fic: i'm alright (i just forget you all the time)

Sep 25, 2012 14:22

Title:  i'm alright (i just forget you all the time)
Fandom:  The Social Network
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Warnings: heavy angst, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, fleeting suicidal thoughts, a minor incident involving physical abuse by an OMC, and sex
Word Count:  27,500
Summary:  "He can't help but think to himself that, no matter what Dustin claims in his typical dramatic, theatrical manner, this isn't a love story.  Maybe it's more of a growth story.  Maybe it's Eduardo's growth story--his journey, about how he went from the worst place he's ever been to the best one imaginable."  Or, after the depositions when Eduardo is at his lowest, the person to help him is the one he least expected.  
Notes:  All inspiration for this prompt comes from a tsn_springfest prompt that was never filled.  And needed to be filled, on the grounds of science and my own survival.  I won't say much else, except please don't let the warnings scare you away.  It's pretty angsty in the first half, but you all know I'm a big old sap; the second half sort of melts into a warm and fuzzy pile of fluff.  :)  Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!  P.S.  Eternal love to the best beta in the universe, Violet.


ART + FANMIX by the lovely, wonderful, flawlessam41.  (HERE HAVE A PREVIEW IT'S SO GORGEOUS AND THERE'S MORE AT THE LINK!)


pairing: eduardo/mark, length: 20k-30k, round 3, type: post depositions, rating: nc-17

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