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APARTMENT COMPLEX D theoldcoots September 14 2010, 03:56:08 UTC
D-1 theoldcoots September 14 2010, 04:02:55 UTC
playinmygarden September 14 2010, 04:24:48 UTC
[Nana is a little shocked at her lack of clothing. Needless to say, as soon as she realizes that all she has on is her bra and panties, she quickly grabs some sheets off the bed nearby to cover herself up.]

What the fuck is going on?!


lol sob I had this half written in prose already ;; /will switch to quicklog after bamfbubbles September 14 2010, 04:37:54 UTC
She woke slowly, carefully; like rising from the depths of a very deep pool. The return of awareness and light was gradual, enough to make her almost impatient for the moment when she finally did open her eyes.

When she did, a plain white ceiling greeted her.

It wasn't exactly the dramatic silver sky she had been expecting.

And this wasn't chill grey sand beneath her, it was... a bed. Or something like one, although the mattress was not much more comfortable than the ground. She sat up slowly, taking in her surroundings, and immediately realized something else.

Her clothes were gone.

Well, sans a matching pair of dark blue panties and bra. Still, this was definitely a lot less... covered than she was used too. A startled curse from her right distracted her, and Aqua made a small eep sound as she spun around, torn between the urge to cover up and the instinct to call for her keyblade.

"I..." She began slowly, looking the other woman up and down. "...I don't know. Who are you?"


bladedcontrast September 14 2010, 14:40:02 UTC
Visas had also woken up, minutes before the other women had done so. So she had some idea of what was happening but not all. Visas gave a sharp nod to both women before speaking. Something that never tired from her was politeness. The nakedness hardly fazed her. "It appears we are prisoners of a sort. Forgive me. I am Visas Marr."


playinmygarden September 15 2010, 00:43:18 UTC
Prisoners? Great. Why in the world would anyone want to take her prisoner?

"What the hell kind of prison sticks you in a room with only your underwear?" Nana asked, a scowl on her face. She slumped down on the bed she was sitting on. With a sigh, she said to the other two women, "I'm Nana."


D-2 theoldcoots September 14 2010, 04:03:18 UTC
Re: D-2 damnrightido September 17 2010, 00:39:09 UTC
Jayne carried in a pair of dusty duffle bags, each making a metallic thunk upon hitting the floor. He looked around the apartment and saw no one else even inside. Everything looked settled and unmoved.

"My own bunk," he said smiling, recalling the good ol' times with his old crew.


Re: D-2 blueshocks September 17 2010, 03:03:17 UTC
Elle made her way into the room a few minutes later, looking around in annoyance. At least in the Company she was able to get a private room. The perks of being an agent.

"Not quite, handsome," She said, flashing him a smile. Might as well play nice for now. Maybe she'd be lucky and her roommate would be fun.


Re 2: D-2 damnrightido September 17 2010, 03:17:40 UTC
Jayne turned around to see Elle making her way through the room. Jayne's happy smile melted into an expression that resembled a young boy trying to recover his cool in the face of the cute "new girl" in town.

"Don't reckon I'm too upset 'bout this," he said, admiring Elle's looks with very little subtlety.


Re: Re 2: D-2 blueshocks September 17 2010, 05:04:34 UTC
Elle had to inwardly hide her delight at the response. This was almost too easy. His demeanor reminded her a lot of some of the prisoners she used to watch over. At the very least, it looked like she would have a new toy to play with.

"I would hope not," She replied, flashing another smile.


Re 2: D-2 damnrightido September 17 2010, 15:27:07 UTC
There was certainly nothing wrong with Elle in Jayne's eye. It was the confidence that would have typically thrown him off in terms of encountering double-crossings companions, malicious wives, and bad relationships with women in general. However, this one carried herself in a much more pleasing way that pushed his buttons in a good way.

"The name's Jayne Cobb. What about you?" he said, hiking his hands up on the wall and looking over his new bunkmate.


Re: Re 2: D-2 blueshocks September 18 2010, 04:20:23 UTC
"Elle. Elle Bishop," She said with another smile. At least here, there was no one who knew what she was really like. No one who could spoil her fun for her. That was a pleasant side effect of the situation, if nothing else.


damnrightido September 18 2010, 18:55:26 UTC
"That's nice, now if you know where some food is 'round 'ere, I sure would appreciate something to wrap my teeth around," he said in a most non-chalant manner.


blueshocks September 19 2010, 07:20:04 UTC
"Sorry," She said, giving a small shrug of her shoulders. "I haven't really had the chance to explore around for things yet."


damnrightido September 19 2010, 15:01:10 UTC
"You mean, we don't got any food 'round here?" he said, with a somewhat sad look in his eye.


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