Characters: Anyone on Serenity.
Content: Rikku made a huge mistake and now a potent gas is escaping through Serenity's below decks, unless you're in the cargo and kitchen
Setting: Serenity
Time: Anyitme
Warnings: Dude, Serenity's high. Who the hell knows? XD
Up in the atmosphere~! Let's all go fly a kite~ )
Comments 203
But something stopped him. You see, high people were so fun to mess with. They often did and said hilarious things.
And Low Key didn't want to miss it.
Which was why he was still inside the ship, a kerchief tied over the lower half of his face (for all the good it would do; the gas would affect him, same as anyone else) and walking around the hallways.
He spotted little Miss Walters. Prim little Miss Walters, running around barefoot with her hair down and top undone, talking about a bird. "It flew that way," Low Key told her, pointing down the hallway that led to the trash-room.
"What? What was I looking for?"
She leaned against the wall, smiling as she noticed that he was wearing a handkerchief over his face. Why did he have that? Jennifer reached up and pulled it down, and leaned up, wrapping her arms around his neck. He was so delightfully tall.
And thus, for no reason at all, she pressed her mouth against his.
"Me, I'd say," he whispered, breaking the kiss but leaving only a couple of inches between their lips. Low Key's skin would be unusually warm to the touch, feeling almost feverish, and he smelled like smoke from an open fire. He was no stranger whatsoever to women.
After making sure he hadn't been drinking anything crazy-strong or anything, Reno left his room to find...anyone, really. Maybe this time he'd go to the infirmary on his own or something. Maybe.
Toward the end of the hallway, a familiar figure stumbled into the closest wall, looking rather disoriented. This was, in fact, one Shinji Hirako. And boy did he not know where he was going. The fuzziness had kicked in minutes ago, keeping him from not walking into everything that appeared in front of him. He was also not appreciating the fact that somewhere, on some part of the ship he couldn't pinpoint, there was the very constant, very annoying, drone of something barking.
"Will someone shut that damn dog up?!" the reedy little blonde shouted rather helplessly, his grip slipping from the wall. Motherfucker. Good thing it felt soft like a cushion. Soft...
Reno stumbled in the general direction of his voice. "Shinji? Where the hell are you?" he demanded, trying not to run into a melting wall. "Something ain't right, yo."
Had Shinji been a dog himself, his ears might have perked at the sound of the redhead's voice with recognition. He could see relatively clearly enough, at least so much that he could make out Reno's approaching figure. The closer the other came, the more he looked like a walking matchstick with that flaming red hair. Was he always that long and skinny?
"Tell me about it," he groaned aloud as he smoothed that hand further along what he perceived to be a cushion-y wall. "Why's... the world spinnin' so damn much?" The answer to that was: from moving too fast down the corridors, but Reno wouldn't have known that yet.
Apparently, Paine was on her way. That was cool. She could see the show!
Paine was most certainly on her way over to Rikku's cabin -- why wouldn't she be, after hearing the explosion? The blonde girl hadn't sounded injured, but there was a good chance she was dazed and confused. Though she didn't want to admit it herself, Rikku had become what one could have considered a friend -- and she used that term loosely. Blondie still got on her nerves from time to time; that would never change.
The closer she hurried down the corridor, the more her eyes seemed to water. Something obviously wasn't right, but she couldn't figure out what. Something definitely didn't feel right by the time Paine reached the threshold of her friend's doorway with bright lights invading her vision, like the path to heaven was just up ahead ( ... )
If Paine was hoping for any intelligent conversation, she was out of luck.
To everyone's shock, Paine didn't shove the girl off, even if in the back of her mind, the thought did briefly occur to her. Briefly. Somewhere, 'what the hell' hovered around to keep 'don't let her cling; she'll never let go' company inside of that fuzzy head of hers.
No, instead, she hooked one arm around Rikku's midsection so she wouldn't flop all over like a dead fish and hauled her up into a mostly upright position. Their faces should have been uncomfortably close together, but there wasn't much sense to care at that point.
"They're..." Pause. "Bright." And that was all she could contribute.
And then there were pandas. Pink pandas, little pandas, flying pandas, round pandas and square pandas. Lots and lots of panda.
Then he spotted a figure slumped against the wall. He crouched in front of him with his head cocked to the side and just stared.
Can't focus...
He grunted a protest that had been a little more eloquent in his head (maybe) as the footsteps stopped and he felt the person crouch in front of him. Annoying.
Neji raised his hand to his head again and silvery eyes slit open in a tentative attempt to gauge whether or not the world had finally stopped. It was hard to tell, since he was wondering if he wasn't the one spinning instead even as the wall behind him told him otherwise.
Long hair, an angled face, feminine-looking and staring at him. Neji drew his legs to himself- a little defensive as his personal space felt crowded- and his voice echoed the one groggy phrase that was running through his brain.
"Go away, please."
As if not hearing him at all, Ryuuki stretched out a hand and asked, "Are you a panda too?"
It didn't matter that the person didn't really look like a panda. After all, he had just been talking to a magenta panda not too long ago. If pandas could be magenta, why not human-shaped?
...he smelled something. He turned to see if he could tell where it was coming from, and as he turned everything went fuzzy around the edges. He blinked a few times, and he could feel the floor underneath him go soft. He took a step, and everything swayed when he moved.
That wasn't right. He stopped, pressing himself against the wall (which had an amazing texture), and he let out a groan. Oh, he knew this feeling. He knew it well. You see, the problem with being a scientist on the run was that you never really had a proper lab- with test animals. No, you only had yourself. Which he had used, to varying degrees of success. Sometimes his experiments did nothing, but other times...
...he let out a chuckle, and then another one followed. Where was Yoruichi when you needed her? He stepped away from the wall, surprisingly steady on his sandals, but crooned down the hall.
"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty~~~~"
He took in a gasp. "I're very pretty, you know that?" And he shook his head, trying to focus. "I seem to be under the influence. I didn't eat anything funny, and I wasn't doing things with mana crystals again, don't worry. I'm...I'm fine." And he blinked hard a few times. It was getting really hard to keep from babbling.
He looked at her again, blinking owlishly, and then took a few steps forward. She was really pretty today. Well, she was every day but today more so, and he smiled.
"Yoru~ You're so pretty. pretty, you know?"
And then the smile faded and he looked over at her, his face completely serious.
"Currents. With the batteries. If I could generate one that could recycle itself..."
He was having a stroke. Of genius.
But she had to stay focused! She was under the influence too, not as much as him it seemed, but clearly compromised. Try and figure out what the effects are, she told herself. Keep your mind clear even if your senses are starting to go. She could feel herself remembering just how attractive Urahara was and how much she wanted to drag him back to her quarters and have her way with him all night long but she managed to restrain herself.
You can do that later, she told herself. Right now, you have a task...what was it again?
"Right now, we have to get away. Away from Rikku's room and towards higher ground."
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