Title: The Finer Things For: drainbamage954 Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Luhan/Jongdae Length: 1k Summary: Luhan isn't expecting Jongdae to come knocking in the middle of the night.
this is so sweet! djgbdf and perfectly luchen i can definitely see lu han going from pissy and tired to very very interested and okay with the current proceedings in a very short period lmao loved this!
This was a complete surprise and I had no idea you were doing this and I'm literally a stupid happy smiling obnoxiously and whimpering mess right now.
YOU WROTE THEM WITH NO SEXY TIMES DO YOU KNOW HOW GODDAMN HAPPY THAT MAKES ME?! REALLY REALLY HAPPY! Not because I don't like sexy times but because they're amazing even without them and it's LUCHEN and you wrote them all snuggles and in love and wonderful and ugh
SO MUCH LOVE for this fic!! I think snuggly Jongdae is one of my favorite things in the world!!! I adore smut, but this was such a lovely story with it simply ending in kisses and cuddles!
Comments 7
i'm not sure if i've ever commented on your stories before????
but i wanted to tell you that you're my favorite fic author and everything you write is gold and i just //breathes deeply
this fic is lovely
you are lovely
and perfectly luchen
i can definitely see lu han going from pissy and tired to very very interested and okay with the current proceedings in a very short period lmao
loved this!
/covers ears in preparation for lonio screaming
This was a complete surprise and I had no idea you were doing this and I'm literally a stupid happy smiling obnoxiously and whimpering mess right now.
YOU WROTE THEM WITH NO SEXY TIMES DO YOU KNOW HOW GODDAMN HAPPY THAT MAKES ME?! REALLY REALLY HAPPY! Not because I don't like sexy times but because they're amazing even without them and it's LUCHEN and you wrote them all snuggles and in love and wonderful and ugh
*lies down on top of you in prostration of love*
I love you. thank you. love. <3
Luchen. ♥
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