Magic 001 Logs

Jun 10, 2011 18:37

Characters:Terra Branford and anybody.
Location:The Ruin
When: During the monster attack.
What: Terra is ambushed by monsters.

[Her experiences as a formal imperial soldier, has pretty much help her so far, as she manages to kill two of the creatures that were after her. Terra paced through the ruin, as carefully as she can in order to find a way out. The stench of death filled the air; the dead creatures which Terra had slaughtered early littered the floors. Terra uses her to sleeve to block the stench from bothering her, as it was unbearable.
She manages to come across a trench outside the temple, the temple was beautifully decorated despite it deplorable condition. She was at first hesitate to enter this section, but manages to convinces herself to take a look. As she entered a loud rumble came surging through the area, Terra back away a little as the repulsive beast revealed itself to her. The dog-face abomination grinned at her showing its discolored teeth. What shall she do? Terra asked herself fearfully, she could morph, but how long will that last. Considering the fact she can only stay as an esper for limit amount of time and this ability would exhausted in the middle of the fight. She decided against this, Terra pretty much hope that somebody answers her transmission she sent in earlier. Until then she extract her sword from her waist band and prepares for combat. ]

☄final fantasy: terra branford

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