I'm quick on the trigger with targets not much bigger than a pen point, I'm number one. [Closed]

Sep 29, 2010 13:17

Characters:Othar Tryggvassen, Hojo, Ariane Emory (later)
Content: Othar is roaming around the ship hunting for ghosts. With a gun! Because of course you can kill ghosts with guns!
Setting: The deck of the Amestris, near the very big windows with very breakable windowpanes
Time: Mid-morning of Sept 29th
Warnings: Guns, probable violence, lots of shouting, perhaps some gleeful maniacal laughter and Scientists bonding over a mutual nuisance.

It was a glorious day to be Othar Tryggvassen, GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER! Few things in life were better than patrolling through an airship on a quest, and Othar was very glad to be able to be doing something. Gentlemen Adventurers were not good at being bored.

So of course when this whole ghost business had come out of nowhere, Othar was very quick to offer his services and lend a hand exterminating them! (Nevermind that he'd never seen a ghost, and in fact couldn't see them. That was entirely beside the point.) He had plenty of experience in being the Hero!™ And that was all that was needed. Besides, the whole 'ghost' business was obviously the work of some nefarious Spark out to control the world!

His gun was drawn, his ire was raised, and he was determined to save his crewmates from Certain Ghostly Doom at the hand of Dastardly Geniuses!™

ariane emory, joseph hojo, othar tryggvassen

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