fic: i'm alright (i just forget you all the time)

Sep 25, 2012 14:22

Title:  i'm alright (i just forget you all the time)
Fandom:  The Social Network
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Warnings: heavy angst, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, fleeting suicidal thoughts, a minor incident involving physical abuse by an OMC, and sex
Word Count:  27,500
Summary:  "He can't help but think to himself that, no matter ( Read more... )

pairing: eduardo/mark, length: 20k-30k, round 3, type: post depositions, rating: nc-17

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Comments 4

lagreyeyes September 30 2012, 20:42:52 UTC
This was lovely and real. Can relate more than a bit to your Broken!Eduardo's, erm, issues. (They're thankfully now firmly in the past.) Thanks for a great fic!


serenatechair October 1 2012, 00:26:05 UTC
Wow, I can't tell you how much it means to me that someone who can relate to the situations in this found it real. Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


lagreyeyes October 3 2012, 01:32:51 UTC
Speaking as a generally "sunny" person, flirting with one's darker side, especially when hidden insecurities are roused, can easily become a way of life. And that's all I'll say about that. But, yeah, you nailed it. *g*

Now that I see you've written more fics, I'll have to check them out - hope you don't mind if I friend you. Cheers! ;-)


serenatechair October 3 2012, 15:03:35 UTC
I don't mind at all! I hope you enjoy them. Thank you so much! :)


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