no one in particular, as exactly why it did began to sink in.   A nearly manic looking half smile tugged at his lips, and he fought against it.  Maybe it was an illusion.  Better not believe it too soon.

Or maybe just maybe... he'd landed in the dead center of his childhood dreams. 


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