i'm so afraid of ghosts that can see me

Jun 11, 2011 01:22

Characters: Captain Dean Winchester & open to any members of the Enterprise [including those who only recently joined! You can assume this is after Dean's picked y'all up off Coruscant]
Location: Outside the palace of Vogga the Hutt / Docking Bay area
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
When: Week 20, day 1 of the monster invasion!
What: When the Enterprise crew goes ( Read more... )

heroes: sylar, ☄tangled: rapunzel, supernatural: dean winchester

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Comments 10

gleamandglow June 11 2011, 05:40:47 UTC
[Ohhhh, Mother definitely wouldn't approve of this! All she can hear is the sound of some kind of scary beast and the panic of her Captain and the others has fueled her own. She hadn't thought ahead to pin her hair up, so now she's having to struggle with holding it all herself while running, tripping and scrambling to try and keep up with the others.

She's barefoot, as always, which provides for pretty amazing traction as they run.

Whenever they get on the ship, she's going to have to really reconsider her choice in jobs.

She glances back behind her as she realizes she's running just as fast if not faster than the others, and looks to see if anyone needs to be roped up with her hair and pulled up to be with the others. ]

Did anyone get left behind?

[She shouts out, taking in a deep breath.]


(The comment has been removed)

badassbravado June 11 2011, 23:46:51 UTC
[Rachel had asked to go with the ground-team, wanting to get as close to the action as was possible-- if there even was going to be any, since this was apparently just a meeting. Still, she'd been a bit surprised when the request had been granted, given the reputation of the place they were going to and her apparent age.

Although considering certain other members of the ground team, apparently the captain didn't give a crap about how young you were.

Or maybe they were actually going to a place full of playgrounds and rainbows and puppies and taking kids along for the ride was no big deal. Except then they got there, and-- here's where things got weird-- there were puppies. At least something that sounded like dogs. Big, growling, invisible dogs that chased them with barks that sounded more like roars, close enough on their heels that Rachel could swear she heard their nails clicking against the floor behind them, underneath the thunderous growls ( ... )


likedillinger June 12 2011, 03:11:46 UTC
[Dean was half tempted to ask for a bazooka himself, but there was only one place he'd feel safe right now: in space, where hellhounds couldn't freaking reach him or his crew.]

Get your asses on that ship! [He repeated the order, shaking his head as he swung his gun around again. He knew the shitty truth was that they were probably still after him - and that meant if he got on the ship first, they might plow over the others to get on board.

He'd have to be last.]


intuitivelyapt June 11 2011, 22:10:50 UTC
[First, a reply via his comm:]

Did you run into some trouble, Captain? [ ← douche bag.]

[Sylar had already made it onto the ship. Like hell he was duking it out with any of the monsters roaming around here, mainly for one reason: he couldn't let anyone around here (mostly Claire) know that he didn't have his powers. It would put a major dent in his pride.

He'd done his job of getting the engines ready to go long before Dean barked the order. In fact, he was seriously considering the idea of leaving without him and the rest of the ground crew.

Not that he would. But he was considering it.

While he thinks no one is looking, he's going to take the opportunity to sliiiiide into the captain's seat.]


Via comm; likedillinger June 12 2011, 03:12:58 UTC
I think this is the part where I yell "It's a trap"!


Via comm; intuitivelyapt June 12 2011, 03:31:28 UTC
I tried to tell you that you can't trust her. She doesn't act very trustworthy to me.


Via comm; likedillinger June 12 2011, 04:03:18 UTC
Just prep the damn ship. We'll argue over 'bad feelings about this' later.


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