Characters: Anyone on Serenity.
Content: Rikku made a huge mistake and now a potent gas is escaping through Serenity's below decks, unless you're in the cargo and kitchen
Setting: Serenity
Time: Anyitme
Warnings: Dude, Serenity's high. Who the hell knows? XD
Up in the atmosphere~! Let's all go fly a kite~ )
And then there were pandas. Pink pandas, little pandas, flying pandas, round pandas and square pandas. Lots and lots of panda.
Then he spotted a figure slumped against the wall. He crouched in front of him with his head cocked to the side and just stared.
Can't focus...
He grunted a protest that had been a little more eloquent in his head (maybe) as the footsteps stopped and he felt the person crouch in front of him. Annoying.
Neji raised his hand to his head again and silvery eyes slit open in a tentative attempt to gauge whether or not the world had finally stopped. It was hard to tell, since he was wondering if he wasn't the one spinning instead even as the wall behind him told him otherwise.
Long hair, an angled face, feminine-looking and staring at him. Neji drew his legs to himself- a little defensive as his personal space felt crowded- and his voice echoed the one groggy phrase that was running through his brain.
"Go away, please."
As if not hearing him at all, Ryuuki stretched out a hand and asked, "Are you a panda too?"
It didn't matter that the person didn't really look like a panda. After all, he had just been talking to a magenta panda not too long ago. If pandas could be magenta, why not human-shaped?
He frowned, thinking that one over, eyebrows creasing in utmost concentration as he attempted to decide whether or not he resembled the animal. It was a fair question, given that he seemed to be wearing black and white. Pandas were furry though, weren't they? And had black eyes. His eyes weren't black.
"," he said eventually, still managing to sound relatively uncertain despite his own assessment. Then, because he decided it mattered and was important to know he asked, "Are you?"
He tilted his head to one side thoughtfully.
"I dunno." He answered finally, "How do you know if you're a panda or not, Mr. Not-a-Panda?"
A pause, some consideration, and he sounded thoughtful. "Maybe you should get checked. There's an infirmary here..." Though he couldn't remember where at the moment. Displeasure settled and the world promptly stopped spinning and shown in sharp contrast. Neji settled back, pleased with himself until he noticed something.
"You're black and white." He observed. And so was everything else, but that was far from the point.
He missed the suggestion about the infirmary because a fist-sized flying panda flew by in front of his face. It waved, and Ryuuki cheerfully waved back.
"Am not." He hadn't put his hair up today, so it was easy to pull a lock forward and dangle it in Mr. Not-a-Panda's face, "See?"
"No, you are." He insisted- a little grumpy someone would contradict what he saw. He saw everything- more than a lot of people. "My eyes are different than yours."
"Am not. And it's only different 'cause someone forgot to colour them." He nodded sagely.
Then, as quick as his current state of mind would allow it (which, admittedly, wasn't all that quick), he had an Idea.
"Maybe," He said, letting go of the piece of hair he had been dangling in Mr. Not-a-Panda's face, "You can't see colour!"
Was it because no one put colour in his eyes?
He reached out to touch the side of the other's face.
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