My two cents

Sep 25, 2008 17:58

  • Once again we find ourselves in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. While there may be no doubt that something needs to be done about the current situation, there are some very disturbing things to this bailout plan. And, as with the Patriot Act and its rushed passage, it is likely that something bad'll come out of this. Namely, those that led us into this mess are the ones that are being trusted to get us out of it - blindly, I might add, as the proposed legislation prohibits any oversight over the Treasury's actions. Not only that, it is unlikely that the CEOs of AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Bros., who ran their respective companies and the country aground with their reckless investing (and having been paid millions of dollars to do so), will ever have to answer for their deeds. Instead, it is the taxpayers, future generations, and homeowners - those who had little to nothing to do with this - who will feel the brunt of the pain. But what else is new?
  • Exactly how does one make a $700 BILLION mistake and get a mulligan for it? If I wind up losing all my money in the stock market by buying 1,000,000,000 shares of whatever stock the spammers are pushing today, do you think I'd be able to go to Uncle Sam and say, "Oh crap, I just lost all my money buying penny stocks, can you pay off my loans for me?" Didn't think so.
  • How much more hypocritical can the Republicans get by calling Obama inexperienced when their vice-presidential candidate got her passport last year and has done a grand total of 3 interviews?
  • And while we're at it, WHY ON EARTH has no one in the Democratic party not called McCain out on flip-flopping on topics such as deregulation? In 2004, your party got killed because your candidate allegedly flip-flopped. Here, your opponent flip-flops in the SAME DAY (see: "the fundamentals of our economy")! How are you NOT hammering your opponent to the ground?


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