i'm so afraid of ghosts that can see me

Jun 11, 2011 01:22

Characters: Captain Dean Winchester & open to any members of the Enterprise [including those who only recently joined! You can assume this is after Dean's picked y'all up off Coruscant]
Location: Outside the palace of Vogga the Hutt / Docking Bay area
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
When: Week 20, day 1 of the monster invasion!
What: When the Enterprise crew goes to ask Vogga for jobs, they get a little more than they bargained for, and the Captain gets to deal with an ugly, slobbery spectre from his past or two
Rating: PG-13 for violence/language/paintball shenanigans?

[If he was gonna be honest with himself, Dean had had a bad feeling about this from the word go. It wasn't like he could knock the logic in Catty's suggestion that they go get work from the Hutt - hell, it'd been good enough for Han Solo. And it wasn't as if criminal activities were something Dean thought himself above.

It was just a feeling.

A feeling that turned into sharp panic as the low growls outside the palace proper had made all the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. He didn't need to look - was pretty sure even if he did there wouldn't be anything for most of them to see, but he did anyways.

He could only think of one word to say, one order to issue, and hoped the deadly grimness in his tone would convey the fact that he wasn't gonna brook any arguments:]


[They weren't docked far from here, he tried to reassure himself as the ground party started booking it, and he drew his blaster off his belt, but it might as well have been the length of a few super bowl stadiums. The gnashing teeth of hellhounds resounded behind them, and fear flooded through his limbs, which remembered all too well what it had felt like to get ripped apart.

He had a feeling this was his fault, and if his crew died as a result of it, well... he'd be glad he wasn't alive to live with that kinda guilt.

What the hell kind of thinking is that? he chastised himself mentally, and took a shot backwards blindly. His hand fumbled for the comm at his belt as well, and he barked orders into it:]


[ooc; feel free to tag in wherever, threadjack away, don't worry too much about posting order ;;   First thread that starts below will be for ground crew that was coming with Dean into the palace and is running from the hellhounds.  A second thread can be for anyone back on the ship, getting it ready, and then we'll shift the ground crew into that thread eventually for a final showdown!  Hope this... works fine for everyone.]

heroes: sylar, ☄tangled: rapunzel, supernatural: dean winchester

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